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There is an interpretation of the chapters 17-18 of the book of Revelation, leading to the following conclusion: we have been granted by the God a message, that if we treat it with proper attitude and respect, it might grow into the Midnight Cry of the end of times (described in the Parable of the ten virgins, Matt.25:6). Proclamation of this message, at the condition of its proper understanding and attitude, and the faithfulness and devotion of the members of the Church, should, according to the God's Plan, come along with the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit. This message, and its value, is similar to a message of Midnight Cry of 1844.

The conclusions from the interpretation of prophecy Rev.17-18, the value of interpretation:


1) Distress should occur in our generation. They have already begun. This is such a distress that we haven't seen before. One of disasters like this: Catholics and apostate Protestantism should start pursue those who honour all the divine precepts.

2) God commands each of us double-check your spiritual life, because the testing of our faith will begin soon. You should check – do we fulfill all that God expects of us.

3) We should strive to execute most part of the God's work before the distress will be intensify and become ubiquitous. Because everything that we underfulfil in more or less easy time, will have to fulfill, but in more severe conditions.

4) The latest crisis of history comes. Adventist Church have been preparing for this crisis since its appear. This crisis is not a future event. The crisis have been happening.

5) The midnight cry sounds in our generation. This is the midnight cry in the parable of Jesus Matt.25:6 : "Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him." This message, and its value, is similar to a message of Midnight Cry of 1844. The midnight cry of our time is the proposed message from Rev. 17-18.

6) Angels check our relationship with God according to the following criterion: the person's attitude to this message of Rev. 17-18.

7) Believers, who accepted this message will receive the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit, they can overcome the time of trouble.

8) People, who reject this message will be sifted out, that is, sooner or later will leave the truth. Thus, this message is one of the factors of sifting in our time.

Further we present to you the Open letter, which has the explanation of the Midnight Cry message of nowday`s message.

This Open letter was repeatedly submitted to the General Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Church since November 3, 2009. Unfortunately, despite the repeated applications, the offered interpretation of the prophecy wasn't considered by the world management of the Church in accordance with the established procedure till now.



Dear Sir/Madam,


My name is Vladimir Levi, I am a member of the 7thcommunity of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Lugansk-city, Ukraine.

This open letter is my official request to the General Conference of the SDA Church.




The Adventist Church exists an explanation of the Midnight Cry (Matt.25:6) connected to an non-traditional interpretation of 17-18thchapters of the book of Revelation. The suggested interpretation differs from other similar ones and is free from the drawbacks that such interpretations usually have. It has existed in the Church for almost three years (this letter is written in 2009 - V.Levi). This interpretation has been submitted to and studied by the official leaders of the church in due course.




‘While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him’.
Matthew 25:5-6.

After each definite stage of the Salvation Plan is over and before each next one begins, there is a messenger who comes and tells God’s people to get ready.

For instance, before receiving the tables of the Covenant this message was declared by Moses, ‘And the LORD said unto Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them to day and to morrow, and let them wash their clothes, and be ready against the third day: for the third day the LORD will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai... And Moses went down from the mount unto the people, and sanctified the people; and they washed their clothes. And he said unto the people, Be ready against the third day: come not at your wives’ (Exodus 19:10-11, 14-15).

Before God's people entered the Promised Land the same message had been proclaimed by Joshua, ‘Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.’ (Joshua 3:5).

Although Israelites knew that they had to be saint in the eyes of God, according to the design of God the message still had to be preached. Before the beginning of Christ's ministry the message was preached by John the Baptist. He would say, ‘Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’ (Matthew 3:2). Before Jesus left the Holy Place and entered the Place Most Holy a similar message had been spread by Millerites. So, what about the time when Christ is on the point of leaving the Place Most Holy and returning to take His people home? It is but evident that the same message is vital to appear now.

So, what distinguishing features is this message expected to have?

