Course Book of Bhakti-Sastri degree:
September 4th, 1969
time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Janmastami Ceremony
Answer any ten of the following questions with reference to the context of scriptures like Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Brahma Samhita and Isopanisad. The full mark for each question is 100.
The Brahmins must practice cleanliness, internally by chanting the Lord's glories and externally by bathing regularly. In addition the brahmanas should study carefully, especially Gita, Isopanisad, Nectar of Devotion and Nectar of Instruction as well as all the small paperbacks. Soon we will have yearly examinations for brahmanas based on these books and those who pass will be awarded Bhakti-sastri titles.
I hope this meets you all well.
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
(76-01-10.Loc Letter: Locanananda)
Memorize and chant verses of Isopanisad:
I am also glad to note that you are making practice of keeping in mind various important verses from our scriptures. This is the approved process mahajano yena gatah sa panthah to "follow in the footsteps of the great authorities in Krishna Consciousness like Narada Muni and our other Acaryas." Now we are requiring our students to be very well familiar with all our literatures so that we may present our philosophy before even the most educated persons. This is very important as our movement is now growing and attracting greater notice.
(70-03-09.Rud Letter: Rudra)
I am very glad to learn that you are vibrating the mantras from ISOPANISADand BHAGAVAD GITA independently. Here they are chanting these mantras on the streets during Sankirtana Party and the people are responding very nicely.
Hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
(70-07-07.Yam Letter: Yamuna, Gurudasa)
Sometimes on the "Isavasya Hour" people should chant Isopanisad; that will purify the whole atmosphere.The vedic mantra has powerful effect as good as Hare Krsna Mahamantra. I think that while in Los Angeles with me you learned the mantras and they should be practiced and chanted on the radio and television.
Hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
(71-03-28.Rup Letter: Rupanuga)
I understand that you are needing one tape recording of Sri Isopanisad mantras, so I am recording themand they will be sent by separate post. You should be receiving it soon.
Hoping this will meet you in good health and eager for Krishna's service.
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
(71-05-25.Sud Letter: Sudama)
Understanding of the Cover Picture of Isopanisad:
Regarding the descriptions in Bhagavad-gita Ch XV in verse 1 the leaves are described as the Vedic hymns and in the 2nd verse, the sense objects or vishaya are compared with the twigs. The jiva in the heart of the living entity appears as a sparkling star along with Supersoul depicted as four-handed Visnu as He appears on the cover of "Isopanisad" or similar.
Srila Prabhupada’s Biography in Isopanisad is authorized:
Prabhupada: Well, a sannyasi should not be inquired about his life. What he's acting, that's all. But I was formerly grhastha, householder, that's all. My life is described in short in the Isopanisad, so you can see it from there.
(710718RC.DET Conversations)
Instructions regarding Printing and distribution of Sri Isopanisad:
I am very glad that you are arranging to print 20,000 copies of Isopanisad immediately. Please do it. Krishna will give you all strength to fulfill His Mission by Your sincere efforts. Thank you very much.
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
(69-08-30 Letter: Brahmananda)
In the meantime, try to sell the books already printed as well as newly published "Isopanisad", and save some money for my book fund.
(70-01-30.Dam Letter: Damodara)
Yasodanandana: This Nectar of Devotion is a big seller.
Acyutananda: And the science..., Damodara Svarupa's, everyone taking.
Yasodanandana: Also the Isopanisad.
Prabhupada: What do they say about, after reading?
Acyutananda: We... Well, we presented that "If anyone doesn't believe in God, you must show this book."
Prabhupada: Yes.
Acyutananda: "Or if you cannot convince another, you must have this book to convince any atheist of the science, of the proof of God," everybody goes to that. And Isopanisad, we say, "If you do not understand if God is a person or not person, read Isopanisad."
Prabhupada: Oh, very good.
Acyutananda: And then they pick it up. We tease them. And Nectar of Devotion also.
(760221mw.may Conversations)
When I learn that you are selling many BTGs and are receiving nice support from the community, I am very much encouraged. Now we have published our Isopanisad and you must try to sell it as far as possible. I have tried to explain in this book the preliminary knowledge of God-consciousness so any layman who reads it will be able to understand our Krsna Consciousness movement to their great benefit.
(70-03-09.Rud Letter: Rudra)
So far translating our literatures, if you simply send the matter, our press will immediately give you so many books. You can print books in small sizes and distribute them profusely. Small books like "Easy Journey to Other Planets" and "Isopanisad" will be very quickly sold more than the larger volumes of TLC and Srimad-Bhagavatam.
(70-05-01.Tam Letter: Tamala Krsna)
We have our new book, "Isopanisad," published. It is very attractive and instructive also. Try to get them from Boston center.
(70-02-23.Har Letter: Harer Nama)
To introduce it in Colleges:
Here in Los Angeles they are selling our literature very nicely and yesterday I received the blue print of "Isopanisad" and this also appears very nice. If Kirtanananda Maharaja moves amongst the school, college and university authorities and induces them to recommend this "Isopanisad" for additional reading by the students either privately or in the library it will be a great achievement. As you have read it, we have tried to discuss the nature of God's greatness and our relationship to Him as preliminary chapter of Krishna Consciousness. So this book is the cheapest of all our other books and they can easily be introduced for mass reading and they will be benefited undoubtedly.
(70-01-14.Hay Letter: Hayagriva)
Our Isopanisad is now published. This excellent book of God-Consciousness should be introduced as study book for school and college students because it is so nicely explained about God-Consciousness. Any sincere gentleman serious about knowing God-Consciousness must read this book. A little education will make every one aware what is meant by God. It is a challenge to the atheists, agnostic, skeptics and gross materialists. Please get this book in quantities from Boston and try to introduce it. ACB