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Command 34 will configure the radio to channel 058 and powerlevel 15

The test mode is exited with the command 01#

Here is a list of the commands that I have figured out so far. If you can help me with the ones that are missing, I will be happy to hear from you.

Command Function
01# Exit test mode
02NN# Display PACAL NN (00...19) - "PCAL NN xxx" 00 to 15 are the calibration of the PA to match the nominal power of NNth powerlevel See illustration
02NNXX# 02NNXXX# Enter PACAL value XX (00..99) for NN (00...19) - "PCAL NN XX" use XXX on 2.7 v phones It is generally *not* a good idea to change the powerlevel calibration. Be advised that on the 5v phones, it is not possible to enter a value that is higher than 99 - even though it could be higher in the first place !!
03N# DAI N (0...8) Test Digital Audio Interface (DAI) as described in GSM TS 11.10 Section III.1.2.3. This is used to determine the routing of speech data (DAI or internal, i.e. normal mode) and which device is being tested (speech transcoder / DTX functions or A/D & D/A). N selects the tested device: 0 = Normal operation (no tested device via DAI) 1 = Test of speech decoder / DTX functions (downlink) 2 = Test of speech encoder / DTX functions (uplink) 3 = Uplink loopback test 4 = Test of acoustic devices and A/D & D/A 5 = Buffered input loopback test with debugging info header 6 = Uplink coded output loopback test 7 = Downlink coded input loopback test 8 = Input loopback
05N# Exec error handler test N (0...3) Induces or simulates an error and powers off the phone 0 -> CPU error: EC=01 - SC=00 - P1=00,10,02,E8 - P2=00,00,00,00 - GI=00,00,00,07,3C,5C,C0,08,00,00,00 1 -> CPU error: EC=01 - SC=00 - P1=00,10,02,E8 - P2=00,00,00,00 - GI=00,04,00,07,3C,5E,C0,0C,00,00,00 2 -> Modem error: EC=03 - SC=04 - P1=00,00,00,00 - P2=00,00,00,00 - GI=00,01,00,00,00,02,55,74,00,00,00 3 -> CPU error: EC=01 - SC=00 - P1=00,10,02,F4 - P2=00,00,00,00 - GI=00,00,00,07,3C,A4,20,14,00,07,3C
07# RX Audio Off (Mute Receiver Audio Path)
08# RX Audio On (Unmute Receiver Audio Path)
09# TX Audio Off (Mute Transmitter Audio Path)
10# TX Audio On (Unmute Transmitter Audio Path)
11NNN# 11NNNN# Select transceiver channel N (001...124) for GSM-900 and N (512-885) for GSM-1800 The transceiver channel can only be changed when the phone is not transmitting (37#) - Where older units would go on channel 120 by 11120#, newer units like the 8900 require a 110120#- (Can anyone tell what the channel designations for GSM-1900 is ?) These newer units will also accept N (900...915) even though it clearly states the capabilities as PGSM (Primary GSM) when queried with 980#
12NN# Set TX Powerlevel N (00...15) for GSM-900 and N (0-13) for GSM-1800 This selects how much power the phone will transmit with.Refer to Power table on the Engineering menu page -A channel must be set (11NNN#) before selecting powerlevel. The command will only work when the phone is not transmitting (37#)
13N# Display memory block usage N (0...3) - "N:x/y/z" With the cd930, a typical readout would be: 0:13/29/90, 1:4:10:52, 2:0/5/8 and 3:0/2/3. The last number of the three values is always constant. This command tells some interesting things about the software design. The MCU runs a realtime operating system (RTOS) which takes care of the dynamic memory allocation. There must be API's like malloc and mfree present. The phone RAM usage is (partially) dynamic. If anyone has an idea about what RTOS motorola is using, then please drop me a mail. Having a copy of the development kit for the RTOS would allow you to make a very nice API library for a disassembler. It seems like the RTOS is able to allocate three types of memory blocks (small, medium and large ?).