Firstly, it must be a biblical message; secondly, it must be related to the message of the third angel and/or to the message of Another Angel (Rev.18:1-5). I should mention that the message in Rev.18:1-5 combined with the message of the third angel expresses the last warning given to the people of the Earth, see ‘Great Controversy’ for details (“After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illumined with his glory. 2And he cried out with a mighty voice, saying, ‘Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird. ‘For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed {acts of} immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality.’ I heard another voice from heaven, saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues; for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities”, Rev..18:1-5).

Thirdly, the expected message isn't supposed to set the time of the Second Coming but it has to distinctly forecast the beginning of definite preceding events we all are aware of. As for the content of the message, it must correspond to the Midnight Cry in Matthew 25:6.

The parable about 10 virgins tells us of the following cry, “Behold, the Bridegroom is coming, come out to meet Him!” And the virgins had to adjust their lamps.

The virgins know that the Bridegroom is coming; they come out to meet Him being aware of what they need to have in order to be ready. The Midnight Cry doesn’t teach them how to prepare for the meeting with the Bridegroom but announces the beginning of certain events that they are already aware of so that the virgins could adjust their lamps now using the oil prepared beforehand (i.e. using the results of the ground work that they have already done, e.g. brushing up on memories of situations which God helped them in).

Sister White describes two ways of interpreting the biblical image of the Midnight Cry. In her book “The Great Controversy” she interprets the Cry as W. Miller's preaching while in the book “Christ’s Object Lessons” she connects this image to the events prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ, i.e. the events which are to happen before Christ leaves the Place Most Holy and comes back to the Earth.

And we do find a message in the Bible which bears the above mentioned features of the Midnight Cry. It is not surprising that it includes Rev.18:1-5 and Rev. 17:1-11, the latter representing the most relevant context of the message. The message of Rev.17:1-11 doesn’t set the time of the Second Coming but it clearly states the necessity to prepare and is to be applied today as it speaks about the present-day events and is related to the message of Rev.18:1-5 (representing its biblical context). In fact, chapters 17 and 18 are parts of one prophetic description. This description begins with Rev.17:1, where the topic of the whole extract is stated, i.e. the topic of God judging the spiritual Babylon (literally “enforcing His sentence”) and ends with the last verses of chapter 18, which show the annihilation of the spiritual Babylon illustrated by the image of a stone thrown into the sea.

As all the messages in the Bible must be studied with the context taken into consideration, the message of the last warning in Rev.18:1-5 neither can nor must be studied apart from its direct biblical context, i.e. Rev.17. Some characteristic features of the Midnight Cry are revealed in the 17th chapter.


I suggest a non-traditional way of interpreting Rev.17, which reveals the features of the Midnight Cry mentioned above. This interpretation is about the message of Another Angel (Rev.18:1-5). The main conclusions made on the basis of this prophecy are the following:
1) As Rev.17 and 18 are parts of one prophetic description devoted to one topic, the message of the last warning in Rev.18:1-5 mustn’t be studied taken apart from the message of Rev.17; and some features of the Midnight Cry (Matthew 25:6), which is caused by the preaching of the last message, are revealed in the 17th chapter.
2) The preaching of the message of the last warning (Rev.18:1-5 ) to the people living on the Earth must become much more active beginning with the reign of the Pope being the sixth after the appearance of Vatican City in 1929 (this Pope is John Paul II, who died a few years ago). We are responsible for preaching the message of Rev.18:1-5; this is the job entrusted to us. In accordance with God’s will expressed in the prophecy we have to thoroughly check if we do use all the opportunities given to us by God to take part in the job and whether we are really pure in His eyes.
3) The end of the currently serving Pope’s term is connected to the beginning of persecution. The wicked will be persecuting Christians who follow God’s commandments. This doesn’t mean that the history of the Earth will immediately finish. We don’t know for sure when exactly it’s going to be over. We even don’t know how fast the intensity of persecution will grow. But if we don’t finish the job entrusted to us (Rev.18:1-5) by that time, we will have to finish the job under the circumstances of persecution. That’s why we must try hard to do as much of this job as we can do now, before the beginning of persecution.

This prophecy doesn't say exactly how long persecution is going to last, how fast its intensity is going to grow and when Jesus is coming back.

