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XV. Underline adjective - noun collocation which is NOT possible. Look at the example given.

1. A strong exam; a strong coffee; a strong cheese; a strong cigarette

2. A heavy smoker; heavy rain; heavy metal; a heavy problem

3. Hard work; hard eye; hard mistake; hard disk

4. High level; high speed; high score; high problem

5. Potential air; potential power; potential damage; potential customer

6. Real estate; real problem; real equipment; real world


XVI. a) Put the words given below into one of the column to make correct verb+noun collocations.

Problem, mess, homework, relationship, mistake, shopping, haircut, progress, business, money, profit, fortune

have do make

B) Make questions with these collocations according to the patterns. Ask each other.

Have you ever……………?

How often ……………….?

How much/many………...?

Why did you……………..?


XVII. a) Work in groups of 4 and give your definitions of the words “art”, “technology”, and “certainty”. Discuss them with the whole class. Compare your definitions with the ones given below.

b) Explain the statements and prove them using the definitions of the words “art”, “technology”, and “certainty”.

1. Science isn't Art

2. Science isn’t Technology

3. Science isn't Certainty


Art is the attempt to express an individual's feelings or ideas about something in a way that others find beautiful, graceful, or at least aesthetically satisfying. Art is almost always produced by individuals, because it has to have purity of expression that can only come from one person.

Technology is the application of knowledge to the practical aims of human life or to changing and manipulating the human environment. Technology includes the use of materials, tools, techniques, and sources of power to make life easier or more pleasant and work more productive.

Certaintyimplies a thorough consideration of evidence. Situation in which there is absolutely no doubt about which event will occur, and there is only one state of nature with 100% probability attached.


XVIII. The history of women in science is often a tale of unrecognized talent. In many cases, pioneering work was not taken seriously and the recognition they deserved arrived only many years later. Despite this, there are a handful of brilliant women scientists who have changed our lives:

Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)

Lise Meitner (1878 – 1968)

Jocelyn Bell (1943 -)

Marie Curie (1867 – 1934)

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin (1910 -1994)

Use the websites below to find out information about one of the person and present it to the rest of the class.







Planning and Conducting Experiments

No theory is acceptable in science unless it is confirmed by experiment. Thus, one of the critical skills required for any scientist and researcher is the ability to design and carry out successful experiments.

XIX. For designing an experiment you need special vocabulary. Complete the table with the words dealing with experiment conducting and planning.


Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1867

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III. Match the words from two columns A and B to make common collocations used in science and technology. Give their Ukrainian equivalents. | Technology and Science
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