14N# Generate out of memory condition N (1...3) Induces or simulates an memory error and powers off the phone 1 -> Exec detected error: EC=06 - SC=01 - P1=00,00,00,3E - P2=00,07,3E,4A - GI=00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 2 -> Exec detected error: EC=06 - SC=01 - P1=00,00,00,FE - P2=00,07,3E,4A - GI=00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 3 -> Exec detected error: EC=06 - SC=01 - P1=00,00,02,BA - P2=00,07,3E,4A - GI=00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 Seems to do something else on the 8700/StarTAC
15N# 15NN# Generate tone N (1...6) On the 5v phones use the 15n# to generate tones to the alert transducer (these are generated by the DSP): 151# Normal "annoying motorola type" ringing, 152# Busy (slow), 153# Busy (fast), 154# Error (tri-tone), 155# No service :3 x busy (Fast), 156# Vibrate This is different for the d460/8700/StarTAC/Slim: Using the 15xx# to generate tone: Enter 432# to change to alert, enter 477# adjust volume to max. 1523# Voice Mail alert, 1524# Redial alert 1525# Busy 1558# Low Battery 1559# SMS alert 1532#/1546# Standard Tone 1533#/1547# British Tone 1534#/1548# French Tone 1535#/1549# German Tone 1536#/1550# Bravo Tone 1537#/1551# Three Ring Tone 1538#/1552# Siren Tone 1539#/1553# Quick Tone 1540#/1554# Single Ring Tone 1541#/1555# High Tone 1542#/1556# Music Tone 1562# No Vibrate or Ring 1563#-1567# Vibrate(Discontinuous) 1568# Vibrate then Ring 1590# Vibrate(Continuous)
16# Stop generating tones enabled with 15N#
17N# Select DSP (Digital Signal Processor) type : Motorola(0) or AT&T(1) - "Set To Moto" / "Set to AT&T" Most phones have this set to AT&T, which refers to the Lucent 1616DSP - . If this is set incorrectly, the phone will fail with a code 05 (7100#), not beep on power-up and report "00.00" as the Speech coder version. You will also not be able to perform a speech coder loopback .Some of the 8200/8400/6200 have a Motorola type fitted. The Mot type is physically bigger (about twice the size) and the pcb layout is therefore different. On some kinds of phone there is a sticker near the battery contacts which has the pcb revision number, P15 or A5 for example. If the number is a P type, then it has a Motorola speech coder, if it is an A type then it has an AT&T or a Lucent type. The command seems to accept longer parameters, but they seem to have no effect. I have been informed that it is *not* possible to recover from a wrong setting with a test card on some units (including 8800 / StarTAC's) ! - DO NOT CHANGE THIS SETTING UNLESS YOU HAVE A GOOD REASON. Model dependant - will not work on phones with another DSP (SMoC)
18NNNNN# Display DSP data (RAM/ROM longword ?) - "DSP 0, Data 5703" I could use some info on this. Available on B1.06.41
19# 19N# Display call processor s/w version - "CallProc xx.xx.xx" This is the actual Sw version. The EPROM / Flash stickers also indicate the version. If the phone has been flash upgraded (with an emmibox), the stickers and the version reported by the test card will not be identical. This is also a way to spot an express exchange unit. my 8200 reports 37.62.57 (ver 1.9) but the stickers say 37.62.39. On newer models (8900, d520, d560, cd920, cd928, cd930), the parameter N(1...2)is added. 191# Displays "SVN xx" This is the software stepping number. This means that minor changes to the software are recorded / indicated here. For example my A0.06.18 has SVN 11. <Speculation> When implementing the 18 digit extended IMEI number, as first seen on the International 8900, the suffix "0" is replaced with three new digits that shall reflect the firmware version of the ME. This will aid an operator (and Motorola) in identifying bugs. The operator that logs the IMEI and sw identifier may see that a specific firmware revision is overrepresented on the dropped call statistic (I have a good guess where mot would be ranked in an overall statistic ;-) ). Since the phone family/type will appear from the TAC part of the IMEI, the extended IMEI information only needs to reflect the stepping within the family. My guess is that it is the SVN that is appended to the IMEI. My 8900 reports xxxxxx-xx-xxxxxx-603 and SVN is 03. What the "6" instead of the spare digit "0" is for, I do not know.</Speculation> 192# Displays "Computing checksum", then "Flash=2DA4, ROM=4AEB" (Checksums). The first one is the checksum of the FLASH ROM (Never checked if it is the CRC-16 of the full 1024 k, including the bootblock). "ROM" is the bitmap ROM that is inlcuded on Asian units. Here, the FLASH ROM is a 2 mb Intel, where the lower 1 mb contains the program and the upper 1 mb contains the character bitmaps (can someone confirm this 100%).