In general this message is about what we should be ready for rather than about what exactly will happen.

In fact, if Church is resistant to God and careless about doing His job, persecution may develop slowly without getting spread immediately all over the world (this process may actually last during the lives of several generations). For instance, at the time of E. White’s life our institutions were visited by policemen who were ordered to arrest those ignoring Sunday as a holy day, but that process didn't take off that time as Church didn't fulfill its mission. According to the prophecy things may happen the same way today though it doesn't correspond to God's will. Anyway, the prophecy is evident to relate certain state decisions (e.g. those encouraging antagonism towards God's work and a negative attitude to the people keeping God’s commandments) to the end of the term of the currently serving Pope (i.e., Benedict XVI).





Our local church council (the 7thcommunity, c. Lugansk, Ukraine) analyzed this interpretation at the meeting which took place on 30, January 2007 (i.e., two and a half years ago). It did not find any errors in this interpretation, which is why our local church council requested the Council of our Conference (i.e., the East-Ukrainian one) to consider this interpretation. After the Council of our Conference had considered the appeal of the local church council, they advised me to contact the Institute of Missiology affiliated with the Euro-Asian Division, SDA, in order to discuss the subject.






I have asked church leaders many a time to have this case analyzed by a group of theologians and ministers empowered to make decisions related to doctrinal questions, and to give me an opportunity to take part in their meeting, too. It must be done this way, as according to the principles of the Church of SDA one man doesn't have the right to make decisions related to prophecy interpretation. In contrast, it must be done by an authorized group of theologians and ministers. When this interpretation was considered at the official meetings (e.g., those of the local church council and the Conference Council), these official meetings did nit find errors in this interpretation.





I REQUEST THE CHURCH LEADERSHIP TO ORGANIZE THE DISCUSSION OF THIS INTERPRETATION IN SUCH A WAY THAT AN OFFICIAL GROUP OF THEOLOGICANS AND MINISTERS EMPOWERED to make decisions related to doctrinal questions can LOOK INTO THIS MATTER. I ALSO REQUEST YOU TO INVITE ME TO TAKE PART IN THIS MEETING, because I proposed a complete (edited) version of this interpretation and can explain it better than other people could do. I am ready to come to the USA or elsewhere at my own expense.


Many ordinary members of the Church are interested in this interpretation and agree with it. That is why consider this interpretation must be analyzed in due course, i.e. at an official authorized meeting.


As Rev.17 and Rev.18 are a solid prophetic description, the message of the last warning of Rev.18:1-5 must not be interpreted out of the context of the message of chapter 17; and some characteristic features of the midnight cry of Matt.25:6, which is related to the preaching of the last message, are revealed in the very chapter (Rev.17). Consequently, it is necessary to analyze and understand this prophecy.


I ASK ALL THE OTHER BROTHERS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THIS PROPHECY TO SUPPORT THIS APPEAL TO THE CHURCH LEADERSHIP. The matter is, although we consider the Bible (but not people’s opinions) to be the only foundation of our belief, we still should listen to the opinion of the organized Church related to this doctrinal subject. Moreover, this opinion should express the decision of the whole church (but not separate ministers), formed by God after a meeting held in accordance with definite church rules.





The interpretation under study has existed in the Adventists Church for many years, and there is a strange attitude towards it. On the one hand, nobody can disprove this interpretation (in any case, I have not heard any serious counterargument for many years), but on the other hand, very few people agrees with it.

I am speaking about a research of Rev.17:9-14. The explanation given here is not a complete version and can cause some questions. I'd be happy to answer them. My e-mail address is vvvladimir@land.ru . My point of view is based on the traditional Revelation interpretation principles adopted by the Adventist church.


Revelation 17 shows a woman sitting on a seven-headed ‘beast’ and the judgment upon her. Explaining the vision, the angel says to the prophet: ‘And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.’ (Rev.17:9-10).


