IV. Vocabulary Building
A. Match each word in Column A with its meaning in Column B.
Column A Column B
1. attend a) words that hurt
2. afraid b) power
3. bullied c) control
4. verbal abuse d) ill-treated
5. target e) attack
6. dominate f) to be present
7. assault g) frightened
8. authority h) person to aim at
B. Match each word in Column A with its opposite meaning in Column B.
Column A Column B
1. increasing a) discourage
2. weaker b) same
3. different c) joy
4. result d) unattractive
5. unhappiness e) decreasing
6. encourage f) stronger
7. physical g) cause
8. charming h) mental
C. Choose the most appropriate words, provided in italics, to complete each of the sentences.
Misery extort taunts unpunished
1. The police caught the man who was trying to ___ money from the stallholder.
2. The overweight boy often faced the _____ of his classmates.
3. The Principal told the student that as it was his first wrongdoing, he would go ____.
4. Her friends told her jokes to help her get over her _____.
V. Read and Understand
A Circle the most suitable answer from the three possible answers provided.
1. Some children do not want to attend school because of _____.
a) difficult work b) fear of bullying c) fear of teachers.
2. Often bullies pick on those who are _____.
a) rich b) smaller than themselves c) dress well
3. Children who are bullied often do not report it because of _____.
a) fear of being teased b) fear of teachers c) fear of more bullying,
4 Many bullies escape punishment because _____.
a) they can be charming b) they are well-behaved c) the victims do not report them.
B Answer these questions in full sentences.
1. What are the two main forms of bullying?
2. What do psychologists say could be the cause of bullying?
3. What do schools do to deal with bullying?
VI. Pair Work. With your partner, first discuss your answers to the questions below. Then write out each of your answers in one or two sentences.
1. If bullying is a problem in your school, what do you think are the causes of it?
2. If bullying is not a problem in your school, why do you think your school is free from it?
3. Why do you think students are unwilling to report bullies?
4. What more can be done in your school to stop bullying?
VII. Spot the Error. In each sentence below, you will find the adverb. Underline the error and rewrite the sentence by using the correct adverb.
Sentence with error. The bully looked around quick for someone small in size.
Corrected sentence: The bully looked around quickly for someone small in size.
1. Bullies sometimes pick on those who behave different.
2. Bullies act unkind for many reasons.
3. Teachers tell children repeated to report bullying.
4. Bullies can escape unpunished as they can behave charming.
5. Children who are bullied often suffer silent.
VIII. Your View. The questions below ask for your opinion. Answer these questions.
1. Why do you think some people bully others?
2. What more can be done by schools to stop bullying?
3. If you saw someone bullying a weaker person, what would you do?
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 2285