20# Display modem software version - "Modem IC v. xx.xx" This is the Modem IC ( XC 390nnnFU ) software version number The latest versions I have seen is 40.02 on a 8700 Hw 3.3 and 41.57 on a 8900 - The modem IC has a DSP 56156 core and a mask programmed ROM. Hence it can't be flashed and the software can only be upgraded by replacing the MODEM chip Display SMoC IC version - "DSP v.XX.XX" Support phone: All with SMoC IC phones. Like d160, new GC-87C, d560 and cd928. (new) GC-87C: 61.95, d560: 61.80, cd928: 61.AB, cd930: 71.09
21# Displays character ROM (version and checksum ?)- "simp 01.02 E43C e43c" This command works on GC-87C/E and CD920/cd930 ver A0.06.xx - the later will (in the european version display = " No Chinese Bitmap ROM". On the Asian models, it will display the ROM type and the ROM checksum - "simp" would be the simplified chinese character". <Speculation>This might be removed on newer units and the character rom is checked with the command 192#</Speculation>
22# Display speech coder (AT&T / Lucent or Motorola DSP) version - "Spch Cdr v. xx.xx" 5.XX (where X is any number), means the phone has a Motorola DSP. If the code is 11.XX, it is an AT&T or a Lucent. This has to be the revision of the actual DSP code which is kept internally in the DSP1616 ROM - The 1616 can use external memory, but the motorola design only uses the internal 24K ROM.The Speech Coder revision therefore cannot be changed without replacing the chip. The latest version I have seen is 11.80 on a 8700 Hw 3.3 - A new speechcoder might have been introduced in the StarTAC 328c / 1900 : ver 12.20 - any info is appreciated ! This could also be due to implementation of the half rate or enhanced full rate CODEC. Not supported on SMoC units, since the speech coder is integrated into the SMoC and probably is relected by the SMoC IC version (20#). In the A0.06.18 firmware, this command just jumps to a nullsub and returns. (Which means you will have a nice hook for running your own programs.)
23# Display info stored - "No Info Stored" Works on 7500 / 8200 and displays some sort of an identifier string on the 8900 and newer phones: "A.A.BI.S.JO.Q.B.7.B.0.A.BR.A.BDBRBP.A.55" on my cd930 and "A.A.BL.Z.MO.AQ.G.5.K.1.A.CI.A.AAAAAA.D.109" on my 8900. The formatting is fixed and the whole string without periods is kept at $0421-43B in the EEPROM. It probably decodes to information about features, OEM info, sim lock status etc.
24N# Turn on/off the 23dB RX-AGC step attenuator N (0...1) This toggles a 23 dB Automatic Gain Control attenuator - it will not take effect until a transceiver channel is selected (11NNN#).
25NNN# Set RX-AGC level NNN (000...255) Has to be followed by a 11nnn# like 24n#
26NNNN# Set VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) value N (0000...4095) This command is used to adjust the TX frequency. A BTS will only accept the MS to be around 50 Hz off frequency before it is kicked.
27#   27N# Display IP Revision (phone / firmware subcomponents) Displays IP Rev. (2.0.0 on a DB890 & 2.0.1 on a cd928 & V3688). IP stands for Intelligent Peripheral, but who knows what it is ? 271# Displays SIM toolkit revision eg. "sim tk rev. 2.0.0" (M3588) 272# Displays microprocessor revision (?!) eg. "up rev. 4.0.5o.0.0.23 dev rev.0.0.23" (M3588) 273# Displays AT command interperter revision eg. "at parser rev.1.0" (M3588)
31N# TX! Transmit pseudo-random sequence with midample N (0...7) Initiates pulsed transmission - The phone will not be synchronized to a network. When starting this transmission phones in the vicinity that operate on the channel in question will make a handover ! (see why you should be careful ?). This indicates that the transmission is taking place on a traffic channel.
