Back in the early days of computers, operating systems didn’t offer the concept of a thread. In effect, there was just one thread of execution that ran throughout the entire system, which included both operating system code and application code. The problem with having only one thread of execution was that a long-running task would prevent other tasks from executing. For example, in the days of 16-bit Windows, it was very common for an application that was printing a document to stall the entire machine, causing the operating system and all other applications to stop responding. And, sometimes applications would have a bug in them, resulting in an infinite loop that also stopped the entire machine from operating.
At this point, the end user would have no choice but to reboot the computer by pressing the reset button or power switch. Of course, end users hated doing this (they still do, in fact) because all run- ning applications terminated; more importantly, any data that these applications were processing was thrown out of memory and lost. Microsoft knew that 16-bit Windows would not be a good enough operating system to keep Microsoft relevant as the computer industry progressed, so they set out to build a new operating system to address the needs of corporations and individuals. This new operat- ing system had to be robust, reliable, scalable, and secure, and it had to improve the many deficien- cies of 16-bit Windows. This operating system kernel originally shipped in Windows NT. Over the years, this kernel has had many tweaks and features added to it. The latest version of this kernel ships in the latest versions of the Microsoft client and server Windows operating systems.
When Microsoft was designing this operating system kernel, they decided to run each instance of an application in what is called a process. A process is just a collection of resources that is used by a single instance of an application. Each process is given a virtual address space, ensuring that the code and data used by one process is not accessible to another process. This makes application instances robust because one process cannot corrupt code or data being used by another. In addition, the op- erating system’s kernel code and data are not accessible to processes; therefore, it’s not possible for application code to corrupt operating system code or data. So now, application code cannot corrupt other applications or the operating system itself, and the whole computing experience is much better for end users. In addition, the system is more secure because application code cannot access user names, passwords, credit card information, or other sensitive information that is in use by another ap- plication or the operating system itself.
This is all well and good, but what about the CPU itself? What if an application enters an infinite loop? Well, if there is only one CPU in the machine, then it executes the infinite loop and cannot ex- ecute anything else, so although the data cannot be corrupted and is more secure, the system could still stop responding to the end user. Microsoft needed to fix this problem, too, and threads were the answer. A thread is a Windows concept whose job is to virtualize the CPU. Windows gives each pro- cess its very own thread (which functions similar to a CPU), and if application code enters an infinite loop, the process associated with that code freezes up, but other processes (which have their own threads) are not frozen; they keep running!