The clue to the symbol of these seven heads is given in three visions in chapters 12, 13, and 17 of Revelation. In chapter 12 the beast (dragon) symbolizes the devil, who is trying to destroy Jesus Christ at His birth using a Pagan Rome as his instrument of destruction. In chapter 13 the seven-headed beast is papacy; in chapter 17 it is the papacy that will exist in End Times. Thus, the context of Rev.12 does not allow us to interpret ‘Seven Heads’ as something that existed before a Pagan Rome, while chapters 13 and 17 relate them to the time of papacy as is.

Researching the prophecies of Daniel, which also use such symbols as ‘heads’ and ‘horns’, we understand that neither of these symbols represents an empire that can have existed before the ‘beast’ that they belong to. Whatever regime might be represented by ‘heads’ and ‘horns’ in this prophecy, it gains its power during or after the reign of the empire represented by the ‘beast’ they belong to, but never before its reign. For instance, Dan. 7: 6,7-8 and 8: 20,21-22. It means that ‘heads’ and ‘horns’ in Rev. 13 (and in Rev.17) cannot have existed before the ‘beast’, i.e. papacy.


'And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. … (Rev.17:9-10).

Thus, mountains are not a symbol, but the meaning of a symbol. The verses state that the woman (Catholic Church, or Papacy) sits on them. It is many centuries that Rome has been known as a city built on seven hills or mountains (see also Rev. 17:18, which is Rome, and Rev. 18). What we read next is ‘ ... and there are seven kings’.


In all other prophecies where the same symbol in the same vision represents two different concepts these concepts are usually closely connected. Even though the dragon represents satan in Rev.12:4, it also symbolizes a pagan Rome, which is a tool the devil used when trying to annihilate Christ. As seven kings are connected with Rome in this context, they represent the governors related to this place.

Besides, the term ‘head’ is often used in the Bible figuratively as a symbol of a leader, e.g. a spiritual one.

In addition, there is ‘the name of blasphemy’ upon the beast’s heads (Rev.13) and upon the beast as is (Rev.17). Similar to this, Catholics believe that all the names that refer to Christ in the Holy Scripture, also refer to Popes. It is blasphemy, and this blasphemy is not only verbal but it is contained in the name {of the Pope}.

All these determinant attributes given in the prophecy are evidently characteristic of Popes, to be more exact, of papal rules.

We think that the purpose of the prophecy is to show the spiritual meaning of the history of certain states and nations instead of certain mortal personalities, even if these personalities are Popes. Therefore we believe that the heads of the beast must be related to papal rules rather than to Popes as personalities. As for the sequence of these heads, it must be connected to the sequence of the rules.

However, there were more than seven Popes.


THEN, WHO ARE THESE POPES AND WHY ARE THEY PLACED EMPHASIS ON? ‘And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come (Rev. 17:10). It means that in the vision the apostle saw the sixth Pope ruling. God wanted His people to recognize this Pope at the time of his rule.

In the prophetical vision the present time should be understood in the context which it is used in. It means that the present time isn’t related to the prophet's lifetime, but to the future time he foresaw in that vision. In order to prove this statement, let us analyze some examples. For instance, Jeremiah said about ancient Babylon: ‘Babylon is taken’ (Jer.50:2), ‘Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed’ (Jer.51:8). These words were written when the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, actually ruled the entire world. There are much more similar examples.

HOW CAN WE KNOW who is the first pope that we should start counting with? Rev.13:3, in which we can see another example of using the same symbol, says: ‘And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed’. The other heads were not wounded, which means that they continued ruling after the wound had been healed.

According to the prophecy, only one of the ‘heads’ will suffer from the consequences of the wound and its healing, and the only Head of the Catholic Church that meets these requirements is Pope Pius XI (who ruled from 1922 to 1939). This wound was healed in 1929. (The others heads are not wounded because they rule after 1929. In chapter 17 all of these heads are shown after the healing of the wound.)


LET'S ANALYZE THE WOUND HEALED IN DETAIL. Adventist teachings say that papacy was ‘wounded’ by the capture of the Pope in 1798 (which was the end of the 1260-year rule) and the loss of freedom that followed. And in 1870 the army of king Victor Emmanuel II rammed a wall of the city of Rome, the capital of the Papal state, and terminated its secular rule.


