List of irregular verbs
| past simple
| past participle
| be
| was/were
| been
| bear
| Bore
| born
| beat
| Beat
| beaten
| become
| Became
| become
| begin
| began
| begun
| bet
| Bet
| bet
| bite
| Bit
| bitten
| blow
| Blew
| blown
| break
| Broke
| broken
| bring
| Brought
| brought
| build
| Built
| built
| buy
| Bought
| bought
| catch
| Caught
| caught
| choose
| chose
| chosen
| come
| Came
| come
| cost
| Cost
| cost
| creep
| Crept
| crept
| cut
| Cut
| cut
| deal
| Dealt
| dealt
| dig
| Dug
| dug
| do
| did
| done
| draw
| Drew
| drawn
| drink
| Drank
| drunk
| drive
| Drove
| driven
| eat
| Ate
| eaten
| fall
| Fell
| fallen
| feed
| Fed
| fed
| feel
| Felt
| felt
| fight
| Fought
| fought
| find
| Found
| found
| fly
| Flew
| flown
| forbid
| Forbade
| forbidden
| forget
| Forgot
| forgotten
| forgive
| Forgave
| forgiven
| freeze
| Froze
| frozen
| get
| Got
| got
| give
| Gave
| given
| go
| Went
| gone
| grow
| Grew
| grown
| hang
| Hung
| hung
| have
| Had
| had
| hear
| Heard
| heard
| hide
| Hid
| hidden
| hit
| Hit
| hit
| hold
| Held
| held
| hurt
| Hurt
| hurt
| keep
| kept
| kept
| know
| knew
| known
| lay
| laid
| laid
| lead
| Led
| led
| leave
| Left
| left
| let
| Let
| let
| lie
| Lay
| lain
| light
| Lit
| lit
| lose
| Lost
| lost
| make
| Made
| made
| mean
| Meant
| meant
| meet
| Met
| met
| pay
| Paid
| paid
| put
| Put
| put
| read
| Read
| read
| ride
| rode
| ridden
| ring
| rang
| rung
| rise
| rose
| risen
| run
| ran
| run
| say
| said
| said
| see
| saw
| seen
| seek
| sought
| sought
| sell
| sold
| sold
| send
| sent
| sent
| set
| set
| set
| shake
| shook
| shaken
| shine
| shone
| shone
| shoot
| shot
| shot
| shut
| shut
| shut
| sing
| sang
| sung
| sink
| sank
| sunk
| sit
| sat
| sat
| sleep
| slept
| slept
| speak
| spoke
| spoken
| spend
| spent
| spent
| split
| split
| split
| spread
| spread
| spread
| stand
| stood
| stood
| steal
| stole
| stolen
| strike
| struck
| struck
| swear
| swore
| sworn
| sweep
| swept
| swept
| swim
| swam
| swum
| take
| took
| taken
| teach
| taught
| taught
| tear
| tore
| torn
| tell
| told
| told
| think
| thought
| thought
| throw
| threw
| thrown
| understand
| understood
| understood
| wake
| woke
| woken
| wear
| wore
| worn
| win
| won
| won
| write
| wrote
| written
Test Yourself (to be/ to have)
1. is 2. is 3. is 4. are 5. has 6. was 7. were not 8. did not have 9. was 10. is 11. has 12. has. 13. is
12. is
13. is
14. is
15. has
16. does not have
17. has
18. has
Test yourself (there + be)
1. there is
2. there is
3. there will be
4. there are
5. there was
6. there is
7. are there
8. was there
9. there is
10. is there
11. there are
12. there will be
13. were there
14. are there
15. is there
1. There are some interesting stories in this magazine.
2. How many guests will there be for lunch?
3. There are few students in this group.
4. There is butter, milk, cheese in the fridge, but there is no meat.
5. There was a table, two chairs and a sofa in the room, there was
nothing else.
6. How many exams will there be in winter?
7. Was there a concert after the meeting?
8. There were many clouds in the morning.
9. There is a good swimming pool near my house.
10. I think there will be a good film on TV tomorrow.
1. is 13.there is
2. are 14.there is
3. there is 15.have
4. are 16.are
5. are
6. there are 18.there is
7. have, there is 19.there are
8. is
9. is 21.there is 22.there is
11.there are
12.there is 24.are
1. is
2. there is
3. is
4. there is
5. is
6. there are
7. there is
8. is
9. there is
Test yourself (Future)
1. is going
2. will see
3. I'll go
4. I'll tell
5. am seeing
6. is going
7. I'll drive
8. am going
9. I'll take
1. You'll be sitting
2. will you have arranged
3. will I see
4. will have arrived
5. I will have cleaned
1. will finish
will have finished
2. are you planning
I'll spend
3. does the bus arrive
4. Is Jerry coming
am seeing
I'll ask
5. I'll be sitting
1. is starting
2. is going to work
3. will have finished
Test yourself (Questions)
1. Does she live in England?
2. Has she been to America?
3. Does she like dancing?
4. Can she swim?
5. Will she be here tomorrow?
6. Did she watch TV yesterday?
1. Who said it?
2. What did she say?
3. Who cooked dinner?
4. What did Julia cook?
5. What hit Joe?
6. Whom did the ball hit?
7. What does Ann play?
8. Who plays the guitar?
3. 1. Did she return from her trip to Paris?
2. Which one do you like best?
3. Who phoned last night?
4. Did they enjoy their journey?
5. You never drive at night, do you?
6. Let's go shopping, shall we?
7. There are a lot of flowers, aren't there?
8. Does he know the answer?
9. Where are you going?
10. Who do you live with ?
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1126