Lesson 113 Small change
Conductor: Fares please!
Man: Trafalgar Square please.
Conductor: I’m sorry, sir. I can’t change a pound note. Haven’t you got any small change?
Man: I’ve got no small change. I’m afraid.
Conductor: I’ll ask some of the passengers.
Conductor: Have you any small change, sir?
1st Passenger: I’m sorry. I’ve got none.
2ndPassenger: I haven’t got any either.
Conductor: Can you change this pound note, madam?
3rd Passenger: I’m afraid I can’t.
4th Passenger: Neither can I.
Conductor: I’m very sorry, sir. You must get off the bus.
None of our passengers can change this note. They’re all millionaires!
Two Tramps: Except us, conductor.
1st Tramp: I’ve got some small change.
2nd Tramp: So have I.
New words
conductor/kənˈdʌktə/ n.
| none/nʌn/ pron.
| fare/fɛː/ n.
| neither/ˈnʌɪðə/ adv.
| change/tʃeɪn(d)ʒ/ n.
| get off
| note/nəʊt/ n.
| tramp/tramp/ n.
| ask/ask/ v.
| except/ɪkˈsɛpt/ prep.
| passenger/ˈpasɪndʒə/ n.
| |
Notes on the text
1. no + n: no money; I have no money. I have no book.
2. neither v./be v. subject: They cannot go to school. Neither can I; We are not students. Neither are they.
2. so v./be v. subject: They go to school. So do I; We are students. So are they.
Lesson 114 I’ve got none
meet/miːt/ v.(met, met)
| street/striːt/ n.
| hungry/ˈhʌŋɡri/ adj.
| see/siː/ v. (saw, seen)
| swim/swɪm/ v. (swam, swum)
| |
A. Rewrite these sentences.
There isn’t any milk in that bottle.
There is no milk in that bottle.
1. There aren’t any books on that shelf.
| 3. There isn’t any coffee in this tin.
| 2. I haven’t got any money.
| 4. I didn’t see any cars in the street.
B. Answer these questions.
Have you got any beer?
No, I haven’t got any beer.
I’ve got no beer. I’ve got none.
1. Have you got any milk?
| 3. Have you got any magazines?
| 2. Have you got any envelopes?
| 4. Have you got any bread?
C. Write new sentences.
I’m not tired.
Neither am I. I’m not tired either.
1. I’m hungry
| 3. I was at church yesterday.
| 5. I can swim.
| 2. I met him.
| 4. I like ice cream
| 6. I’m a doctor.
Lesson 115 Knock, Knock!
Helen: Isn’t there anyone at home?
Jim: I’ll knock again, Helen. Everything’s very quiet. I’m sure there’s no one at home.
Helen: But that’s impossible. Pat and Tom invited us to lunch. Look through the window.
Helen: Can you see anything?
Jim: Nothing at all.
Helen: Let’s try the back door.
Jim: Look! Everyone’s in the garden.
Carol: Hello, Helen. Hello, Jim.
Tom: Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden. It’s nice and warm out here.
Carol: Come and have something to drink.
Jim: Thanks, Carol. May I have a glass of bear please?
Carol: Beer? There’s none left. You can have some lemonade.
Jim: Lemonade!
Tom: Don't believe her, Jim. She’s only joking. Have some beer!
New words
anyone/ˈɛnɪwʌn/ pron.
| invite/ɪnˈvʌɪt/ v.
| knock/nɒk/ v.
| anything/ˈɛnɪθɪŋ/ pron.
| everything/ˈɛvrɪθɪŋ/ pron.
| nothing/ˈnʌθɪŋ/ pron.
| quiet/ˈkwʌɪət/ adj
| lemonade/lɛməˈneɪd/ pron.
| impossible/ɪmˈpɒsɪb(ə)l/ adj.
| joke/dʒəʊk/ v.
| | believe/bɪˈliːv/ v.
Notes on the text
1. look at; look through. I look at him. I look through window.
2. invite somebody to ……; They invite me to dinner.
3. have something to do; I have a book to read.
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1075