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Nbsp;   The Famous Double-Check Locking Technique

There is a famous technique called double-check locking, which is used by developers who want to defer constructing a singleton object until an application requests it (sometimes called lazy initializa- tion). If the application never requests the object, it never gets constructed, saving time and memory. A potential problem occurs when multiple threads request the singleton object simultaneously. In this case, some form of thread synchronization must be used to ensure that the singleton object gets constructed just once.

This technique is not famous because it is particularly interesting or useful. It is famous because there has been much written about it. This technique was used heavily in Java, and later it was discovered that Java couldn’t guarantee that it would work everywhere. The famous document that describes the problem can be found on this webpage: www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/java/memoryModel/ DoubleCheckedLocking.html.

Anyway, you’ll be happy to know that the CLR supports the double-check locking technique just fine because of its memory model and volatile field access (described in Chapter 29). Here is code that demonstrates how to implement the double-check locking technique in C#.


internal sealed class Singleton {

// s_lock is required for thread safety and having this object assumes that creating

// the singleton object is more expensive than creating a System.Object object and that

// creating the singleton object may not be necessary at all. Otherwise, it is more

// efficient and easier to just create the singleton object in a class constructor private static readonly Object s_lock = new Object();


// This field will refer to the one Singleton object private static Singleton s_value = null;


// Private constructor prevents any code outside this class from creating an instance private Singleton() {

// Code to initialize the one Singleton object goes here...



// Public, static method that returns the Singleton object (creating it if necessary) public static Singleton GetSingleton() {

// If the Singleton was already created, just return it (this is fast) if (s_value != null) return s_value;


Monitor.Enter(s_lock); // Not created, let 1 thread create it if (s_value == null) {

// Still not created, create it Singleton temp = new Singleton();


// Save the reference in s_value (see discussion for details) Volatile.Write(ref s_value, temp);




// Return a reference to the one Singleton object return s_value;




The idea behind the double-check locking technique is that a call to the GetSingleton method quickly checks the s_value field to see if the object has already been created, and if it has, the method returns a reference to it. The beautiful thing here is that no thread synchronization is re- quired after the object has been constructed; the application will run very fast. On the other hand, if the first thread that calls the GetSingleton method sees that the object hasn’t been created, it takes a thread synchronization lock to ensure that only one thread constructs the single object. This means that a performance hit occurs only the first time a thread queries the singleton object.

Now, let me explain why this pattern didn’t work in Java. The Java Virtual Machine read the value of s_value into a CPU register at the beginning of the GetSingleton method and then just queried the register when evaluating the second if statement, causing the second if statement to always evaluate to true, and multiple threads ended up creating Singleton objects. Of course, this hap- pened only if multiple threads called GetSingleton at exactly the same time, which in most applica- tions is very unlikely. This is why it went undetected in Java for so long.

In the CLR, calling any lock method is a full memory fence, and any variable writes you have before the fence must complete before the fence and any variable reads after the fence must start after it.

For the GetSingleton method, this means that the s_value field must be reread after the call to

Monitor.Enter; it cannot be cached in a register across this method call.


Inside GetSingleton, you see the call to Volatile.Write. Here’s the problem that this is solv- ing. Let’s say that what you had inside the second if statement was the following line of code.


s_value = new Singleton(); // This is what you'd ideally like to write


You would expect the compiler to produce code that allocates the memory for a Singleton, calls the constructor to initialize the fields, and then assigns the reference into the s_value field. Making a value visible to other threads is called publishing. But the compiler could do this instead: allocate memory for the Singleton, publish (assign) the reference into s_value, and then call the construc- tor. From a single thread’s perspective, changing the order like this has no impact. But what if, after publishing the reference into s_value and before calling the constructor, another thread calls the

GetSingleton method? This thread will see that s_value is not null and start to use the Singleton

object, but its constructor has not finished executing yet! This can be a very hard bug to track down,

especially because it is all due to timing.


The call to Volatile.Write fixes this problem. It ensures that the reference in temp can be published into s_value only after the constructor has finished executing. Another way to solve this problem would be to mark the s_value field with C#’s volatile keyword. This makes the write

to s_value volatile, and again, the constructor has to finish running before the write can happen. Unfortunately, this makes all reads volatile, too, and because there is no need for this, you are hurting your performance with no benefit.

In the beginning of this section, I mentioned that the double-check locking technique is not that interesting. In my opinion, developers think it is cool, and they use it far more often than they should. In most scenarios, this technique actually hurts efficiency. Here is a much simpler version of the Singleton class that behaves the same as the previous version. This version does not use the double-check locking technique.


internal sealed class Singleton {

private static Singleton s_value = new Singleton();


// Private constructor prevents any code outside this class from creating an instance private Singleton() {

// Code to initialize the one Singleton object goes here...



