A Boat beneath a Sunny SkyA boat beneath a sunny sky,
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July --
Children three that nestle near,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Pleased a simple tale to hear --
Long has paled that sunny sky:
Echoes fade and memories die:
Autumn frosts have slain July.
Still she haunts me, phantomwise,
Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking eyes.
Children yet, the tale to hear,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.
In a Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream --
Lingering in the golden dream --
Life, what is it but a dream?
Autumn Leaves
In the hush and the lonely silence
Of the chill October night,
Some wizard has worked his magic
With fairy fingers light.
The leaves of the sturdy oak trees
Are splendid with crimson and red.
And the golden flags of the maple
Are fluttering overhead.
Through the tangle of faded grasses
There are trailing vines ablaze,
And the glory of warmth and color
Gleams through the autumn haze.
Like banners of marching armies
That farther and farther go;
Down the winding roads and valleys
The boughs of the sumacs glow.
So open your eyes, little children,
And open your hearts as well,
Till the charm of the bright October
Shall fold you in its spell.
Be A Friend
Be a friend. You don't need money;
Just a disposition sunny;
Just the wish to help another
Get along some way or other;
Just a kindly hand extended
Out to one who's unbefriended;
Just the will to give or lend,
This will make you someone's friend.
Be a friend. You don't need glory.
Friendship is a simple story.
Pass by trifling errors blindly,
Gaze on honest effort kindly,
Cheer the youth who's bravely trying,
Pity him who's sadly sighing;
Just a little labor spend
On the duties of a friend.
Be a friend. The pay is bigger
(Though not written by a figure)
Than is earned by people clever
In what's merely self-endeavor.
You'll have friends instead of neighbors
For the profits of your labors;
You'll be richer in the end
Than a prince, if you're a friend.
See the early snow-flakes!
Softly they descend,
Like an orchard blossom
Scattered by the wind.
Here and there they’re flying
Over all the trees,
High above them swarming
Like white-winged bees.
Faster still they’re whirling,
Dancing into sight,
Like a troop of fairies
When the moon is light.
Tripping down the highway
In a reckless gait,
Falling like a feather
Without sound or weight.
On the distant churchyard
Over graves unkept,
Where the leaves have drifted
And the clouds have wept.
Little band of angels
Doing only good,
Making white the meadow
And the lonely wood.
Greeting with light kisses
All they chance to meet,
Leaving shining footprints
All about the street.
Little winter children
Full of life and fun -
Oh! I love the snow-flakes,
Love them every one.
Why I Smile
I smile because the world is fair;
Because the sky is blue.
Because I find, no matter where
I go, a friend that’s true.
I smile because the earth is green,
The sun so near and bright,
Because the days that o’er us lean
Are full of warmth and light.
I smile as past the yards I go,
Though strange and new the place,
The violets seem my step to know,
And look up in my face.
I smile to hear the robin’s note.
He comes so newly dressed,
A love song throbbing in his throat,
A rose pinned on his breast.
And so the truth I’ll not disown,
Because the spring is nigh;
My heart has somewhat better grown,
And I forget to sigh.
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 843