| Nbsp; Introducing the CLR’s Thread PoolAs stated in the previous chapter, creating and destroying a thread is an expensive operation in terms of time. In addition, having lots of threads wastes memory resources and also hurts performance due to the operating system having to schedule and context switch between the runnable threads. To im- prove this situation, the CLR contains code to manage its own thread pool. You can think of a thread pool as being a set of threads that are available for your application’s own use. There is one thread pool per CLR; this thread pool is shared by all AppDomains controlled by that CLR. If multiple CLRs load within a single process, then each CLR has its own thread pool.
When the CLR initializes, the thread pool has no threads in it. Internally, the thread pool maintains a queue of operation requests. When your application wants to perform an asynchronous operation, you call some method that appends an entry into the thread pool’s queue. The thread pool’s code will extract entries from this queue and dispatch the entry to a thread pool thread. If there are no threads in the thread pool, a new thread will be created. Creating a thread has a performance hit associated with it (as already discussed). However, when a thread pool thread has completed its task, the thread is not destroyed; instead, the thread is returned to the thread pool, where it sits idle waiting to respond to another request. Because the thread doesn’t destroy itself, there is no added performance hit.
If your application makes many requests of the thread pool, the thread pool will try to service all of the requests by using just this one thread. However, if your application is queuing up several requests faster than the thread pool thread can handle them, additional threads will be created. Your applica- tion will eventually get to a point at which all of its requests can be handled by a small number of threads, so the thread pool should have no need to create a lot of threads.
If your application stops making requests of the thread pool, the pool may have a lot of threads in it that are doing nothing. This is wasteful of memory resources. So when a thread pool thread has been idle with nothing to do for some period of time (subject to change with different versions of the CLR), the thread wakes itself up and kills itself to free up resources. As the thread is killing itself, there is a performance hit. However, this probably doesn’t matter, because the thread is killing itself because it has been idle, which means that your application isn’t performing a lot of work.
The great thing about the thread pool is that it manages the tension between having a few threads, to keep from wasting resources, and having more threads, to take advantage of multipro- cessors, hyperthreaded processors, and multi-core processors. And the thread pool is heuristic. If
your application needs to perform many tasks and CPUs are available, the thread pool creates more threads. If your application’s workload decreases, the thread pool threads kill themselves.
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 854