32# TX! Transmit RACH burst sequence Initiate pulsed transmission - The bursts seem to be shorter and have a lower frequency than the 31N# bursts. This command can not be used like the one above to "bump" others off the channel, indicating that it does not transmit on the traffic channel, but probably is an access burst on the RACH (Random Access CHannel i.e. uplink CCCH. Since CCCH channels are common to all users of a cell, transmitting RACH bursts in every 51-frame multiframe (26 per superframe). However, since the MS isn't synchronized to the network and it will not contain the right data (the right color codes and checksum) to be a "usable" burst it will not be valid for allocation of a channel.
33NNN# Synchronize to BCCH carrier NNN= channel (001...124) for GSM-900 and (512...885) for GSM-1800 If you punch in a valid channel in your area, the Ø symbol will turn off and indicate that the phone is receiving and sucessfully decoding the BCCH. You can check which channels are active in your area with the Eng Field Options menu.
34NNNXX# TX! Traffic channel loopback without frame erasure indication N= channel (001...124) for GSM-900 and (512...885) for GSM-1800, X=PowerLevel (00...15)/(00...13) Initiate loopback transmission - The phone must be synchronized to a network (33nnn#) - If you are close to a BTS, you can synchronize to the BCCH and use this command to loopback speech like 36# but on a full-rate traffic channel -The phone will code the speech and transmit it to a test-set (or BTS!) which will loop it back. If it is intended for use with a test set, the timing advance must be zero (and you would have to be within 1000 meters of a BTS to make it work). I think the speech loopback is internal and the phone might keep synchronisation to the BTS (perhaps by sending idle bursts) ? If you have experience with channel layout etc. I would really like an explanation of what is going on.
36# 36X# Enable speech coder acoustic loopback The new StarTAC 85 (With the new Lucent 1627 DSP) will accept parameters 0 and 1 the 8900's will only accept parameter 0 (most older software versions don't accept any parameters at all). I could imagine this being a selection of the speech coder type used (Full Rate / Enhanced Full Rate / Half Rate). Remember to set volume to max when using this (477#). The v series will also accept the parameter 2, indicating that it's speech coder eventually will support the Half Rate codec.
37# Stop transmission Disables Speech coder loopback (36#) and RF test commands (31N#, 32#, 33NNN#, 34NNNXX# , 40#, 41# ). On newer firmware (eg. B1.06.42) the roaming indicator (triangle) wil be active while the phone is transmitting.
38# Start SIMClk This command will start the 3.25 MHz clock signal to the SIM card. It also initiates sending garble data to the SIM. Might do something else on the 8800
39# Stop SIMClk This command will stop the 3.25 MHz clock signal to the SIM card.
