Fill in the gaps or finish the sentences.STARTING BUSINESS ENGLISH
Fill in the gaps or finish the sentences.
Mr. Smith: Edward, I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’ll have .................................. tomorrow.
Edward: That’s no problem. Shall we postpone it until later in the week?
Mr. Smith: No, I’m afraid, I’m not ............................................................
Edward:We need ............................................................, don’t we?
Is there any problem?
Mr.Smith: No, not for me, but perhaps, there’s the problem for you. I’m
afraid Big Boss won’t be in the catalogue.
Edward: Are we too late for ............................. ?
Mr. SMith: No. ...................................... I’m not going to use Big Boss.
I’m going to use another product.
Edward: I don’t understand…
Mr. SMith: Well, listen. Then you understand. This is a new product from
J. K. Toys. It’s called Dealer Dan
Dealer Dan: Hi, I’m Dealer Dan, I’m the best thing on the .......................
......................................... .
Mr. Smith: Edward, are you still there?
Edward: Yes.
Mr. Smith: Good, isn’t he?
Edward:You say he’s called Dealer Dan.
Mr. Smith: Yes. He arrived yesterday afternoon. The ............................. .
from J.K. Toys introduced us. They’ll launch him on January 20th.
Edward:What? Is Dealer Dan ....................?
Mr. Smith: Yes.
Edward: .......................................?
Mr. Smith:Yes, it’s .........................................
I think Dealer Dan would just like to say bye-bye.
Dealer Dan: Bye-bye.
Edward:I don’t understand.
Dan: If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Geraldine: I’m afraid Mr. Peters is running a bit behind schedule but
he won’t be long.
Edward: Have you seen Don?
Geraldine: He’s in the boardroom, in a meeting.
Edward: Something important ......................... I need to talk to him.
Geraldine: He’s with Mr. Reiley. Go on.
Don: We’ll get some examples of ............................... to you
and there will be also ...................... of the product. Come in.
Edward: Don, Mr. Reiley. Sorry to interrupt you. Something important
has come up. Can you.........................?
Don: Can it wait, ........................ in 10 minutes.
Edward: Not really.
Don: Okay. I’m sorry. Do ............................ with this?
Edward: I think we’ve got a problem, I have just talked to Mr. Smith
............................... J. K. Toys are launching
Dealer Dan.
Don: Who the hell is Dealer Dan?
Clive: Let’s ........................You think we’ll .................?
Derek: Yes, I do. But we’ll need to ................................. or............
Don: ...................................?
Clive: Not at all. What’s the matter?
Don: I think we need to talk. Something very important has come up.
Jenny: Do you know where Don is, I thought he was in a meeting
with the client.
Geraldine: He was. But he.............................. .There’s a problem.
Jenny: What?
Geraldine: I don’t know. Something about Dealer Dan.
Derek: Everything in Big Boss is new. The idea is new.
The technology is new.
Don: Maybe, .................................. Is that possible?
Derek: It’s possible. Of course possible but it’s very unlikely.
Harris: How many knew about The Big Boss?
Derek:Well, hundreds of people.
Harris: No, I’m sorry, that’s not what I mean. I’m talking about
the technology. How many knew about that?
Derek: Well, only the people in my team.
Don: I think we need to find out more about Dealer Dan
Clive: I'll make a few calls. Don, ................................ with the
............................. and look at our options. Derek, I want you
to get hold of Dealer Dan.
Jenny: I'm calling about the .................................................,
I’m terribly sorry but Don won't be able to make it. Is there any chance that we could re-arrange it for the same time next week.
Edward: Yes, I'm really sorry but it's absolutely impossible for me this afternoon, I’ll have to work late, something has come up.
Jenny: Is there any way, that Mrs. Clark ...................... her meeting
with Don ...................? I'm trying to re-schedule all Don's appointments for tomorrow.
Edward: Ah, do you have this diary in front of you? Good. Could we move
the meeting from Two o'clock on Thursday to some time on
Friday morning?
Jenny: All right if you can't make any time in the next week, could we
set up a ....................................?
Imogine: Jenny suggests setting up a meeting where four people on the phone are talking at the same time. In this episode we'll see
two people speaking on the phone.
Geraldine: Clive, it's Mr. Sakai on the line for you.
Clive: Mr. Sakai! How are you, Kasal?
Mr. Sakai: Well, Clive, thank you, Clive.
Clive: It's nice to hear from you. How are the family?
Mr. Sakai: They are fine, Clive, thank you for asking. Clive, can I come
to the point quickly?
Clive: Please, do.
Mr. Sakai: I'm very worried, I've just seen the product which is very like
Big Boss.
Clive: Really?
Mr. Sakai: I have changed my plans, I'll be in London tomorrow. We must meet. My secretary will ................................
Clive: Yes, of course, Kasal, I'll meet you at the airport. Goodbye.
Sally, whatever you've arranged for me tomorrow, it's cancelled.
I'll be in the airport all morning with Mr. Sakai. And possibly
the afternoon as well…
Derek: How much do J.K. know about you? And who told them and
how good is Dealer Dan?
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 943