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Exercise 1. Use the appropriate form of the Infinitive (Active or Passive).

1. A twelve-year-old girl was the first ___ his attention or ____by him. (attract, attract)

2. I lack the will-power ___anything with my life, __ my position by hard work. (do, better)

3. There’s no time ____. (lose)

4. She put on the cape and turned round _____ .(admire)

5. He did nothing from morning till night but ___ at random. (wander)

6. Arthur couldn’t but __ at Daniel in silence. (glance)

7. I like __ presents to my friends but even more I like __ gifts. (give, give)

8. The child is so pale! She ought __ a change of food and air. (have)

9. The third key remained __. (test)

10. I meant ____ you about it earlier. (remind)

11. He only pretends _ the books on the desk. (arrange)

12. He’s trying ___ down his excitement. (calm)

13. The case was urgent. The man had ______. (operate on)

14. English people like ____ what to do. (tell)

15.Well sir, I want ___ my words back. I am sorry ___ you name. (take, call)

16. One window remained ___. (wash)

17. She’s lucky __ such a family, ___ all love and care since childhood. (have, see)

18. I am sorry __ my pen. (break)

19. I hate __ you but the student are still waiting ___books for their work. (bother, give)

20. The only sound ___ was the snoring of grandfather in the bedroom. (hear)

21. There is nothing ____ by it. (gain)

22. I am the last person ___a question of the kind. (ask)

23. She said she would love ___ and was simply delighted__ for a date. (come, ask)

24. Let’s go and see the place. You’ll be sorry later ___ it. (miss)

25. She was probably angry ___ in front of me. (reprimand)

26. She sat there trying to pretend she didn’t want _____ and was quite pleased ___ there and __the sun. (dance, sit, watch)

Exercise 2. Use the appropriate form of the Infinitive (Active or Passive).

1. She only pretends _____. She isn’t easy _____.(frighten, frighten)

2. He is sorry ____ way to panic then. (give)

3. I am glad _____ to you at the party yesterday. (introduce)

4. I didn’t expect ___ this question. (ask)

5. Don’t talk too much if you want ___. (listen to)

6. Unpleasant things shouldn’t ______ .(put off)

7. He is happy ____ through with this task. (be)

8. It’s bad of you ____ so much attention to trifling matters. You should be more serious. (pay)

9. Dan is happy ___ first prize for this picture. (award)

10. He is sorry ___ your advice then. (not follow)

11. There are a hundred things ___. (do)

12. According to the schedule the plane was _____ long ago. (land)

13. It’s sensible of John _____ Kate this advice. I hope she’ll follow it. (give)

14. He is sorry ____ you in your work. (disturb)

15. It’s thoughtful of you ____ the flowers. She was pleased. (bring)

16. He claims ____Elvis Priestly. Who’ll believe him? (meet)

17. Aren’t you supposed _____ after your sister at the moment? (look)

18. I am sorry _____ you but I didn’t mean anything of the kind. (disappoint)

19. It was considerate of my son __ of me when I was ill. (take care)

20. The woman pretended ___ and not ____ the bell. (read, hear)

21. Ann would love ___ on the beach now instead of typing letters. (lie)

22. He isn’t old enough ___ ____ out late (allow, stay).


Exercise 3. Insert “to” before the Infinitives where necessary.

1. He did nothing from morning till night but _____ wander at random.

2. You’d better _____ take me back to Oxford.

3. They ought _____ have asked me my advice.

4. I’d sooner ___ die than ___ ask him for another penny.

5. Your mother has gone to some friends, they do nothing but __ play bridge.

6. There’s nobody in the world I’d rather __ work with or ____ have greater respect for.

7. Why not _____ try ______ save her?

8. You’d better ______ get some sleep.

9. If you say you gave me no encouragement I cannot but ___contradict you.

10. I thought that I’d better ____ try ____ speak openly.

11. Why not ____ write to her?

12. To know all is ___ forgive all.

13. Arthur could not but ___ glance at Daniel in silence.

14. It’s time ____ go home.

15. It might rain. We’d better _ take an umbrella.

16. I’m tired. I’d rather not ___ go out tonight.

17. Shall we go by train? – No, I’dprefer ___ go by car.

18. Get them ____ come as early as possible. Make them ___ come as early as possible.

19. There’s hardly anything ____ do but ____ work out an alternative plan.

20. Why not __ start out now?


Date: 2016-03-03; view: 2722

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