40# TX! Initiate constant carrier transmission - all bits set (1) Will only work if the powerlevel has been set between 10 and 15 - Thats 200 mW or less. No data is contained in this transmission
41# TX! Initiate constant carrier transmission - all bits struck (0) Will only work if the powerlevel has been set between 10 and 15 - Thats 200 mW or less. No data is contained in this transmission
42# Disable echo suppression until phone is switched off
43N# Changes the audio path N (0...8) 0 select carkit audio 1 select carkit audio (seems identical to the above) 2 select phone alert transducer 3 4 select earpiece on portable phone 5 select carkit speaker 6 7 select carkit audio 8 select earpiece on portable phone
45NNN# Display receiver information N (001...124) for GSM-900 and (512...885) for GSM-1800 - "-xxx.x yyy z" N is the GSM channel number - the command will display the channel reception xxx.x (dBm), the last AGC DAC value yyy (0... 255) and the step AGC value z (0...1)
46# Display AFC DAC value (0-4095) - "AFC DAC xxxx" Later firmware will specify a value for both transmit and receive eg " rx 2416, tx 2296"
47N# Set earpiece volume N (0...7), 7=max On the 8900, N is replaced by NN (00...17)
48NNNN# Generate continuous tone. N (0001...4500) = frequency in Hz Does not work on all software versions (available on 1.9 and above) On newer units like the 8800 / 8900, this is slightly different: 480000#-480012# are the dtmf-tones (480011# is * and 480012# is #) 480013# and 480014# seems to be the free tone 480015# i dont know, but it sounds horrible 480016# - 480021# are short beeps 480022# is a longer beep with 2500hz 480023# is 1523 (voice mail alert - similar to 15NN#) 480024# is 1524 and so on
49N# Display battery Frame N (0...7) data - "Battery Rd Fail" The test card will remember the data from the last valid battery. This is the information kept in the Dallas "add only memory" chip in the battery. Does not work on all models of phones / batteries - this command is a good way to check if your Li-Ion battery is genuine. One of my batteries (SNN5360A) reports 16 bytes (83005AAE3E4EB500) in slot 0, (00E65A33FF05010D) in slot 1, (198FAE0D2E535F68) in slot 2, (2E323A4B1D000101). I will compare it again later, so see if it changes with the number of charging cycles.
50NNN# 50XNNN# Internal charger control N (000...255) 000 Stop internal quickcharge 255 Maximum current on internal quickcharge (N controls the current) Different in StarTac/Slim phones: 50XNNN# : X=0 select main battery, X=1 select auxiliary battery. NNN is the current level. Can anyone verify this with an Amp-meter ? (table or graph would be nice) ? Does not work on the d628
51# Enable sidetone Sidetone is the function in a radio that sends a little bit of your own voice into your own ear for "comfort". The nature of ordinary telephones is that sidetone is unavoidable. That is why people think that their phone is malfunctioning if they cannot hear a little bit of their own voice in their own ear. It is supposed to make the phone seem "live" rather than dead.
52# Disable sidetone ??? See above
53N# Perform RAT test N (0...8) ? Does anyone have information on this ?
54N# Perform LED test N (0...3) Controls the LED on the StarTAC 85, cd920 and V series. 0= Off, 1= Red, 2= Green and 3= Orange.
55NN# Display Cntr - "Cntr xx: 0 N (00...13) Is obviously some sort of counter, but I have no idea what it counts.
57#     57N# Initialize non-volatile memory Use this with caution, since it will zap almost all settings including: Lifetime meter, phonebook, user settings, etc. On the StarTAC, this command will work as a "Master Clear" and not reset the lifetime meter. Later firmware accepts an additional parameter 1 or 2 Function ?  
58# 58xxxxxx# Display Security code - "SECUR xxxxxx " Change security code to xxxxxx
59# 59xxx(x)# Display lock code - "LOCK xxx(x)" Change lock code to xxx(x)
60# Display IMEI - "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
61# 61NNN# Display LAI MCC -THIS VALUE IS STORED IN THE SIM- "LAI MCC xxx" The Local Area Information consists of the Mobile Country Code, Mobile Network Code & Local Area Code Change LAI MCC to N(000...999) "LAI MNC xx" This is a two byte value that is stored in the file called "LOCI" (6F7E) in the SIM.
62# 62NN# Display LAI MNC -THIS VALUE IS STORED IN THE SIM- Mobile Network Code Change LAI MNC to N(00...99) This is a one byte value that is stored in the file called "LOCI" (6F7E) in the SIM.
63# 63NNNNNN# Display LAI LAC -THIS VALUE IS STORED IN THE SIM- "LAI LAC x" Local Area Code Change LAI LAC to N(000000...65535) This is a five byte value that is stored in the file called "LOCI" (6F7E) in the SIM.
