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Listen to the memories again and say whether these sentences are True or False.

1. The author studied at the mixed-sex Catholic school.

2. It was a good school, strict but still good.

3. Many of the teachers there had hearts of gold.

4. She was quiet and shy and wasn't very academic.

5. She was praised for her music and dancing classes.

6. She didn't trust other students.

7. She had clear plans on what she was going to do after fin­ishing school.

8. She didn't like music classes.

9. She did well in her final exams.

10. Her parents thought it was enough to try her best.

11. She left school at 16.

12. After school she studied at a Technical and Further Educa­tion College.

13. She enjoys life very much now.

A) Discuss with your partner why the girl was unhappy at school.

b) Complete the sentence: "The girl would have been happier at school if ..." Find as many ideas as possible.

Write about your school years.


Communicative area: writing an essay Active vocabulary: goal, to set a goal

A) Read the quotations and say what the words in bold mean.

1. Fear melts when you take action towards a goal you really want. Robert G. Allen

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2. People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine. Brian Tracv

3. If what you are doing is notmoving you towards your goals, then it'smoving you away from your goals. Brian Tracy

4. What matters is where you want to go. Fo­cus in the right direction! Donald Trump

5. The big secret in life is that there is no big se­cret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work. Qphar Winnfrev

6. When you set goals, something inside of you starts saying, "Let's go, let's go," and ceilings start to move up. Zig Ziglar

7. Unless you have a definite, clearly set goals, you are not going to realize the maximum poten­tial that lies within you. Zig Ziglar

8. You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal. Zig Ziglar

9. This one step - choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything. Scott Reed

10. Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destina­tion. Fitzhugh Dodson

11. If you don't know where you are going, you'll probably end up somewhere else. Lewis Carroll

B) Answer the questions.

1. What would you like to do after finishing school?

2. Do you have clear goals for the future? Are they easy to ac­complish?

3. What do you think is most important for you?

2. a) Read the essay and say what goals the author has. Which of these goals do you think are most important / least important?

graduate verb 1. oKaHHHBaTb Bbicmee yneSHoe 3aBe«eHHe (Br.), 2. OKaHHHBaTb juo6oe yneSHoe 3aBe,a;eHHe (Am.) GPA ot grade point average cpe^HHH Sajiji (b uiKOJie, yHHBepcHTeTe)

scholarship noun 1. financial aid provided for a student (Br), 2. the position of a student who gains this financial aid

Goals in Life

High school is a very important time in a person's life. It's the time to set goals. We not only set goals, but set out to find their solutions. My first goal, in no particular order, is to be­come a good athlete. My second goal is to be a good student and graduate from high school, with a 3.0 GPA. There's another goal, but I am saving it for later. My goals sound simple, but not as easy to achieve.

Sports are fun, and may help count towards another goal in life. Though they are fun you need to work hard to become good at them. There is a chance that one day I may be able to get a scholarship for college even though I haven't decided on a sport yet. I should have decided by the end of the year. Sports take up time, and sometimes are hard and burden­some, but it is all worth it in the end. Becoming an athlete is a goal of mine, but there are more important goals, such as my second.

Only being good at sport and not having an education it would be like owning a car, but without an engine inside. I want that engine; therefore I must get my education and maintain a high GPA. I could accomplish this by doing all my work (I am working on this at the time being). Also, not only doing my work, but doing it on time and as neat as I can get it (also work­ing on these two at the time being). My goal may also be accom­plished by paying attention in class (there are a lot of things to learn that school teaches us), and trying to do more listening and less talking. All of this will make a great recipe for at least a 3.0 GPA. Have you ever had to use a combination lock? If you

have, you know that there are three numbers you have to input. Well, the combination for my success in life is first education, then athletics, and last, but definitely not least, going to a four-year college. This is the perfect goal in life, besides the fact that my other two goals fit right in this category. Sports may help me get an athletic scholarship, which may make my parents happier, at least financially. The next goal is educa­tion, and you can't get an athletic scholarship if you don't have the grades. Even without sport you can still get an academic scholarship, but that takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice. During college I plan on majoring in psychology and becoming a psychologist.

The reason I want to become a psychologist is that I like to hear what people have to say and maybe help them. Ideally, I'd like to live in a city such as Los Angeles or New York. But first things first, I have to graduate from high school. These goals are pretty simple, but will be tough to accomplish. All I know is that I will make it.

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1557

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