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The Fees Rebel Ruling Cambridge

Alison Richard squeals when I ask about a photograph chat apparently shows her scrambling onto the bonnet of Har­old Wilson's car. The year was 1967 and she was a young anthropology student at Newnham College, Cambridge, taking part in a demonstration against involvement in the Vietnam war. The then prime minister was on a visit to the city.

"That wasn't me! I never wore an anorak with a hood. I had long, dark hair. That's a man in that photo... And I wasn't the first onto that car – I wasn't that radical," she protests.

In October Professor Richard, 54, start­ed her job as the first female vice-chancellor with full executive powers in Cambridge's history.

Perhaps surprisingly, she recently re­vealed details of her protester's past to the university newsletter; fondly reminiscing about a policeman carefully grabbing her knees, lowering her from die car and put­ting her on die pavement.

She may have become pan of the Es­tablishment but the radical bent of die Kent-born academic remains. While many vice-chancellors are champing at die bit to start charging students tuition fees of up to £3,000 a year, Richard – who took a pay cut from her previous job as provost at Yale to come to Cambridge – is more cautious. She won't support the government's pro­posal right now, although Yale charges a lot more – around £24,000 for a degree.

Her bottom line is that if charging higher fees stops poor students coming to Cam­bridge then she won’t agree that the univer­sity should do it. But she could be persuaded if the university can afford to coyer me fees of all poor students with a bursary scheme.

So, one of the first tasks she has set her­self is to work out whether Cambridge can afford a bursary scheme that would pay for every single bright student who is offered a place but would otherwise lack the money to come.

Richard acknowledges that a lot more money needs to find its way into the uni­versity coffers if Cambridge - with a deficit of £10m — is to remain a "great" university. She wants to pay dons more, too, saying aca­demic life is "too close to a vow of poverty". But charging students and their families three times as much as they pay now for a degree course may not be the best way forward.

"It is a moral imperative that this uni­versity should be open to everyone, regard­less of their ability to pay," she insists.

Somewhere in a Cambridge backroom computers are silently doing the sums. How much does the university already pay for bursaries? How many students will need them? And what if the sums don't add up? "We will have to rethink."

You get the feeling that near the top of her to-do list is making sure that Cambridge carries on being the "social escalator" she says, it has been in the past few years - offering children from modest backgrounds and me­diocre schools the route to a glittering life.

So what then about the question all universities are being posed: should Cam­bridge make lower admissions offers to such students than it makes to pupils who have been tutored at some of the country's top private schools?

Richard neatly sidesteps that one, though she does admit that there is an "intense" de­bate about admissions going on within the colleges. Last year, she points out, there were three times more applicants with three As at A-level than Cambridge had places for.

While A-levels will remain an "impor­tant" part of how dons choose students, she says the colleges are discussing "what other pieces of information might be use­fully added to a student's file so that we can take every opportunity to assess a student’s talents". Nonetheless, she says "academic excellence" will remain the main criterion for entry in any new admissions system.

The Cambridge tradition of interview­ing most candidates, she predicts, will stay — despite criticism of its objectivity. But she is skeptical about US-style Scholastic Aptitude Tests (Sats), which are supposed to measure natural talent but for which students can be coached. Cambridge is piloting its own version of Sats but the Thinking Skills Asses­sment is still under review, being mailed on sixth-formers and first-year undergraduates.

Sian Griffiths

/The Sunday Times, Dec., 1995/


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