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Nbsp;   How Windows Performs I/O Operations

Let’s begin by discussing how Windows performs synchronous I/O operations. Figure 28-1 represents a computer system with several hardware devices connected to it. Each of these hardware devices has its own circuit board, each of which contains a small, special-purpose computer that knows how to control its hardware device. For example, the hard disk drive has a circuit board that knows how to spin up the drive, seek the head to the right track, read or write data from or to the disk, and transfer the data to or from your computer’s memory.

FIGURE 28-1How Windows performs a synchronous I/O operation.


In your program, you open a disk file by constructing a FileStream object. Then you call the Read method to read data from the file. When you call FileStream’s Read method, your thread transitions from managed code to native/user-mode code and Read internally calls the Win32 Read­ File function (#1). ReadFile then allocates a small data structure called an I/O Request Packet (IRP) (#2). The IRP structure is initialized to contain the handle to the file, an offset within the file where bytes will start to be read from, the address of a Byte[] that should be filled with the bytes being read, the number of bytes to transfer, and some other less interesting stuff.

ReadFile then calls into the Windows kernel by having your thread transition from native/user- mode code to native/kernel-mode code, passing the IRP data structure to the kernel (#3). From the device handle in the IRP, the Windows kernel knows which hardware device the I/O operation is destined for, and Windows delivers the IRP to the appropriate device driver’s IRP queue (#4). Each device driver maintains its own IRP queue that contains I/O requests from all processes running on the machine. As IRP packets show up, the device driver passes the IRP information to the circuit board associated with the actual hardware device. The hardware device now performs the requested I/O operation (#5).

But here is the important part: While the hardware device is performing the I/O operation, your thread that issued the I/O request has nothing to do, so Windows puts your thread to sleep so that it is not wasting CPU time (#6). This is great, but although your thread is not wasting time, it is wast- ing space (memory), as its user-mode stack, kernel-mode stack, thread environment block (TEB), and other data structures are sitting in memory but are not being accessed at all. In addition, for GUI ap- plications, the UI can’t respond to user input while the thread is blocked. All of this is bad.

Ultimately, the hardware device will complete the I/O operation, and then Windows will wake up your thread, schedule it to a CPU, and let it return from kernel mode to user mode, and then back to managed code (#7, #8, and #9). FileStream’s Read method now returns an Int32, indicating the actual number of bytes read from the file so that you know how many bytes you can examine in the Byte[] that you passed to Read.

Let’s imagine that you are implementing a web application and as each client request comes in to your server, you need to make a database request. When a client request comes in, a thread pool thread will call into your code. If you now issue a database request synchronously, the thread will block for an indefinite amount of time waiting for the database to respond with the result. If dur- ing this time another client request comes in, the thread pool will have to create another thread and again this thread will block when it makes another database request. As more and more client requests come in, more and more threads are created, and all these threads block waiting for the

database to respond. The result is that your web server is allocating lots of system resources (threads and their memory) that are barely even used!

And to make matters worse, when the database does reply with the various results, threads be- come unblocked and they all start executing. But because you might have lots of threads running and relatively few CPU cores, Windows has to perform frequent context switches, which hurts perfor- mance even more. This is no way to implement a scalable application.

Now, let’s discuss how Windows performs asynchronous I/O operations. In Figure 28-2, I have removed all the hardware devices except the hard disk from the picture, I introduce the common language runtime’s (CLR’s) thread pool, and I’ve modified the code slightly. I still open the disk file by constructing a FileStream object, but now I pass in the FileOptions.Asynchronous flag. This flag tells Windows that I want my read and write operations against the file to be performed asynchronously.

To read data from the file, I now call ReadAsync instead of Read. ReadAsync internally allocates a Task<Int32> object to represent the pending completion of the read operation. Then, ReadAsync calls Win32’s ReadFile function (#1). ReadFile allocates its IRP, initializes it just like it did in the synchronous scenario (#2), and then passes it down to the Windows kernel (#3). Windows adds the IRP to the hard disk driver’s IRP queue (#4), but now, instead of blocking your thread, your thread is allowed to return to your code; your thread immediately returns from its call to ReadAsync (#5, #6, and #7). Now, of course, the IRP has not necessarily been processed yet, so you cannot have code after ReadAsync that attempts to access the bytes in the passed-in Byte[].

Now you might ask, when and how do you process the data that will ultimately be read? Well, when you call ReadAsync, it returns to you a Task<Int32> object. Using this object, you can call ContinueWith to register a callback method that should execute when the task completes and then process the data in this callback method. Or, alternatively, you can use C#’s asynchronous function feature to simplify your code by allowing you to write it sequentially (as you would if you were per- forming synchronous I/O).

FIGURE 28-2How Windows performs an asynchronous I/O operation.


When the hardware device completes processing the IRP (a), it will queue the completed IRP into the CLR’s thread pool (b). Sometime in the future, a thread pool thread will extract the completed IRP and execute code that completes the task by setting an exception (if an error occurred) or the result (in this case, an Int32 indicating the number of bytes successfully read) (c).1So now the Task object knows when the operation has completed and this, in turn, lets your code run so it can safely access the data inside the Byte[].

