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The Chrysler Building is symbolizing the romance of the period. Without its decoration, it’s typical of late 1920’s commercial architecture. During its construction, it was having grown at a rate roughly four and a half stories per week (figure 4).

Figure 4: The construction of the Chrysler Building

The Chrysler Building is also an emblem of the Chrysler automobile, a personal project of automobile tycoon Walter P. Chrysler. The body of the building itself had been built in white brick with gray brick ornamental trim and lines which emphasizes both the towering vertical and the jazzy contrasting horizontal elements. The theatrical and fantastic design of the Chrysler building encourages an emotional response. It reflects the optimistic and dramatic mood of Art Deco.

The structure of the building raises 77 stories (figure 5). The measurement of the building is one thousand and forty six feet high from the bottom until the spire on the top. The structure incorporates around 30,000 tons of steel. It has around 4 million bricks and almost 5000 windows. Construction proceeded rapidly; foundations to a depth of 69 feet were completed early in 1929, and the steel framework was completed by the end of September of that year. The building was designed as a testament to the accomplishments of the Chrysler automobile Corporation.




Figure 5: The Chrysler Building

Date: 2015-01-11; view: 1009

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