Match the words with their definitions 1 application
| A to keep up or keep going, as an action or process
| 2 process
| B any fish or shellfish from the sea used for food
| 3 provide
| C the special use or purpose to which something is put
| 4 explore
| D any organism that exists by preying upon other organisms
| 5 seafood
| E the outer face, outside, or exterior boundary of a thing
| 6 sustain
| F to search into or examine thoroughly; question closely
| 7 surface
| G an animal, especially a nonhuman
| 8 probe
| H to supply or equip
| 9 creature
| I a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner
| 10 predator
| J to look into closely; examine
| 11 weapon
| K a small pond containing fish, often one in which edible fish are raised for commercial purposes
| 12 anti-inflammatory
| L any disease-producing agent, especially a virus, bacterium, or other microorganism
| 13 ointment
| M acting to reduce certain signs of inflammation
| 14 disinfectant
| N relating to a chemical salt, especially of sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc.
| 15 inland
| O a soft preparation, often medicated, for application to the skin
| 16 expand
| P anything used against victim
| 17 fishpond
| R to increase in extent, size, volume, scope, etc.
| 18 pathogen
| S situated in the interior part of a country or region
| 19 salinity
| T any chemical agent used chiefly on inanimate objects to destroy the growth of harmful organisms
Read the text again with the dictionary. Choose a, b, or c
1 Marine biotechnology provide goods and services by application of
A scientific and engineering principles
B engineering principles
C scientific principles
2 Marine biotechnology explores the oceans to develop
A new pharmaceutical drugs, chemical products, enzymes
B and other industrial products.
C all of them
3 The ocean is
A 70% of the earth’s surface
B less than 70% of the earth’s surface
C about 70% of the earth’s surface
4 Biological resources
A can be researched
B cannot be studied
C cannot be explored
5 in the 20 century scientists began to
A use the ocean for medicines.
B study the ocean for medicines
C try to use marine products for medicine
6 Some sea creatures have
A chemical weapons to get food
B chemical weapons to protect themselves
C chemical weapons to struggle with predators
7 Blood-clotting compound from cone snail is
A developing now
B developed now
C will be developed soon
8 “inland water” means
A water in the land
B water off the land
C lakes and rivers
9 In past aquaculture was done
A in ponds
B fishing reservoirs
C in fishing pools
Complete the sentences
a Marine biotechnology is ______________.
b To develop new pharmaceutical drugs, marine biotechnology ___________.
c Life appeared _______________.
d The most ancient forms of life appeared in _________.
e Extracts of marine organisms are ___________.
f Some sea creatures protect themselves from predators by _________.
g Scientists carried out research to explore these chemicals to __________.
h enzymes inhibitors are in clinical trials _________________.
i We can find protein in __________.
j Earlier fishery was developed in __________.
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1180