Consistent analysis of this subject shows that Papacy will be healed when it gets back the position it had occupied before it was 'wounded' in 1798; or when the rights it received when being established in 538 (i.e. in the beginning of the 1260-year period) are restored.

In other words, healing is equal to restoration. It will occur when Papacy is set free from the states that are limiting its civil activity, and receives an opportunity to strengthen its authority.

This prophecy was completely fulfilled by the fact that the Lateran Agreements and the Concordat were signed in 1929. It was the time when the Vatican City State was formed and Papacy received sovereignty that exceeded by far the sovereignty it had got in 538, and the one it had lost in 1798. Historians recognize this, and we can see it today, too.


John Paul II, who has recently died, was the sixth 'head' of Papacy after the wound had been healed. This Pope visited a lot more countries than all the other ones. At the time of his rule he managed to become an outstanding person respected and honored all over the world. The angel says about him that he 'is', which doesn’t only point at the present time of his rule but also emphasizes his importance.

ACCORDING TO THE PROPHECY THE sixth pope out of the seven ones stated will be followed by one pope only, who is currently ruling (it is written in 2009 – V.Levi).



As can be seen from the Bible, this is the end of these seven heads’ rule after which the Holy Scripture starts telling us about the 'beast' that will come up out of the abyss and get the whole world to take part in the battle against Christ represented of the saints. 'Those have one mind, and shall give their power and strength into the beast. Those shall make war with the Lamb.' (Revelation 17:13,14). ‘War’ is the battle of Armageddon, which is written about in Revelation 16:12-16. Then, ‘the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, those shall hate the whore (Roman-Catholic Church), and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire’ (Rev.17:16). Does it mean that spiritual Babylon will be destroyed right after these seven Popes?

Actually, this was our original opinion (by us I mean those who stick to this interpretation). That's how we explained that:

An angel promised the prophet to show him the judgment (literally, verdict execution) of the great whore; and showed him the woman on the beast. Still, we don't see God's judgments in this picture; in contrast, however, we see the triumph of the great whore. How can it be explained, and how is it connected to the theme of the vision (i.e. judgments)? It seemed most reasonable to assume that the picture shows the position of the whore in which she will actually be destroyed (sitting on the beast at the time of the seven Popes’ rule). Next, there is an explanation of the symbols (e.g. 10 horns) which participate in the events related to the destruction of the whore; then, in chapter 18, the message of Another Angel is declared (which seemed to be a parallel description); and finally the actual destruction of Babylon follows. Since the whore is annihilated right when she is sitting on the 'beast' at the time of the rule of the seven Popes that all come after the wound is healed, it means that ONLY seven Popes can rule within the time period that starts with the wound healed and ends with whore annihilated. Otherwise the 'beast' in chapter 17 (and consequently in chapter 13) would have more or fewer than seven heads. But, as there are only seven ‘heads’, there can be only seven Popes in the given period. That's how we originally understood this.

In general, I do not object even today to such understanding as to one of the possible ways of the development of events; however, I don’t think that all of the factors are considered by this interpretation.


That is to say:

The vision described in chapter 17 doesn’t end with the annihilation of the whore while the destruction of spiritual Babylon shown in a parallel description (Rev.18) as a millstone thrown into the sea (Rev.18:21) isn’t related to the end of the seven heads’ sequence. This means that the existence of spiritual Babylon may last even after these seven Popes under study.

There is no doubt that the vision of the seven-headed ‘beast’ is connected to the destruction of Babylon in Rev.18:21. God wants it to happen this way and make us focus on it. Still, this vision can be interpreted in another way: the picture in Rev. 17 (the great whore on the beast) shows the whore’s position at the time WHEN OPERATING FORCES ARE DEFINED AND THE PROCESSES WHICH WILL ACTUALY LEAD TO HER DEATH ARE LAUNCHED, WITH THE WHORE STILL ALIVE. The processes mentioned are first of all the message of Another Angel written in Rev. 18:1-5, as well as the appearance of the ‘beast’ in Rev. 17:8.

