Objective of the lesson: Elaboration of optimal criteria and evaluation of the level of student’s knowledge.
1. Determine the level of knowledge using technical means of education (computer access).
2. Determine the level of knowledge using test control (“Taschenbuch” system).
3. Determine the level of knowledge according to the system “Krok-1” and resolving situational tasks with the description of gross specimens, microscopic specimens, electron micrographs and classification of pathological processes.
4. Determine the level of knowledge traditionally.
Theoretical part
Final control of knowledge stipulates three-level attestation. At the first stage, they determine the level of theoretical formation with help of technical means of control fixing the percentage of knowledge sufficiency (computer “access”). At the second stage, they determine the practical level of formation by means of check-up of the performed tasks and interview on the most important chapters of the subject. At the third stage, they determine the level of knowledge according to the system “Taschenbuch” and “Krok-1”.
Thus, the evaluation of the formation level has a complex character and in its base it has the developing skills of clinically anatomic thinking of a future doctor. If the level of knowledge is determined to be insufficient at the first stage, the further attestation has no sense. If it is sufficient, they pass to the second and the third stage of attestation with the evaluation of the formation level in conformity with generally accepted criteria.
It means that the grade “excellent” is conferred to the student who showed versatile, systematic and deep knowledge of the learnt material, ability to easy perform written works stipulated in the program of anatomical pathology (accomplishment of situational tasks, description of gross specimens and microscopic specimens, electron micrographs, classification of pathological processes and diseases) easily, mastered the material of the main and supplementary literature, showed creative abilities in understanding and interpretation of educational material.
The grade “good” is conferred to the student who showed the knowledge of educational material, mastered the main literature on the subject, and also showed abilities in independent mastering of separate chapters of the subject, necessary for the future specialization.
The grade “satisfactory” is conferred to the student whose knowledge on the subject provides for the necessity to learn the material more deeply and to read the main literature on the curriculum. The student makes mistakes performing written tasks (accomplishment of situational tasks, description of macro- and micro preparations, electronic diffraction patterns, has superficial knowledge of the classification of pathological processes), but he has a sufficient volume of knowledge to meet the lacks.
If the level of knowledge does not correspond to the above-mentioned criteria, the student is conferred with the grade “unsatisfactory”.
Practical part
It stipulates sequential accomplishment of tasks necessary to determine the final level of knowledge.
1. Give definition of pathomorphology
2. Name components of pathomorphology
3. Explain the aim of pathomorphology
4. Explain the tasks of pathomorphology
5. Name the levels of pathological processes
6. Name the objects and methods of research in pathomorphology
7. Name the periods of the pathomorphology development
8. Describe normal ultrastructure of the cell
9. Describe functions of intracellular organella in norma
10. Describe pathology of the cell nucleus
11. Describe pathology of the endoplasmic reticulum
12. Describe pathology of the plasmalemma
13. Describe pathology of the mitosis
14. Describe pathology of the chondriosomes
15. Describe pathology of lysosomes
16. Pathology of the Golgi apparatus
17. Give the difinition of degeneration
18. Give the classification of degeneration
19. Describe morphogenetic mechanisms of degeneration
20. Give the definition of parenchymatous degeneration
21. Give the classification of parenchymatous degenerations
22. Describe etiology of parenchymatous degeneration
23. Describe morphogenesis of parenchymatous protein degenerations
24. Comment gross and microscopic image of the kidney with protein degeneration
25. Comment gross and microscopic image of the heart with protein degeneration
26. Comment gross and microscopic image of the liver with protein degeneration
27. Describe morphology of horny degeneration
28. Comment gross and microscopic image of the kidney with fatty degeneration
29. Comment gross and microscopic image of the heart with fatty degeneration
30. Comment gross and microscopic image of the liver with fatty degeneration
31. Comment gross and microscopic image of the kidney with carbohydrate degeneration
32. Comment gross and microscopic image of the heart with carbohydrate degeneration
33. Comment gross and microscopic image of the liver with carbohydrate degeneration
34. Name ultrastructural signs of protein degeneration in the heart, liver and kidneys
35. Name ultrastructural signs of the fatty degeneration in the heart, liver and kidneys
36. Name ultrastructural signs of the carbohydrate degeneration in the heart, liver and kidneys
37. Name kinds of fermentophaties
38. Give examples of hereditary protein degeneration
39. Give examples of hereditary lipidosis
40. Give examples of hereditary carbohydrate degeneration
41. Give definition of mesenchymaldegeneration
42. Give classification of mesenchymaldegeneration
43. Explain morphogenesis of protein mesenchymaldegeneration
44. Explain histological and histochemical characteristic of different forms of protein mesenchymaldegeneration
45. Name morphogenetic factors of mucoid and fibrinoid swelling
46. Explain morphology of mucoid and fibrinoid swelling
47. Give ultrastructural characteristic of mucoid and fibrinoid swelling
48. Name kinds of fibrinoid
49. Give classification of hyalinosis
50. Describe morphology of organs in hyalinosis
51. Describe morphogenesis of amyloidosis
52. Give classification of amyloidosis
53. Name specific reactions for amyloid detection
54. Comment gross and microscopic image of the organs in amyloidosis
55. Give ultrastructural characteristic of amyloidosis
56. Give classification of mesenchymallipidosis
57. Describe etiology of mesenchymallipidosis
58. Comment gross and microscopic image of the organs in mesenchymallipidosis
59. Characterize significance of obesity for the organism