// Public, static method that returns the Singleton object (creating it if necessary) public static Singleton GetSingleton() { return s_value; }



Because the CLR automatically calls a type’s class constructor the first time code attempts to access a member of the class, the first time a thread queries Singleton’s GetSingleton method, the CLR will automatically call the class constructor, which creates an instance of the object. Furthermore, the CLR already ensures that calls to a class constructor are thread safe. I explained all of this in Chapter 8. The one downside of this approach is that the type constructor is called when any member of a class is first accessed. If the Singleton type defined some other static members, then the Singleton ob- ject would be created when any one of them was accessed. Some people work around this problem by defining nested classes.

Let me show you a third way of producing a single Singleton object.


internal sealed class Singleton {

private static Singleton s_value = null;


// Private constructor prevents any code outside this class from creating an instance private Singleton() {

// Code to initialize the one Singleton object goes here...



// Public, static method that returns the Singleton object (creating it if necessary) public static Singleton GetSingleton() {

if (s_value != null) return s_value;

// Create a new Singleton and root it if another thread didn't do it first Singleton temp = new Singleton();

Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_value, temp, null);


// If this thread lost, then the second Singleton object gets GC'd


return s_value; // Return reference to the single object




If multiple threads call GetSingleton simultaneously, then this version might create two (or more)

Singleton objects. However, the call to Interlocked.CompareExchange ensures that only one of the references is ever published into the s_value field. Any object not rooted by this field will be garbage collected later on. Because, in most applications, it is unlikely that multiple threads will call

GetSingleton at the same time, it is unlikely that more than one Singleton object will ever be cre- ated.

Now it might upset you that multiple Singleton objects could be created, but there are many benefits to this code. First, it is very fast. Second, it never blocks a thread; if a thread pool thread is blocked on a Monitor or any other kernel-mode thread synchronization construct, then the thread pool creates another thread to keep the CPUs saturated with work. So now, more memory is allocated and initialized and all the DLLs get a thread attach notification. With CompareExchange, this can never happen. Of course, you can use this technique only when the constructor has no side effects.

The FCL offers two types that encapsulate the patterns described in this section. The generic

System.Lazy class looks like this (some methods are not shown).


public class Lazy<T> {

public Lazy(Func<T> valueFactory, LazyThreadSafetyMode mode); public Boolean IsValueCreated { get; }

public T Value { get; }



This code demonstrates how it works.


public static void Main() {

// Create a lazy­initialization wrapper around getting the DateTime Lazy<String> s = new Lazy<String>(() => DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), true);


Console.WriteLine(s.IsValueCreated); // Returns false because Value not queried yet Console.WriteLine(s.Value); // The delegate is invoked now Console.WriteLine(s.IsValueCreated); // Returns true because Value was queried Thread.Sleep(10000); // Wait 10 seconds and display the time again Console.WriteLine(s.Value); // The delegate is NOT invoked now; same result



When I run this, I get the following output.


False 2:40:42 PM


2:40:42 PM ß Notice that the time did not change 10 seconds later

The preceding code constructed an instance of the Lazy class and passed one of the Lazy­ ThreadSafetyMode flags into it. Here is what these flags look like and what they mean.


public enum LazyThreadSafetyMode {

None, // No thread­safety support at all (good for GUI apps) ExecutionAndPublication // Uses the double­check locking technique PublicationOnly, // Uses the Interlocked.CompareExchange technique



In some memory-constrained scenarios, you might not even want to create an instance of the Lazy class. Instead, you can call static methods of the System.Threading.LazyInitializer class. The class looks like this.


public static class LazyInitializer {

// These two methods use Interlocked.CompareExchange internally: public static T EnsureInitialized<T>(ref T target) where T: class;

public static T EnsureInitialized<T>(ref T target, Func<T> valueFactory) where T: class;


// These two methods pass the syncLock to Monitor's Enter and Exit methods internally public static T EnsureInitialized<T>(ref T target, ref Boolean initialized,

ref Object syncLock);

public static T EnsureInitialized<T>(ref T target, ref Boolean initialized, ref Object syncLock, Func<T> valueFactory);



Also, being able to explicitly specify a synchronization object to the EnsureInitialized meth- od’s syncLock parameter allows multiple initialization functions and fields to be protected by the same lock.

Here is an example using a method from this class.


public static void Main() { String name = null;

// Because name is null, the delegate runs and initializes name LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(ref name, () => "Jeffrey"); Console.WriteLine(name); // Displays "Jeffrey"


// Because name is not null, the delegate does not run; name doesn’t change LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(ref name, () => "Richter"); Console.WriteLine(name); // Also displays "Jeffrey"




Date: 2016-03-03; view: 911

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