Do you remember the prophecy given through E. White which says that the if we don’t proclaim the message given in Rev.18:1-5 at the acceptable time, this work will have to be done at the time of difficulties and prosecution? Here is the scriptural foundation of this statement. The ‘beast’, being ‘the eighth and one of the seven’, crowns the sequence of the seven more or less peaceful Popes;

so, if God’s work appears to be incomplete, it will have to be finished at the time of the beast’s activity (remember Middle Ages? our activity will take place in similar conditions, except for the fact that papacy will have more technologies and means to attempt at conquering the children of God). By the way, the ‘beast’ can appear at the time of this Pope’s rule, since although this ‘beast’ is the ‘eighth’, it is still ‘one of the seven.’ Otherwise, prosecutions will begin right after the currently ruling Pope. How long these prosecutions will last and how many Popes will replace one another after that, we do not know. But, in any case, the PEACEFUL RULE OF THE CURRENTLY RULING POPE WILL BE FOLLOWED BY PROSECUTIONS.


Dear friends, do you understand what all this means? The hour is already late, and 'plagues' will be poured out upon our world soon. However, we won't be hurt if we completely entrust our lives into the hands of Christ.

This message of God’s Mercy does not inform us of the day, the hour or the year of Christ's coming; but it clearly proclaims that this time is approaching, that He is ‘at the doors’. Knowing all this, are we going to brush aside Jesus further on? Are we going to waste the few remaining years granted to us by God? Isn’t it better today to completely entrust our lives into the hands of Christ and spend the remaining time serving Him and sharing His Word with other people? Are you ready to give your heart fully to Christ right now? We cannot waste a single moment. Please do it now, my friends,.


Anyway, the main essence of this prophecy is not the message that the time is close but the fact that the present time of this prophecy (Rev.17:10) (i.e. the time of the sixth Pope’s rule), is related to the proclamation of Another Angel's message (Rev.18:1-5), which, together with the third angel's message, (Rev.14:9-12) forms the last warning message to the inhabitants of the Earth.

Hence, we can make the following conclusion: God’s will is that the message of Rev.18:1-5 should be proclaimed in an especially active way from the time of the sixth Pope's rule up to the end of the time of grace, and we should check whether we have got fully involved into this work, using all the opportunities given to us, or not. If not, we need to correct our ways in the eyes of God, otherwise it'll be late. This conclusion is proved by the fact that it is the time of the sixth Pope's rule when the adventists’ message started to be proclaimed in an especially active way: Gospel started to widely spread in post-soviet republics and in the countries of Africa, China, etc. So, our lamps need to be trimmed, and we should take part in this work, so that none of us is late.


Besides, as it has already been specified above, we must try to complete the last warning message proclamation before the end of the seventh Pope's peaceful rule (or the more or less peaceful initial stage of his rule), as the ‘beast’ hasn't come yet. After that it will be more difficult for us to complete this work.

In my opinion, this is the most reasonable interpretation of this prophecy: the message is precise, and moreover, it is a warning one. However, this message does not lead to agitation, overexcitement and fanaticism. We don't know when Christ will come. We do not know when the ‘door’ of probation will be shut. However, we know that the rule of the current Pope, in spite of being rather a peaceful one, will be replaced by prosecutions; and then we will regret the favorable opportunities to complete God’s work that we missed (while we will have to work).

Please inform all our brothers and sisters you know about this prophecy.

I’m sure that brothers and sisters should know the prophecy of Revelation 17 (for their own good) and the fact that this is indispensible scriptural context of the message entrusted to us by God (i.e. Rev.18:1-5).





Fore more detailed explanation of this prophecy please see the files which can be found on http://www.levi-vladimir.narod.ru (in Russian).