64# 64N# Display Location Update Status -THIS VALUE IS STORED IN THE SIM- "Loc Updt Stat x" This is the Location update status which is stored in the file called "LOCI" (6F7E) in the SIM 0= Updated, 1= Not updated, 2=PLMN not allowed, 3= Location Area not allowed Change Location Update Status to N (0...3)
65# Display IMSI (001010123456789) on test card -THIS VALUE IS STORED IN THE SIM- "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" This is the International Mobile Subscriber Identity which can be read from the Elementary File "IMSI" (6F07) in the SIM
66N# 66NXXX# Display TMSI N (0...3) -THIS VALUE IS STORED IN THE SIM- "TMSI N xxx" This is the Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity which is assigned to the MS/SIM by the network Enter TMSI value XXX (000...255) for N (0...3) This is a four byte value that is stored in the file called "LOCI" (6F7E) in the SIM.
68# Zero forbidden PLMN list-THIS VALUE IS STORED IN THE SIM-
69# 69N# Display Ciphering Key (Kc) Sequence number -THIS VALUE IS STORED IN THE SIM- "Cipher Key x" This is the Kc sequence number which can be read from the Elementary File "Kc" (6F20) in the SIM once the PIN has been entered Change Cipher Key (Kc) Sequence number to N (0...7)
70NN# 70NNXXX# Display BCCH NN (00...15) -THIS VALUE IS STORED IN THE SIM- "BCCH NN xxx" This is the content of the Elementary file "BCCH" (6F74) - By storing a BCCH search sequence, the extent of a MS's search of BCCH carriers may be reduced. By thinking of the 16 bytes x 8 bits as a bitmap, it is possible to have a flag for each GSM-900 channel (plus 4 spares) which specifies to search for a BCCH on that carrier or not. Enter BCCH value XXX (000..255) for NN (00...15) "BCCH NN XXX"
71NN# Display INFO (Self Diagnostics) NN (00...99) - "INFO NN xx" INFO 00 (Error Code): 01 CPU exception (Bus error, Illegal opcode etc.) 02 External SRAM error The power on checkerboard test of the SRAM failed (one of the very first things that are done after execution of the main program starts). 03 Modem error 01= Bad modem ID 04= Runtime bad ID 04 Modem error from DSP 01= Checkerboard test failed-internal memory 02= Shifted diagonal test failed-internal memory 04= Checkerboard test failed-external memory 08= Shifted diagonal test failed-external memory 16= Code checksum problem.) 05 Speech Coder (DSP) powerup failure 01 = Timeout(22# will probably report 00.00 - check DSP setting 17n#) 02= Bad ID) 06 Execption handler detected error (That would be by the realtime OS.) 01 = Out of memory 02 = Bad free 03 = Invalid port 04 = Invalid DSP ID 05 = Bad pointer 07 EEPROM checksum error (can't always be cleared by clone card - an EMMI or EEPROM exchange might be needed). 01 = Configuration checksum failure (fix with frame 4 transfer) 02 = IMEI and SP checksum failure (fix with unlocking frame) 03 = DS2401 serial number error (to prohibit cloning?) 04 = ? 08 MMI (Man Machine Interface) power down (will describe why the phone turned off) 01 = Safety timer expired (carkit?) 02 = Car ignition turned off 03 = Power button hit 04 = Low battery (Turn off treshold voltage reached) 05 = DSC peripheral was removed while power was on (only reading "1"'s) 06= Butt plug power toggled +80 = Suicide timer expired too This function returns additional data in the parameter 1 field. 09 QSPI (Queued Serial Peripheral Interface) mode fault - probably an SPI bus error. The SPI bus (MOSI, MISO and SCK)is used for communication between the MODEM IC and the Call Processor. Read much more about this in the MC683xx and 68HCxx documentation. 0A Layer 1 error ??? 0B Layer 1 interrupt table overrun ??? 0C RAT error ??? In addition, more specified information is provided for each EC by the following: INFO 01 (Sub Code) : Defines the error category within the given ECINFO 02-05 (Parameter-1) INFO 06-09 (Parameter-2) INFO 10-99 (Generic Information) A normal, working phone will report EC=08 (MMI power down) & SC=03 (Power button hit)
72NN# Display Passive Fail Codes NN (00..99) - "PFI NN xxx" Describes the passive failure codes (What are these ??)
