| Objectives in the Cognitive Domain LEVEL
| KNOWLEDGE (rote memory, recall of specifics)
| define, describe, enumerate, identify, label, list
| Highlight
key vocabulary from text or lecture notes, generate flash
cards, devise mnemonic devices.
| COMPREHENSION (basic understanding, putting an idea into your own words)
| discuss, explain, restates, traces
| Explain a concept to a classmate; associate material with prior knowledge; summarize key concepts from
lecture notes and compare to a
"model." f-1
| APPLICATION (applying a
general principle to a new
and concrete situation)
| illustrate, classify, compute, predict, relate, solve, utilize
| Generate original examples;
design and complete classification systems; solve
and analyze new problems;
predict test questions
| ANALYSIS (breaking the information into component
parts in order to examine it
and develop divergent conclusions)
| contrast, generalize, illustrate, diagram, differentiate, outline
| Generate comparison and contrast lists and use these to
predict test questions; identify
themes or trends from text or
case studies; organize material
in more than one way.
| SYNTHESIS (creatively or divergently applying prior knowledge and skills to produce a new or original whole)
| categorize, contrast, design, formulate, generate
| design a model, reconstruct. Predict test questions and outline the answers; locate evidence to support a thesis;
| EVALUATION (judging the value of material based on informed
personal values/opinions resulting in an end product
without a distinct right or wrong answer)
| appraise, conclude, justify, criticize, defend, support
| List supporting evidence; listing
refuting evidence, generate
concept maps, debate; find
weaknesses in other arguments.
Using the taxonomy try to formulate learning objectives for studying the subject “Family” (discussion via Moodle Intranet forum)
While creating a lesson in a VLE you need to decide whether this or that activity will be done in classroom or via VLE, whether it will be a group activity or an individual one. The table below represents possible variants of Moodle activities.

APP – apprentissage par problème – problem-based learning.
When you have formulated the learning objectives, defined the types of activities and media to use, you can sequence the contents of your lesson defining its position in the course according to the following scheme.

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1592