8. What does the beast in Rev.17 symbolize?


The interpretation of Revelation 17 under study is very often opposed by the articles of Mr. Mueller, one of the leading theologians of the Church, who considers the beast of Rev.17 to symbolize satan and doesn’t connect it to any of the concrete historical/political states that have ever existed. It is important to mention the fact that Mr. Mueller doesn’t relate the beast of Rev.17 to any (definite) state, whose time of existence and activity are directly connected to the theme of the vision described in Rev. 17-18 (it is common knowledge that this vision is about the annihilation of the ‘whore’ of Babylon at the time of the last seven plagues and the prior events leading to and directly connected with this annihilation).

Mr. Mueller’s opinion is not an official church doctrine and is comparatively new. Nevertheless, as this opinion is used by some of our pastors to justify false unscriptural views on the meaning of the prophecy given in Rev.17, I have to highlight here some of the drawbacks of Mr. Mueller’s interpretation.

So, let us try to interpret the meaning of the symbol of the beast, Rev.17, using the distinct biblical rules of prophecy interpretation adopted by the Adventist Church.

1) The beast in symbolic biblical prophecies describing the activity of earthly kingdoms and huge groups of people (as well as in visions like Dan.7, Dan.8, Rev.12, Rev.13, etc.) ALWAYS symbolizes a DEFINITE state. So, it is always a state and always a definite earthly state. Even in Rev.12, where the dragon, bearing the features of a similar beast, symbolizes satan, it still also means a definite earthly state, which is a pagan Rome (see ‘Great Controversy'). In Mr. Mueller’s opinion, the state symbolized by the beast may include anything, so as a result the beast doesn't indicate any definite state.

2) The symbol of 7 heads and 10 horns always MEANS AN ANTICHRISTIAN ROMAN STATE.

3) The term during which this state is supposed to exist must last up to the end of the history of the Earth (see Rev.17:1, which expresses the theme of the chapter). So, which definite antichristian Roman state exists in the last period of the history of the Earth and must be annihilated when eschatological events actually take place? I suppose any Adventist is able to name this state: it is Vatican.

4) It should be explained why we believe that chapter 17, which is an eschatological one, uses symbols related to our time and even to the Middle Ages, that is to say, to the historical period. We think that verses Rev.17-18 serve the purpose of describing the destruction of the spiritual Babylon at the time of the seven last plagues; these events are related to the eschatological period. In order to make it possible to identify the whore and the beast, this part of the chapter mentions many symbols connected to the activity of the spiritual Babylon (to be more exact, papism) during the historical period. Thus, Ellen G. White relates Rev.17:4-6 to the activity of papism in the Middle Ages. So, in the first part of chapter 17 we can see a lot of symbols describing the events of the historical period, and the appearance of the beast in verses 8 and 11 symbolizes transition to eschatological events. The final part of chapter 17 contains symbols indicating political and spiritual powers which are to come into action during the eschatological annihilation of the whore, but are not going to do anything to her until that time. Next, Rev.18:1-5 shows the preaching of the message which can be compared to a trigger which activates the mechanism prepared beforehand in order to annihilate the whore (which was described earlier in chapter 17). All this fully corresponds to the conclusion we have already made that the symbol of the beast in chapter 17 represents the political part of the spiritual Babylon, whose foundation is Vatican. There is also another, religious constituent part of this symbol, represented by the whore, whose foundation is the catholic religion, i.e. catholic religious communities, churches, chapels, local communities, etc.). So, the application of the symbols of the whore, beast and other symbols of chapter 17 to our epoch contradicts neither the general meaning of chapter 17 nor the examples of interpretation contained in the books written by Ellen G. White and related to the historical period.


Another mistake made by Mr. Mueller is the conclusion that as the beast of Rev.17 is similar to the dragon of Rev.12, it also symbolizes satan, as well as the dragon does. In contrast, however, the similarity of symbols doesn't mean their identity; and the similarity of non-identical symbols speaks about the SIMILARITY of the phenomena represented by them but not about their IDENTITY. I agree that the beast in Rev.17 is driven by the spirit of satan and reflects his character, but it is impossible to identify it with satan, i.e. the dragon, as these are DIFFERENT beasts and different symbols. Moreover, the dragon (satan) keeps acting both before chapter 17 (Rev.12:9) and after it (Rev.20:2), while Rev.17 shows another symbol.