73N# 73NXXX# Display Logger control block N (0...4) - "LOGR N xxx" This is an event logger that is used for troubleshooting. Can anyone tell how this is used ? Edit Logger control block N (0...4), XXX (000...255) With this command, the logger can be programmed to log specific information
75NNNNN# Request flash from emmibox NNNNN (00000...99999) - "Flash Failure" / "Flash Pls Wait" N=36778 is used for flashing the software. The operand is absolutely static and serves no purpose at all (apart from some pathetic access control). The phone has to be connected to a PC via an "Emmibox" that plugs into the phones butt-plug. After the transfer, the phone neeeds to be reset (57#). Not all models can be flash upgraded. Some have EPROM memories instead of FlashROM and will have to be replaced manually. The EMMI box has an exteral PSU , connects to the RS-232 port of the PC and to the phone. The box will translate between the PC's serial interface and the Phones DSC bus interface. The emmi is more than just a DSC bus driver - It uses a MC68332 and has 2 mb of EPROM memory.
76N# N (0...9) ????
88# 880N# 881NNNNNNNN# 882NNNNNN# 883N# Display Real time clock Set clock status N (0..1) :0 Disable RTC / 1 Enable RTC Set date N (MMDDYYYY) Set time N (HHMMSS) Set daylight saving time N (0..1) :0 Disable DST / 1 Enable DST Model dependant - d460 and up only
89# 89N# N (1...2) 891# makes the phone make an alert sound through the speaker
92 # Does anyone have information on this ?
93NNN# Does anyone have information on this ?
94 # Does anyone have information on this ?
95NNN# N=0, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116...299 Beeps, Does anyone have information on this ?
98N#     98N# Select band 98# "No Band Selected" / "Current Band X", X="DCS1800", "PCS1900", "PGSM" or "EGSM" 980# "Capability X", X="DCS1800", "PGSM", "PGSM&DCS1800", "PCS1900", "PGSM&PCS1900", "PGSM&EGSM", "P&EGSM&DCS" 981# "EDOUT=1(PGSM)", "EDOUT=0(DCS1800)", "EDOUT=0(PCS1900)" or "Not dual band phone" Only available on newer and dual band phones. Perhaps this can give a hint about what mot has in the pipeline... 9820# will select DSC1800 mode 9821# will select PGSM mode 9822# will select PCS1900 9823# will select PGSM&DCS1800 mode
99# 99N# LCD display test Model dependant - 7500 / 8200 / 8400 / d460 / d470 only LCD display test N (1...2) 0 Display wakeup screen and light icons 1 Display checkered pattern 2 Display reverse checkered pattern 3 Display all pixels set. Model dependant - 8700 and up only
  List of Test Card (81-02430Z01) Commands

The test card can actually be used to make the phone recalculate the configuration checksum at $0000-$0001 after you have manually edited the EEPROM data. After powering up the phone it will go: "phone failed - see supplier" on the display. By updating the PA calibration table, the configuration checksum will be recalculated.

Enter testmode by holding # down
Type 0205# - get answer (eg. 75)
Type 0205075# (just write the same value again)
Type 01# (to leave test mode)
The phone still says "phone failure..."
Turn phone off and on again - "Insert SIM" DONE!!!

Here are some testing combinations :

Audio loopback test (5v units) Audio loopback test (2.7v units) Audio testing TCH loopback test (CAREFUL!)
36# Start Speech Coder Loopback 08# Unmute RX audio path 10# Unmute TX audio path 477# Set the audio level to max. 36# Start Speech Coder Loopback 08# Unmute RX audio path 477# Set the audio level to max. 434# Select earpiece (audio path) 08# Unmute RX audio path 477# Set the audio level to max. 151# Generate a Ring Tone to Earpiece 48XXXX# Generate continuous tone 11xxx# - select valid BCCH carrier 08# Unmute RX audio path 10# Unmute TX audio path 477# Set the audio level to max. 33xxx# Sync. to BCCH carrier - The "ø" dissapears 34xxx00# Enable TCH-Loopback! 37# End test

© 1998 Janus Christian Krarup


Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1027

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Motorola GSM Test Card | Funicular de Montmartre
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