| Social variation of the English language.Social language variation deals with different identities a person acquires participating in social structure. 1. Gender Issues. Sexism-is now a widespread awareness of the way in which language displays (directly or indirectly) social attitudes towards men and women. The criticisms have been mainly directed at the bases built into English vocabulary and grammar which reflect a traditionally male-oriented view of the world that reinforces the low status of women in society. Thus, gender issues have become pan and parcel of the problem of political correctness.It means that one should avoid using language which might be interpreted as offensive especially to groups of people who are considered to be disadvantaged or oppressed. Besides sex. the most sensitive domains where linguisiic discrimination can be observed are to do with race. age. ecology, and physical or menial personal development.In vocabulary, attention has been focused on the replacement of male’ words with a generic meaning by neutral items, for example. chairman becomes chair îň chairperson, salesman — sales assistant. In certain cases, such as job descriptions, the use of sexually neutral language has become a legal requirement.
Critical discourse analysis examines the interaction between language and social structures, how social structures are constituted by linguistic interaction. It aims to provide accounts of the production, internal structure, and overall organization of texts, to investigate the sociopolitical and cultural presuppositions and implications of discourse. The second approach Cultural practice theory examines members’ everyday lived experiences as a whole to demonstrate how they constitute gender ideologies. 2. Occupational Varieties. The term 'occupational dialect' has long been used for the distinctive language associated with a particular way of earning a living. However, such varieties are not like regional or class dialects. Features of language which identify a person's geographical or social origin, once established, tend not to vary, unless affected by major currents of language change. Religious English is a variety in which all aspects of structure are implicated. There is a unique phonological identity in such genres as spoken prayers, sermons, chants, and litanies, including the unusual case of unison speech. Legal English has a great deal in common with Religious English as it shares with religion a respect for ritual and tradition. This variety of language is so specific that it can hardly be applicable to individual circumstances. A great deal of Legal English lexical and stylistic peculiarities, its distance from everyday usage, can be explained by its origins.(alibi) News Media English is a variety that includes newspaper language, radio language, and television language. The most striking features of Advertising English can be observed in commercial advertising. It uses deviant graphology, and strong sound effects, such as rhythm, alliteration, and rhyme.
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 4359