One more drawback of Mr. Mueller’s interpretation is that he doesn’t pay enough attention to the general theme of the vision (see Rev.17:1) as well as to the time that the events described in it refer to. As it has already been stated, the theme of the vision in Rev.17-18 is the annihilation of the ‘whore’ of Babylon at the time of the last seven plagues, prior to the second coming of Jesus, and the events taking place before this ‘annihilation’. These events precede and lead to the destruction of Babylon. Obviously, the beast in Rev.17 is a state taking an active part in the events connected to the theme of the vision. This state exists at the time of these events. In contrast, Mr. Mueller’s interpretation seems to be an attempt to relate the symbol of the beast in Rev.17 to the activity of satan after the millennium; this, however, corresponds neither to the theme of the vision in Rev.17-18, nor to the time of the events described in it.


For more detailed information on the topic please see www.levi-vladimir.narod.ru (in Russian).


There are some other organizational questions related to E. Mueller’s interpretation.

The negative attitude that many pastors and administrators have towards the interpretation suggested in this letter and the positive attitude of the same pastors towards the unscriptural opinion of E. Mueller are very similar to the recession in the Church connected to the unscriptural views of Dr. Kellogg. And although that deviation took place more that 100 years ago, we should remember what those events taught us at least because sister White called those events the 'alpha' of the deviation, which was to be followed by ‘omega’.

This letter is not aimed at explaining if it is possible to relate the unscriptural opinion of E. Muller to the completion of the prophecy about the ‘omega’ deviation.

Still, so that we can understand the importance of those historical events to us, I will outline some general features of the ‘alpha’ deviation and the groundless usage of E. Mueller's interpretation in the Church.

These features are as follows: 1) lack of biblical foundation (both in 'alpha’ and Mueller’s interpretation), 2) lack of accordance with the message given earlier (in Mueller's case, this means ignoring the prophecy interpretation principles adopted by the Church); 3) next, groundless and immediate spread of this opinion in the SDA church (without being included into the number of doctrines); 4) substitution of distinct conclusions pointing at precise spiritual, church and historical phenomena by vague ones; 5) less distinct understanding of our duties at this time. One more important similarity is the attitude of the church leadership to both errors. That time, 100 years ago, even the committee specially appointed by the Church didn’t recognize the book of Kellogg as contradictory to Adventist doctrines. And only the supreme organ, the General Conference, confuted the decision of the specially appointed committee (which would have been impossible without God's interference). Just the same way the unscriptural interpretation of E. Muller is being eagerly accepted and used by ‘high-level’ church committees and organizations now (e.g., by the Institute of Bibló Research affiliated with the SDA General Conference). That is why we must make the following conclusions of the ‘alpha’ deviation:

1) We must rely on the Bible instead of a person’s opinion, even if this person is a high-level leader. Sister White explained it in detail when describing those events (see ‘Selected Messages’, pp.193-200, or ‘Special testimonies, series B, number2’). The errors made by E. Mueller analyzed here are too evident to ignore after studying this question honestly, thoroughly, with prayers and the help of the Holy Spirit.

2) In the same testimonies, connected to the same events, sister White writes that God forbids to avoid objecting to a church leader (when he is promoting some false and harmful ideas) just because of the respect towards this leader.

3) Doctrinal questions must be handled by a competent group of representatives of our local churches and conferences, elected and organized in such a way that their decisions must reflect the opinion of the whole Church. In this case the probability of making an error when taking a decision is minimal. And although such a group can’t be infallible, too, it is still guided by God in a special way. This aspect also falls in accordance with the message given by God via Ellen G. White. That's why I'm asking to organize the discussion of the suggested interpretation as appropriate.


I would also be grateful if anyone who reads this letter before making any conclusions or taking any actions related to the suggested interpretation first prayed for God's revelation concerning the subject.


May God bless you,

Vladimir Levi

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 681

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