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B) Match each sentence above (1-8) with its tense form or structure (A-F).



A Present Simple · D Future Simple .

B Present Continuous E Future Continuous

C 'Going to' F Future Perfect


Complete the sentences putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense forms.


1 Let's meet at the station. The train is leaving (leave) at 7 p.m.

2 You ... (eat) the whole pie! You ... (be) sick.

3 She won't be able to come in the afternoon. She ... (see) her lawyer at 4 o'clock .

4 They ... (date) for 5 years before he finally ... (propose) to her.

5 What ... (you I do) the whole evening while we ... (look for) you?

6 When we ... (go) to see him last night, he ... (play) computer games ; he

... (play) since lunch time.

7 By the end of last year they ... (finished) three large projects, and by next year they ... (finish) two more. I ... (be) with them since last month, but I

... (believe) they ... (work) on presentations at present.


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G) Match each question (1-6) with the appropriate answer (A-F).

Work in pairs .


1 Do you enjoy aWell , I have one brother and one sister. learning English?--- bI'm afraid I don't like it very much. I think it's

2 What do you do in really difficult, especially the grammar.

your free time? c I haven't really decided yet. I guess I'd like to

3 Do you plan to study abroad?

4 Do you have any brothers or sisters?

5 What's your job?

6 Where do you live?

one day, maybe in Canada or Australia.

dActually, my parents moved around a lot and I've lived in many cities. Now I live in Odesa.

eI have a part-time job in a local shop . In fact ,

I've worked there for more than three years .

fIt depends . I often go out with my friends , but sometimes I enjoy just reading in my room.

USE F"U L Tl P So---------------.


-.,..--_, Using words or expressions like 'actually', 'well', 'I guess' or

'It depends' will make you sound more natural when you speak.

® Role-play the situation in pairs.

Student A,you're the examiner. Choose some questions from task 1. For each question think of follow-up questions (why, when , where , who with, etc.) and interview student B for 4 or 5 minutes. Listen to student B's answers carefully. Did he or she give short or extended1 answers?

Student B,you are the student. Imagine you are in the exam . Introduce

yourself briefly and then listen to the examiner's questions. Answer as fully as possible, giving two or three additional pieces of information for each question. Follow the Useful Tips. When you've finished , change roles with your partner.


A: Where do you live?

B: Now /live in London, but before that I have been studying in Ireland- for 2 years. Actually, it was great . I was living in the countryside and it was very peaceful . Not like London -it's so busy and noisy! I guess I'll get used to London eventually­ it just takes time to adjust, doesn't it?


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0a) Write ten sentences about yourself. Five should be true and five

should be false. Choose topics in the box below.


Where you come from Your age

Your family

Your leisure activities Your personality

A problem you have

What languages you speak


Your favourite kind of music Countries you've visited

What you're going to do this weekend

A book you're reading at the moment What you did yesterday evening Something important that's happened to

you recently

b) Give a piece of paper to the person sitting next to you. Can he/she tell which sentences are true and which are false?

a) Ask and answer in pairs.

• How do you begin letters in English?

• How do you end a letter to a close friend?

• How do you end a letter to a stranger?

• Name the main parts of a letter.

b) Read the instructions and write a letter.


•You have just finished a short language course in Scotland.

•You are writing a letter to an English-speaking friend.

• Tell him or her what you did on the course, how

you spent your free time and what the other people


were like.

•You can use the information in the timetable below

and the beginning of the letter on the opposite page to help you.


Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
Language Lessons Language Lessons Language Lessons   FREE TIME Museum Visit



  Sport   Art   FREE TIME Language Lessons Language Lessons

Evenings : Social activities



Dear ...,

rvejust ftvU.sned a snort lttv..guttge course Llll­ scotlttlll-d ttlil-d I WCIII\.t to tell tjOIA. ttLL ttbout l.t



c) Check your writing after you have finished it, using a checklist below. Use it every time you practise writing something.




Have you included all the notes? Have you used paragraphs?

Have you written the right number of words? Have you linked the points clearly?

Have you started sentences in different ways so that it is interesting to read?

Have you checked your in grammar or spelling mistakes? Have you used a range of vocabulary? Are there any words

you have used too many times?


Have you started and ended the letter or email correctly? Have you used the right style for the person you're writing to?


@ Discuss the following questions in groups.

1 How long have you been learning English?

2 Why do people need English?

3 When have you had an opportunity to speak or read English?

4 Have you ever been to an English-speaking country?

5 What do you think about the idea that a language gets rusty' if it is not practised?

6 Can you follow TV programmes in English on satellite television?

7 Can you understand songs in English?

8 Do you have problems learning English? What are they?

9 Have you ever taken private lessons?

10 What do you find easy about English, and what do you find difficult (think about pronunciation, learning new vocabulary, grammar, spelling, listening, reading, understanding, translating , etc .)?


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G) In groups of three or four, try to find as many words as you can which are identical in English and your own language (for example: radio, lift). The winner is the group with the longest list. Seta time limit.

® a) Skim the short article in one minute. Which of the following sentences describes the main idea of the text?

A It is important to speak English if you want to be successful in business. B Most of the world's mail is written in English.

C English is the most widely used language in the world.



English is the second most commonly spoken, and by far the most widespread of the world's languages. It is estimated that there are 350 million native speakers, 300 million who use English as a second language and a further billion using it as a foreign language. English is spoken by

scientists, pilots, computer experts,

diplomats and tourists; it is the language of the world! Do you know that over 50% of all business deals are conducted in English? And over 70% of all mail is written and addressed in English? It is the official or co-official language of over 45 countries and furthermore, it is spoken extensively in other countries where it has no official status. It is perhaps, therefore, not surprising that in recent years we

have seen a dramatic increase in the

number of students opting to study abroad. In the future this will cement the role that English plays in the cultural, political or economic life of many countries around the world from Australia to Zambia.



Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1906

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A) Match each sentence with its description. | B) Look at the numbers below and say what they refer to. Match each number with its reference.
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