RA and TA No-Bearing TrafficThe no-bearing RA and TA messages show on the ND when
TCAS loses the bearing of the RA or TA traffic. The bottom
directional antenna becomes an omnidirectional antenna when
the landing gear is down. When this happens, the bottom
antenna cannot find the bearing of the intruder traffic. The
bearing is NCD. Because of this, the no-bearing messages show on the ND.
If a TA becomes no-bearing traffic, an amber TA with the range, altitude, and vertical motion arrow shows on the ND. If an RA becomes no-bearing traffic, a red RA with the range, altitude, and vertical motion arrow shows on the ND. Only two nobearing traffics may show.

These are the two types of TCAS vertical resolution advisories that can show on the attitude indicator (AI):
· TCAS RA - down advisory
· TCAS RA - up advisory.
These symbols only show for an RA when:
· The function selector on the ATC control panel is in the TA/
RA position
· The TCAS communicates with threat airplanes that give their altitude. Description
The red advisories show on the attitude display. They tell the flight crew to avoid some pitch movements.
The flight crew uses the advisories to avoid a possible collision with threat airplanes.

Aural advisory messages occur during these conditions:
· Traffic advisories (TA)
· Resolution advisories (RA)
· TCAS system tests.
Traffic Advisory Aural
When a traffic advisory occurs, the aural message TRAFFIC TRAFFIC comes on. This message tells the flight crew to monitor the display for intruder traffic.
Resolution Advisory
These are the two types of aural messages that can come on during a resolution advisory (RA):
· Preventive action RA
· Corrective action RA.
Preventive Action RA
This type of RA occurs when at the closest point of approach (CPA) the present vertical speed results in a safe altitude separation from the threat airplane. When this happens, the aural advisory is MONITOR VERTICAL SPEED - MONITOR VERTICAL SPEED. This message tells the flight crew to do these things:
· Maintain the flight path
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1861