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Historical types of political culture in Kazakhstan

Lecture 4

Political traditions: leadership, democracy, judicial, unwritten practices and norms. Recruitment traditions- batyrs. Public recognition and rewards, tutelage, status and prestige. Problems of formal and informal leadership. Heroism.

The origin of the political traditions and cultural practices on the territory of Kazakhstan originate in the nomadic lifestyle, and can be traced back from the first state formations (tribal confederations, chiefdoms and empires) created in Euriasa – from the Skythian times onwards. Each period brought innovations, but rested on the nomadic line.

That can be seen at the interpretation of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted after 1991 – coat of arms, emblem, banner. National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a picture of a shanyrak (the cupola of a yurta) on a blue background, from which uyks (body bracket) like sunrays are being radiated in framing of wings of mythical horses. At the bottom of the emblem there is an inscription Kazakhstan. In color picture the National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan are of two colors: golden and blue-and-sky-blue.

This is the hearth, integrity of the world, symbol of the fundamental principle of the state - family.

Winged tulpar is an image of immortality, endless development and spiritual wealth of the people living in Kazakhstan under the common shanyrak. Tulpar is a symbol of maintenance of the sovereign Kazakhstan system. Winged tulpar is a flight, dream, and young generation, which always offer hope.

The five-pointed star crowns the emblem. Each person has his own, guiding star. The government should also have such a star.

The authors of the National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan are the architects Shota Ualikhanov and Zhandarbek Malibekov.

National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a piece of right-angled cloth of sky-blue colour with a picture of the sun with rays in the center, under them - a soaring steppe eagle. The flagstaff has vertical line with national ornament. The picture of the sun, its rays, eagle and ornament are of golden colour. Width/length ratio of the flag is 1:2.

Monochrome blue of the National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan reflects not only the commitment to unity, but also reminds of cloudless sky, which was always the embodiment of peace, tranquility and prosperity for all nations.


In the language of heraldry the blue color, its shades correspond to such human qualities as honesty, loyalty, hope. Golden sun bathing in its rays, represents peace and wealth, and the steppe eagle - generosity and insight, height of the intentions of kazakhstani people.

The author of the National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an artist Shaken Niyazbekov


National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Text: Nursultan Nazarbayev, Zhumeken Nazhimedenov
Composer: Shamshi Kaldayakov
Sky of golden sun,

Steppe of golden seed,

Legend of courage -

Take a look at my country!

From the antiquity

Our heroic glory emerged,

They did not give up their pride

My Kazakh people are strong!


My country, my country,

As your flower I will be planted,

As your song I will stream, my country!

My native land – My Kazakhstan!

The way was opened to the posterity

I have a vast land.

Its unity is proper,

I have an independent country.

It welcomed the time

Like an eternal friend,

Our country is happy,

Such is our country.


The ideology of Kazakh nationalism was developed in the colonial times by the founders of the first political party –Alash-Orda.


From M.Dulatov’s poem “Awaken, Kazakh!” (1909)

Open your eyes, Kazakh, raise your head,

Do not spend your years in darkness,

You lost your land, and religion, and became infidel,

My Kazakhs, now it is not the time to be idle and sleep.

Political culture is the traditional orientation of the citizens of a nation toward politics, affecting their perceptions of political legitimacy

Political culture is how we think government should be carried out. It is different from ideology because people can disagree on ideology, but still have a common political culture.

Political scientist Sidney Verba, describes political culture as a "system of empirical beliefs, expressive symbols, and values, which defines the situation in which political action takes place."

According to their level and type of political participation and the nature of people's attitudes toward politics, Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba outlined 3 pure types of political culture:

Parochial- Where citizens are only remotely aware of the presence of central government, and live their lives near enough regardless of the decisions taken by the state. Distant and unaware of political phenomena. He has neither knowledge or interest in politics. In general congruent with a traditional political structure.

Where citizens are aware of central government, and are heavily subjected to its decisions with little scope for dissent. The individual is aware of politics, its actors and institutions. It is affectively oriented towards politics, yet he is on the "downward flow" side of the politics. In general congruent with a centralized authoritarian structure.

Citizens are able to influence the government in various ways and they are affected by it. The individual is oriented toward the system as a whole, to both the political and administrative structures and processes (to both the input and output aspects). In general congruent with a democratic political structure.

These three 'pure' types of political culture can combine to create the 'civic culture', which mixes the best elements of each

Historical types of political culture in Kazakhstan

1) nomadic – Turkic, Mongol and post-Mongol – Kazakh khanate

2) religious – Islamic and Russian colonial administration

3) secular – partially Russian colonial and soviet communist

4) modern day – building of civic culture on historical experience and best models in world politics

Structure of power in nomadic societies centered around the property on cattle

Relations around property genetically are traced back to the need to protect an organism from external threats- establishment of control over resources for reproduction.

Power is the system of regulating complex relations around property rights- appropriation, control, maintenance, distribution, and coordination of interests between various groups for maintenance and effective development of the community.

Thus, power structure is a system of regulatory mechanisms in the society.

M.Weber gave 3 basic types of power: 1) traditional; 2) bureaucratic, 3) charismatic.

In nomadic societies all were present at different stages of their evolutionary development.

Social organization of nomadic societies was a complex hierarchical multi-level system. Its lower levels were based on real blood and economic ties; the higher levels – on imagined (artificial) genealogical relations, and labor division and cooperation.

The highest levels of nomadic social-political organizations- tribal alliances, and chiefdoms.

They were unstable, fluctuated, their composition was volatile, and administration system was decentralized.

Major characteristic of nomadic civilization reflected in political culture:

1) stability systems for a long time

2) extension in time and space

3) uniqueness of historical development

4) ethnocentrism with extreme of selected choice of one ethnic group

5) ethno-cultural hybridism- cultural pluralism

6) heteronomic algorithm of social-cultural life

7) original cultural concepts

8) ethno-cultural expansionism

9) creation of cultural linkages through dynasties and spirit- spirit of ancestors, fathers, Gengizkhan.


Origin: 1) charisma, vision of historical mission, divine protection, legalization through rituals and ideology, reserved right for one clan to dominate politics- Ashina.

2) evolution – rise of Ashina and Ashina-centred tribal aristocracy, Chinese influence, erosion and eventual degradation, loss of Ashina clan supremacy, rise of competing clans for power- Uigur, Turgesh, Kyrgyz, Karakhanid

3) nature- nomadic culture and way of living


Interpret the Kul-Tegin words on the origin of the political power as a compromise of the heavenly forces (cosmos, gods and goddesses, great spirits of nature, ancestors) and earthly (compromise between the clans and the established dominance of one clan):

When the blue Heaven above and the brown Earth below were created,
Between the two the child of Man was created.
Above the children of Man were seated my ancestor and my Father,
Bumin Qaghan and Istemi Qaghan.
Enthroned, they managed and directed the state and law of the Türk people.
The four directions held many enemies…

The Turkiclegacy in political traditions can be summed up as follows:

1) supreme title- kagan- transformed in khan

2) sacred character of political power – from God Tengri, Turkic version of Mandate of Heaven

3) rituals of inauguration, enthronement, symbols of power

4) rights and privileges of aristocracy- decision making, self-rule

5) citizenship - people united by common fate (will of Tengri) and mission, guided by one leader – common denomination for people –Turk, and country- El

6)democracy- form of protest- migration

7) imperial mentality and ambitions of rulers and people

8) political terminology

9) legends and myths on the origin of political power and rulers


Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1594

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