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List of irregular verbs


infinitive past simple past participle  
be was/were been
bear Bore born
beat Beat beaten
become Became become
begin began begun
bet Bet bet
bite Bit bitten
blow Blew blown
break Broke broken
bring Brought brought
build Built built
buy Bought bought
catch Caught caught
choose chose chosen
come Came come
cost Cost cost
creep Crept crept
cut Cut cut
deal Dealt dealt
dig Dug dug
do did done
draw Drew drawn
drink Drank drunk
drive Drove driven
eat Ate eaten
fall Fell fallen
feed Fed fed
feel Felt felt
fight Fought fought
find Found found
fly Flew flown
forbid Forbade forbidden
forget Forgot forgotten
forgive Forgave forgiven
freeze Froze frozen
get Got got
give Gave given
go Went gone
grow Grew grown
hang Hung hung
have Had had
hear Heard heard
hide Hid hidden
hit Hit hit
hold Held held
hurt Hurt hurt
keep kept kept
know knew known
lay laid laid
lead Led led
leave Left left
let Let let
lie Lay lain
light Lit lit
lose Lost lost
make Made made
mean Meant meant
meet Met met
pay Paid paid
put Put put
read Read read
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise rose risen
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
seek sought sought
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
shake shook shaken
shine shone shone
shoot shot shot
shut shut shut
sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
split split split
spread spread spread
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
strike struck struck
swear swore sworn
sweep swept swept
swim swam swum
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
understand understood understood
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written




Test Yourself (to be/ to have)

1. is
2. is
3. is
4. are
5. has
6. was
7. were not
8. did not have
9. was
10. is
11. has
12. has.
13. is

12. is

13. is

14. is

15. has

16. does not have

17. has

18. has


Test yourself (there + be)


1. there is

2. there is

3. there will be

4. there are

5. there was

6. there is

7. are there

8. was there

9. there is

10. is there

11. there are

12. there will be

13. were there

14. are there

15. is there


1. There are some interesting stories in this magazine.

2. How many guests will there be for lunch?

3. There are few students in this group.

4. There is butter, milk, cheese in the fridge, but there is no meat.

5. There was a table, two chairs and a sofa in the room, there was

nothing else.

6. How many exams will there be in winter?

7. Was there a concert after the meeting?

8. There were many clouds in the morning.

9. There is a good swimming pool near my house.

10. I think there will be a good film on TV tomorrow.


1. is 13.there is

2. are 14.there is

3. there is 15.have

4. are 16.are

5. are 17.is

6. there are 18.there is

7. have, there is 19.there are

8. is 20.is

9. is 21.there is

10.is 22.there is

11.there are 23.am

12.there is 24.are


1. is

2. there is

3. is

4. there is

5. is

6. there are

7. there is

8. is

9. there is


Test yourself (Future)


1. is going

2. will see

3. I'll go

4. I'll tell

5. am seeing

6. is going

7. I'll drive

8. am going

9. I'll take



1. You'll be sitting

2. will you have arranged

3. will I see

4. will have arrived

5. I will have cleaned


1. will finish

will have finished

2. are you planning

I'll spend

3. does the bus arrive


4. Is Jerry coming

am seeing

I'll ask

5. I'll be sitting


1. is starting

2. is going to work

3. will have finished


Test yourself (Questions)


1. Does she live in England?

2. Has she been to America?

3. Does she like dancing?

4. Can she swim?

5. Will she be here tomorrow?

6. Did she watch TV yesterday?


1. Who said it?

2. What did she say?

3. Who cooked dinner?

4. What did Julia cook?

5. What hit Joe?

6. Whom did the ball hit?

7. What does Ann play?

8. Who plays the guitar?


1. Did she return from her trip to Paris?

2. Which one do you like best?

3. Who phoned last night?

4. Did they enjoy their journey?

5. You never drive at night, do you?

6. Let's go shopping, shall we?

7. There are a lot of flowers, aren't there?

8. Does he know the answer?

9. Where are you going?

10. Who do you live with ?

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1108

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