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Subjunctive I is used in a simple sentence and in the principle clause of a complex conditional one.

Subjunctive II is used in the subordinate clause only.


1. What is the Subjunctive Mood?

2. What Subjunctive moods do we distinguish in Modern English?

3. When is the Subjunctive I used ?

4. When is the Subjunctive II used ?

5. How do we form the Subjunctive I for Present and Future (for Past)?

6. How do we form the Subjunctive II for Present and Future (for Past)?

1. State the mood of the verbs, translate the sentences into Ukrainian.1. If my sister comes earlier, she will help you, 2. Where did you work during your holidays? 3. This article deals with a dialogue between states at the highest level. 4. After finishing his work he went to bed. 5. I haven't listened to the latest news yet. 6. What is the weather like today? How is the weather today? 7. I never thought that he would be (get, become) so interested in music. 8. We should be very glad if he came to see us. 9. You must (should, have to) excuse my not answering you earlier. 10. When he reads this article he will give it to you, won't he? 11. Didn't you know that he wouldn't come? 12. I heard the door open and saw somebody enter the room. 13. If you promise not to be late, I will let you go for a walk. 14. How old is your father? 15. He is fond of reading fiction. 16. Where were you born? 17. I hope that our school team will win the game next Sunday. 18. We had passed many (a lot of) exami­nations by the time we finished school. 19. When Nina came into he classroom, I was answering the teacher's question. 20. Thank you for coming to our meeting. 21. We heard the town clock strike 10. 22. She knows when we shall come. 23. A new model of car will soon appear on the country's roads. 24. When he came we discussed our plans. 25. If he had come yesterday we should have discussed our plans. 26. He has an interesting magazine on his table. 27. There is an interesting magazine on the table. 28. A theatre is in the centre of the city. 29. There is a theatre in the centre of the city. 30. Which floor is your flat on? 31. Have you ever been to London? 32. It took me two hours to translate this article. 33. What kind of books do you like reading? 34. When do you usually get home? 35. They are going to leave for Moscow at the week-end. 36. She gets back (comes back) late on Mondays. 37. I heard this tune on the radio. 38. We listen to the radio in the evenings. 39. Have you seen the doctor yet? 40. They had a good time (enjoyed them­selves) on Sunday. 41. They were out all day and all night (24 hours). 42. We'd like to watch interesting programs on TV. 43. He watches TV every day. 44. There is a piano to the left of the table. 45. It's a pity you can't join us. 46. I was listening to the radio when you rang the bell the first time, and that's why I didn't hear you. 47. It has been raining but it has stopped now. 48. We have lived in this house since 1972. 49. Normally he lives in London but at present he is living in Paris. 50. No one could (was able to) solve the problem. 51. May I smoke here? -Yes, you may. -No, you may not. 52. He asked me whether he might have today's newspaper. 53. Parents are proud of their children. 54. He stopped talking when we came in. 55. Where did you have your hair cut? 56. He made them tell him the truth. 57. It has been raining for two hours. 58. He was the first to come. 59. The plan has been discussed for two hours. 60. The train will have left by the time the group comes to the station. 61. We had finished our work when my friend came. 62. I have known him since childhood. 63. He went abroad and I have not seen him since. 64. Don't you know this rule? 65. Can't we meet them? 66. We have not seen this film yet. 67.I was translating the article when somebody knocked at the door. 68. This time tomorrow he will be listening to the radio. 69. It seldom rains here. 70. If my brother is sleeping when I phone, wake him up, please. 71. What was she promised? 72. They arrived the other day? 73. I can hear your voice well now. 74. He did not see him yesterday, did he? -Yes, he did. 75. This pupil knows German, doesn't he? -No, he doesn't. 76. If I had more free time now, I would read the novel you gave me yesterday. 77. When I have time, I go to the Dnieper. 78. If I had had more free time then, I would have read the magazine you gave me the day before yesterday. 79. May all your dreams come true!


Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1562

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Indirect statements are generally introduced by the verbs to say, to tell, to announce and in official style by the verb to inform. | 
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