Now that you understand the basics, let’s put it all into perspective. Let’s say that a client request comes in, and our server makes an asynchronous database request. As a result, our thread won’t block, and it will be allowed to return to the thread pool so that it can handle more incoming client requests. So now we have just one thread handling all incoming client requests. When the database server responds, its response is also queued into the thread pool, so our thread pool thread will just process it at some point and ultimately send the necessary data back to the client. At this point, we have just one thread processing all client requests and all database responses. Our server is using very few system resources and it is still running as fast as it can, especially because there are no context switches!

If items appear in the thread pool quicker than our one thread can process them all, then the thread pool might create additional threads. The thread pool will quickly create one thread per CPU




1 Completed IRPs are extracted from the thread pool by using a first-in-first-out (FIFO) algorithm.

on the machine. So, on a quad-processor machine, four client requests/database responses (in any combination) are running on four threads without any context switching.2

However, if any of these threads voluntarily block (by invoking a synchronous I/O operation, call- ing Thread.Sleep, or waiting to acquire a thread synchronization lock), then Windows notifies the thread pool that one of its threads has stopped running. The thread pool now realizes that the CPUs are undersaturated and creates a new thread to replace the blocked thread. This, of course, is not ideal because creating a new thread is very expensive in terms of both time and memory.

What’s worse is that the blocked thread might wake up and now the CPUs are oversaturated again and context switching must occur, decreasing performance. However, the thread pool is smart here. As threads complete their processing and return to the pool, the thread pool won’t let them process new work items until the CPUs become exactly saturated again, thereby reducing context switches and improving performance. And if the thread pool later determines that it has more threads in it than it needs, it lets the extra threads kill themselves, thereby reclaiming the resources that these threads were using.

Internally, the CLR’s thread pool uses a Windows resource called an I/O Completion Port to elicit the behavior that I’ve just described. The CLR creates an I/O Completion Port when it initializes and, as you open hardware devices, these devices can be bound to the I/O Completion Port so that device drivers know where to queue the completed IRPs. If you want to understand more about this mecha- nism, I recommend the book, Windows via C/C++, Fifth Edition, by myself and Christophe Nasarre (Microsoft Press, 2007).

In addition to minimal resource usage and reduced context switches, we get many other benefits when performing I/O operations asynchronously. Whenever a garbage collection starts, the CLR must suspend all the threads in the process. Therefore, the fewer threads we have, the faster the garbage collector runs. In addition, when a garbage collection occurs, the CLR must walk all the threads’ stacks looking for roots. Again, the fewer threads there are, the fewer stacks there are, and this also makes the garbage collection faster. But, in addition, if our threads don’t block while processing work items, the threads tend to spend most of their time waiting in the thread pool. So when a garbage collection occurs, the threads are at the top of their stack, and walking each thread’s stack for roots takes very little time.

Also, when you debug an application, Windows suspends all threads in the debuggee when you hit a breakpoint. Then, when you continue executing the debuggee, Windows has to resume all

its threads, so if you have a lot of threads in an application, single-stepping through the code in a debugger can be excruciatingly slow. Using asynchronous I/O allows you to have just a few threads, improving your debugging performance.



2 This is assuming that other threads are not running on the computer, which is true most of the time, because most computers are running at far less than 100-percent CPU usage. And, even if CPU usage is at 100 percent due to threads lower than priority 8, your application will not have its responsiveness and performance impacted because your appli- cation’s thread will just pre-empt the lower priority threads. If other threads are running whose priority interferes with your thread’s priorities, then context switching does occur. This is bad for performance reasons, but it is good for overall application responsiveness reasons. Remember that Windows gives each process at least one thread and performs con- text switches to ensure that an application whose thread is an infinite loop doesn’t stop other applications’ threads from running.

And, here’s yet another benefit: let’s say that your application wants to download 10 images from various websites, and that it takes 5 seconds to download each image. If you perform this work synchronously (downloading one image after another), then it takes you 50 seconds to get the 10 images. However, if you use just one thread to initiate 10 asynchronous download opera- tions, then all 10 are being performed concurrently and all 10 images will come back in just 5 seconds! That is, when performing multiple synchronous I/O operations, the time it takes to get all the results is the sum of the times required for each individual result. However, when performing multiple asynchronous I/O operations, the time it takes to get all the results is the time required to get the single worst-performing operation.

For GUI applications, asynchronous operations offer yet another advantage: the application’s user interface doesn’t hang and remains responsive to the end user. In fact, if you are building a Micro- soft Silverlight or Windows Store application, you must perform all I/O operations asynchronously, because the class libraries available to you for performing I/O operations only expose these opera- tions asynchronously; the equivalent synchronous methods simply do not exist in the library. This was done purposely ensuring that these applications can never issue a synchronous I/O operation, thereby blocking the GUI thread making the application nonresponsive to the end user. This forces developers to build responsive applications providing end users a better experience.



Date: 2016-03-03; view: 854

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