1. Concept of turnover (working) assets of the enterprise, their size and structure. Structure of turnover assets.
2. Rationing of an expense of material resources. Methods of rationing of turnover funds.
3. Indicators of effective use of turnover assets.
Discussion of the questions;
Work with the glossary;
Task 1. To define indicators of an turnover and relative release of working capital of the enterprise, if at planned amount of production are 100 million tenge, specification of working capital are 20 million tenge, actual release are 120 million tenge.
Task 2. Net weight of a product is 38 kg. Annual release is 3000 units. The operating efficiency of a material is 0,8, the enterprise plans to raise it to 0,82. Price of 1 kg. material is 4200 tenge. Define:
1) operating and planned norm of an expense of a material;
2) annual economy from growth of efficiency coefficient of a material in natural and cost measurement.
Task 3. To define a demanded gain of the standard of current assets, if output in the base period of 350 thousand tenge, at the standard of current assets of 35 thousand tenge. Planned output will increase by 25 %, duration of a turn of current assets will be reduced by 6 days.
Form of activity: practical work, discussion, independent activity, research activity.
Methodical recommendations:Preparation for performance of tasks should be begun with studying of recommended literature. When studying this theme, it is important to acquire economic essence of working capital, their role, structure and contents. It is necessary to be able to calculate indicators of efficiency of use of working capital, to define the absolute and relative sum of the means liberated owing to acceleration of an turnover.
Literature: 1-42.
Theme 9. Firm personnel
1. The labor relations and labor collective at the enterprise. Division of workers. Structure of the production and industrial personnel. Classification of workers.
2. Concept of a payroll of workers. Indicators of number of workers.
3. Indicators of the movement of personnel.
4. HR department of the enterprise: functions, structure, efficiency of activity.
Discussion of the questions;
Work with the glossary;
3. Studying of legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan:The Labor code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Concept of social protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, The Employment program – 2020, Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Social and economic modernization – the main vector of development of Kazakhstan”.
Task 1. To define number working in the planned period, if release of production will increase in the planned period for 7,8 %, and labor productivity will increase by 5,1 %. The volume of gross product in the basic period made 12,5 million tenge, number of the industrial and production personnel are 1850 people.
Task 2. Norm of time on one product are 15 minute. Time of change is 8 hours. Average number of working hours a month on one worker is 176. Define: 1) hour, replaceable and monthly performance standard; 2) percent of performance of time norm, if the actual expenses of time on one product – 13 minute.
Task 3. There are following data on the plant: products volume for planned year – 4782 million tenge, labor productivity of one industrial and production worker for fiscal year – 4,2 million tenge. The plan of organizational and technical actions provides reduction of number of workers in planned year on 64 persons. Define growth rate of labor productivity.
Task 4. In a month the turner fulfilled 22 days (for 8 hours in day) and made details: "And" - 100 pieces at norm of time 1,2 hours; "In" - 50 pieces at norm of time 2,0; "With" - 10 pieces at norm of time 0,6 hours. Define: 1) the working hours fulfilled by the turner for a month (hour); 2) time necessary for manufacturing of all products; 3) percent of performance of norms.
Task 5. To define planned growth of labor productivity in branch if it is known that release of gross output in planned year should increase in comparison with basic by 9,5 %, and number working at 2,1 %.
Task 6. The price-work salary of the worker in a month made 35000 tenge. For the same period by it it is saved material values for the sum of 6500 tenge. By situation operating at plant the worker gets a premium at a rate of 40 % of the sum of economy of materials. What are general salary of the worker?
5. Solution of exercises:
Exercise 1. Give examples from foreign practice of the organization of a salary.
Exercise 2. Using statistical data you must to determine a minimum level of a salary by Kazakhstan and the Karaganda region.
Form of activity: practical work, discussion, independent activity, research activity.
Methodical recommendations:Preparation for performance of tasks should be began with studying of recommended literature. When studying the theme, it is important to know a current situation of the Kazakhstan’s labor market. It is necessary to understand exclusive importance of growth of a labor productivity for a gain of production volume.
Preparation for performance of tasks should be began with studying of recommended literature. Studing of a material, it is important to understand a role of motivation of labor, to study forms of wages of workers. Special attention it is necessary to turn a ratio of growth of labor productivity and a salary. For work to use normative legal acts of Republic of Kazakhstan and statistical materials.