| IV, Correct the following statements.1. One fine morning early in May Mr. Wilson, a tall, well-built man with a worn gloomy face, stopped in the shadow of a big tree to read an advertisement for the sale of a farm.
2. The advertisement said that a white master was offering for sale a mulatto six feet in height, a very intelligent fellow who spoke wonderfully, and could read and write. The master wanted four hundred dollars for the mulatto.
3, After reading the advertisement Mr. Wilson walked away with an indifferent air, saying the offer was of no interest to him as he had neither met the master nor the mulatto.
4. At that moment a white gentleman dressed in the latest fashion walked up to the place, and without taking much notice either of the advertisement or of Mr. Wilson, passed on into the hotel.
5. Mr. Wilson hardly looked at the newcomer, who was clearly a complete stranger to him. After a few minutes' silence, however, he followed the newcomer into the hotel and, feeling lonely there, started a conversation with him.
6. They had a very short conversation in which George never touched on his past Mr. Wilson found George quite unchanged and wondered how he could dare to take that step. Thinking this, he left the room without even shaking the young man's hand.
V. Dramatize the following scenes from the text, using the words and expressions given below.
1. The guests of the hotel discussing the advertisement: to advertise, an advertisement, intelligent, reliable proof, to invent, valuable
2. George speaking to Mr. Wilson: I beg your pardon, in private, the laws, to risk, to treat, to do well, to admit, beyond recognition
VI. Characterize, using the words in brackets.
George (good-looking, tall, well-built, honest, reliable, a sense of responsibility, strong-willed, intelligent, by nature, to have the courage, not to give in, not to be able to remain indifferent, to risk one's life, to prefer)
Mr. Wilson (short, stout, well-dressed, features, plain, short-sighted, to wear glasses, shy, awkward, frank, honest, pleasant to deal with, to treat, in a friendly way)
George's former master (cruel by nature, unpleasant to deal with, to treat, to look upon ... as, to be indifferent, to make profit, to make money out of, dishonest)
(by Nigel Balchin)
Nigel Balchin, a modern English writer, was born in 1908. He is the author of several novels, stones and screen-scripts.
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