4 a) Work in pairs. Read the statement, agree or disagree with it.
Explain your viewpoint. Briefly note down the main reasons for your opinion.
OIA.Y cVILL rev.. wm LLve tv.. a worse
ev..v rov.- 11\t tVIev.. we o.
b) Complete the plan for the essay by writing down your ideas.
Paragraph 1: The present situation and your opinion:
Paragraph 2: First reason for your opinion:
Paragraph 3: Second and third reasons for your opinion:
Paragraph 4: Action we can take; consequences if we don't take it:
c) In pairs, makea list of vocabulary connected with the environment that you could use when writing the essay.
*The number of body paragraphs depends on the number of viewpoints you want to present.
-G) a) Read the sample essay without paying attention to the gaps and compare the plan for this essay with the plan you made in task 4b.
61'1-VirOI'I-IM.el'l-taLl.sts V\ave bee , wamiVI-0 us for IM.all\.kj kjears abol.(.t tV\e effects of Vtl.(.IM.a ' - acttvittj ol'l- tV\e e ,vtroii\.JM.eVIX. (1.) t::>es-ptte etV\{3 aware oftV\e olaVI{3ers, we coll\.tt ,L.(.e to 1-JaYIM. it, aV\.ol for (::2) ... 1 beLteve tl1at our cV\ttolreji\. wm Ltve t , a worse wortol tV!a , we olo.
1 tV.t ' - tV!ere are two as-pects of Y!uJM.all\. acttvtttj, wV!tcV! are espectaLLtj olaVI{3erous. (3) ... ts atJM.OspV!ertc -pottutto ,, wV\tc11 ts ca.A.Secl btj exl1aust fu1M.es a ' -ol LV\.C!ustrtj. Tilts wiLL Leacl to cV!aVI{3es L ' - tV!e cLtJM. te aV\.ol JM.a sea LeveLs rLse. As a (4) ...,our cV!tLolre , wtLL Ltve t , a war M.er worLol a ,cl peopLe LtVLV\{3 ar tYie coast IM.atj Ylave to Leave tV1etr YloJM.es.
(5) ... Ls tV\e olestrl.(.ctLOII\. of OL.(.r II\.IAturaL ei'I-VLrOI'I-JM.el'l.t SIA.CYt as
rat ,forests aV\.ol coull\.trtjstole. ( ) ...,we are olaJM.agtV\{3 the YlabLtats of
JM.all\.kj aii\.LJM.als a pLa ,ts that LLve tV1ere a tV!ese wtLL becoJM.e ex.ttii\.Ct.
(T) ..., L.(.rge ,t actto , ts eoleol to -protect tV1e e ,vLroi'I-IM.el'l-t btj reoll.(.cLV\{3 poLLutLo , a creattll\.0 II\.IAture reserves. (&') ...,tV1e wortol our cV\t clre ' - Ltve t ' - wtLL be JM.uch less pteasaVIX tV1a ' - ours.
B) Add useful vocabulary from the essay to the list you have made in task 4c.
C) Complete the sample essay with the words or phrases from the box.
consequently, despite, this reason, in my opinion, result, the first , the second aspect , unless we do so
6 Work in pairs. Read the note about an introduction, then do the task after it.
The Introduction
A good introduction:
• grabs the reader's attention
• introduces the general topic
• contains a thesis statement(i.e. it tells the reader specifically what the essay will be about)
• gives an idea of your overall plan
Read the question below, then compare two introductions (A and B) that answers it and decide which one contains a clear thesis statement.
Advances in technology have solved many problems. However, they have also created new ones. Discuss some of these new problems and give your opinion on how they should be dealt with.
:J Cov '1m..., . . ·\..VVt-:..-1·1 @
a.e.. l? fi±. of uu-t,
Al..l. a.e.. pY1t
we.. t.A..lu.- fo-r- , ?
l-low-e...vu-, e..
IULv 1.\Ma -t::k..e..lx
Nuclear e-new3£ve.s us
much needed datrfcity to lfeht our.st'tu warm our houses a.nd keep our
machines runn£na.
Howeveli the world's
nuclear-powers have enoueh
nuclear bcrmhs to destroy
tl.vYlT L l?otL a.e.. ,'1
s --.Ae.. a.e_.
w-tUtt.. pY1t .
the world ma:YfY times over:
rhe- technow3tcal adva:rzcGS
that soLve one,proble-m also
creaft new ones.
7 Work in groups.
a) Look at the outline of an essay on the question in task 6 and read
the two conclusions (A and B) that follow it.
PARAGRAPH 1: Many technological solutions require the use of energy sources that threaten the environment.
