Explain your choice.
1- G) Match the words with their definitions (a-k). Use a dictionary to check.
:::J 1-UJ
assessment, average, to boost, to pace, distraction , to reckon, to steer clear (of), to cheat, superstition, exhausted, to revise
a... if you add together several quantities and divide the sum by the total number of quantities you'll get it
b... to behave in a dishonest way in order to win or get an advantage
c... a process in which you make a judgement about someone's
knowledge or skills
d... to increase something
e... extremely tired or having no energy
f... to study lessons again in order to learn them before an examination
g... to set a controlled regular speed for
h... a belief that some objects or actions are luck and some are unluck, based on old ideas of magic
... a pleasant and not very serious
an assessment[;)'sesmdnt]
a distraction[di'strrekfn]
a superstition[,su:p;)'stlfn]
to boost[bu:st]
to cheat[tfj:t]
to reckon['rekdn] to pace[pets] average['revdnd3]
• to steer clear (of)
activity (that can drive your attention away from serious things)
j... this word is spoken to think that something is a fact .
k... to try to avoid something unnecessary or annoying
@Listen to the conversation between two friends and name the pieces of advice that one gives another.
Listen again and decide if the opinions below are expressed by Sara, Tony or both of them. Note 'S' for Sara, 'T' for Tony or 'B' for both.
D 1 Tests are not a good way of measuring someone's knowledge.
D2 It can be hard to tell if students' works outside exams are their own.
D3 You should turn your phone off when you study.
D4 Make sure you have enough sleep before
your exam.
5 Eating fish can help you perform better in tests.
D6 Doing previous test papers can help you do
better in examinations.
7 You should have a break every hour when studying.
G) In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
1 Do you write notes in pencil in your course book and revise them for tests? Why (not)?
2 Do you try talking to a partner during the school breaks and after classes
only in English?
3 Do you revise the new words every day? Why (not)?
4 Do you only work hard the few days before an exam? Why (not)?
5 Do you ever help your group mates if they don't understand anything?
Why (not)?
6 Do you regularly make a list of your common mistakes? Why (not)? 7 Are you sure you know how to use your dictionary? Why (not)?
8 Do you study only the material that was given at the lesson, nothing else? Why (not)?
9 Do you have special time or special day for studying? Why (not)?
10 Do you keep a list of useful vocabulary in a special notebook? Why (not)?
11 Do you give yourself tests or study with friends and test each other?
Why (not)?
12 Do you only learn what the teacher tells you to? Why (not)?
13 Do you have time only to attend the lessons? Do you have time for anything extra?
14 Do you write everything you know on your hand before you go into the exam? Why (not)? .
15 Do you think that passing or failing an exam is a matter of luck? Why (not)?
® In pairs, complete the dialogues with the sentences (a-c) and dramatise them.
1A: ... D aNo, I think I'll definitely
B: Was it really so bad? fail that exam.
A: ... D bThat history exam
B: That was really bad luck.
Do you think you managed to do enough to pass?
A: ...
B:Oh, come on, don't be so pessimistic.
was really awful.
c Yes, it was. Only a couple of the topics, which I
came up.
1z-w 0
2A: Now come on, calm down, it's not the end of the world . It was just an exam.
B: ...
A: Why? What happened? B: ...
aI'd just started on the third and last question when my mind suddenly went blank. I couldn't remember anything of what I'd
w m
A: But you answered the first two reviewed for that topic.
questions? bWell yes , but. ..
B: ... D c But it was absolutely
A: Then stop worrying. I'm sure you awful. I just don't know
did enough on those to pass. why it happened .
0a) Comment on the following quotations. Work in groups.
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 2283