Alarm 29 Marker signal failure from encoderThe Marker signal (one pulse per revolution) is abnormal. The system will change
to random lubrication based on the remaining good signals. First check the
electrical connections in encoder terminal box and the connections to the ALCU control box. If no problems are found in the wiring or fuse, replace the encoder.
Alarm 30 -BCU pickup 1 failure
The two marker pickups mounted on the flywheel side of the engine gives one
pulse every one engine revolution. These signals are used by the BCU system
to determine the engine speed. The signals are also used by the MCU system to
monitor the signals and give alarm in case of signal failure.
Alarm number 30 indicates that BCU pickup # 1 is abnormal and alarm number
43 indicates that BCU pickup # 2 is abnormal.
If the Alpha lubricator system is running in BCU mode due to a MCU unit failure
the alarms for pickup failure can be found by observing the LED on the BCU by LEDs
The BCU system can be operated with only one pickup signal present.
Failure of one sensor is not critical and can be replaced when convenient.
The BCU pickups have a built-in indicator lamp which will flash once every one
engine revolution.
In case one of the pickup alarms is observed, first check that the light flashes in
the pickup. If not, check that there is 24 volt at terminals 1, 2 and 4-5 in the BCU
terminal box. If power is present at terminal 1 and 2 disconnect the sensor wire
connected to terminal # 3 (sensor # 1) or terminal # 6 (sensor # 2) and observe
if the light starts flashing. If yes the wiring from the sensor to the ALCU box is
shorted. If the indicator light still does not flash, replace the pickup
Check also gap between pickup an teeth of flywheel.
Sensor gap is to be adjusted to 3+0/–1 mm.
Alarm 31 Trigger signal failure from encoder
The trigger signals (1024 pulses per revolution) are abnormal. The system will
change to random lubrication based on the remaining good signals. First check
for loose connection and shorts in the encoder terminal box, as well as the wiring
to the ALCU control box.
If no problems are found in the wiring or fuse, replace the encoder.
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1724