Argument 1: burning fossil fields causes global warming + support Argument 2: nuclear fuel -radiation -nuclear bombs Recommendation: focus on clean sources of energy, e.g. wind, waves
PARAGRAPH 2: Industrial and household waste threatens the environment.
Argument 1: industrial waste pollutes land and drinking water + support Argument 2: problem of disposing of household waste + support Recommendation: more recycling; more waste disposal plants.
b) Use the appropriate expressions above to complete these sentences.
1 ...................................... . show that by 2050 the world's population will be 3.5 billion.
2 Scientists define ....................................... as the harmonious coexistence between organisms and their environment.
3 ....................................... are caused by global warming and the greenhouse effect.
4 ....................................... is a renewable energy source that converts the energy of tides into electricity.
5 Taking two bottles to the ....................................... for recycling saves enough energy to boil water for five cups of tea.
6 Since people need more and more land for farming, ..............
....................... .. are being cleared at an alarming rate.
2 Choose the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence.
1 He (gave I was given) a present to her.
2 She (gave I was given) this present for her wedding anniversary.
3 My bike (runs I is run) very fast.
4 He (knocked down I was knocked down) by a bike yesterday.
5 Her house (ruined I was ruined) in the fire.
6 I don't know anything about building. I (will have built my house I will have my house built).
7 Aom-.u.,
7 Although she is a professional cook , she (has all her cakes made I
makes all the cakes).
8 She is a hair-dresser, so she (has had her new hair-style done I has done her new hair-style).
9 I didn't go to the post office. I (had all the letters sent by my secretary
I had sent all the letters).
10 Our son (had had his bike repaired I had repaired his bike). We were so proud of him.
(;") Listen to the interview and answer the questions below.
1 What organisation does Jane present?
2 What is the topic of the interview?
3 What is the amount of driving cars in East Los Angeles per day?
4 What three health problems that are caused by heavy traffic?
5 Is traffic in Los Angeles faster or slower than forty years ago?
4 Read the article and match the headings (A-1) with the paragraphs (1-8). -
There is an extra heading that you do not need. Ul
Climate change is one of the biggest problems facing the world today. But what is it
exactly and what could the future hold for us?
D 1 The planet's climate has constantly
changed throughout history. Previously this - .... --
was due to natural processes . However,
many scientists believe the changes we have seen over the last century are mainly due to man's activities . The earth is kept warm by greenhouse gases. Without these the world would be extremely cold. The problem is that man's activities have produced extra greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide which have increased temperatures further.
D2 Scientists fear that by the end of the century, temperatures will have
risen by 1.5 to 6 degrees. This means that there could be more rain in many parts of the world, a greater number of hot days and fewer cold ones . Other areas, however, will see less rainfall, it is also feared that
the polar ice sheets could be greatly reduced.
D3 Further food for thought is that increases in temperature will cause the
level of the seas to rise. This is because the sea absorbs atmospheric heat, making it expand and thus rise. In addition , glaciers and the polar ice sheets will melt. The next result could be a rise in sea levels of up to five metres. Such changes will inevitably lead to flooding, and the catastrophic floods that happen every hundred years might occur every
decade .
D4 Our health will also be affected, as scientists believe a warmer world will
be an unhealthier place. Warm winters will mean fewer deaths from extreme cold, but bacteria that normally die in such cold spells will
thrive in the warmer weather and spread infections further.
D5 Heat waves will cause more deaths from heart attacks , increases in skin
cancer and more food poisoning. According to this view, it is only a matter of time before diseases from warmer zones spread to new areas.
D 6 Wildlife and plants will not remain unaffected . Less winter snow and hotter summers will have an enormous impact on life. Rising sea levels will reduce dry surface areas, leading to less food and shelter for other
species . The most dramatic impact will be felt at the poles where many
creatures depend on the ice to survive.
D 7 Farming practices could be altered. Scientists predict that changes in
the weather will mean that we will be able to grow some crops further north. For instance , the UK could see vineyards and sweet corn. On the other hand, drier summers could destroy crops that need more water. Longer warm periods could also mean more pests that could
damage agriculture even more than usual.
D 8 There are sceptics , however. Some scientists remain doubtful about the
greenhouse effect. They say the climate has changed in the past and that it is too complex to make predictions about. They also say it is unlikely that such an intricate system could be affected by one part as small as greenhouse gases. Such opinions are in a minority, though.
Greenhouse gases can stay in the air for a century. If we cut emissions immediately, we probably will not be able to halt change in the short
term. However, we might slow down change ,
- . which would give the planet a chance to
adapt, such as following species to alter migration and feeding patterns. It would also give us a chance to do something about the problem .