B) Fill in the table with at least 3 skills and qualities (1-9) that each of the young people shows. 1 ability to work in a team
2 ability to plan
3 ability to learn
4 initiative
5 open-mindedness
6 responsibility
7 persistence
8 ability to handle difficult situations
9 practical skills in their field of work
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Work or job ?
Workis something you do to earn money. This noun is uncountable .
She enjoys her work in the hospital.
Jobis used to talk about the particular type of work activity which you do.
He's looking for a job in computer programming.
Possibility , occasion or opportunity ?
A possibilityis a chance that something may happen or be true. 'Possibility' cannot be followed by an infinitive.
Is there a possibility of getting a job in your organisation?
An occasionis an event, or a time when something happens. 'Occasion' does not mean 'chance' or 'opportunity' .
Birthdays are always special occasions.
An opportunityis a possibility of doing something, or a situation which gives you the possibility of doing something .
The trip to Paris gave me an opportunity to speak French. I have more opportunity to travel than my parents did.
GJ Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
1 It was hard physical (job I work),you know, lifting people, helping them
into wheelchairs and pushing them.
2 I got my first (job I work)as an assistant receptionist in a hotel when I was just 18.
3 It wasn't a very well-paid (job I work) ,but then first (jobs I works)often aren't.
4 I thought it was a great (opportunity I occasion I possibility)to get some work experience.
5 And on some (opportunities I possibilities I occasions)I was left on my own as the person in charge of the whole of this enormous hotel.

Your careeris the work you do over a number of years : His acting career began when he was j ust 6 years old and is still going well.
employer[lm'pbJa] employee[Impb'Ii:]
is a person or company that is a person who works employs other people. for somebody.
I(2' Brush up your vocabulary. Choose the best word to complete each
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1617