A) FLOW CHART (Having Friends for Dinner) r-----------------------
./cancellate meetings ./ go to the supermarket
./leave office at four /./DO NOT forget shopping list '\
'\ ./call the Horist - ask to ./start cooking by 5:30
1 ./check passport validity I
1 ./ c_h_eck th_e_w_e_a-th__e r -clo-the-s----,l
deliver Howers by six ./check evening dress
B) CLUSTERING (Travelling to the Island of Fuji)
1 ./take traveller's cheques l•/ ./travelling to the island of Fuji
./get some travel guides (local customs, sights)
Z- w a
C) LISTING (Traditional Holidays Are Dying Out)
1 the idea of a traditional holiday has changed significantly in the past decade
2 people in general have become more demanding and expect better quality for their money
3 love of adventure has always been a part of human nature
4 new means of transport have enabled us to travel more easily and faster
5 more people can afford these new types of holidays due to more reasonable prices
® Choose one of the topic sentences below and make notes. Write a paragraph in 80-100 words. Keep in mind the steps for writing a good paragraph (see the checklist on p.167 of Appendix in 'English-10J.
1 Mathematics has always been my favourite subject at school.
2 Independent language learning has several advantages.
3 For many years my family has been celebrating Christmas in the same way.
0Read and discuss the information in pairs .
A summaryis a short statement that gives only the main points and not the details of a longer text.
A well-written summary should be concise (only essential information
should be included), complete (all important information must be included) and clear, i.e. understandable to the reader. At last, a summary must be correct. It must convey the exact meaning of the original text.
A summary must be written in full sentences .
Don't mix up paraphrasing and summarising! Paraphrasing is "rewriting" information from another source in your own words without changing its meaning. Since you have to include almost all the original information , a paraphrase is almost as long as the original. On the other hand, a summary includes only the essential information , which makes it much shorter than the original text.
However, changing the original meaning is not allowed in either a
summary or a paraphrase .
Choose a text from a newspaper or a magazine and read it. First determine the number of words and then write your own summaries. Comment on each other's summary regarding the characteristics of a good summary.
G) Fill in the gaps in the sentences given below with one of the words A,
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1458