Prabhupäda: ...spiritual. Otherwise, how he speaks of? These things are there in the Vedic literatures. Sa aikñata: "He glanced over, and there was creation." In Bhagavad-gétä also it is said that mayädhyakñena prakåtiù süyate sa-caräcaram [Bg. 9.10]. So Kåñëa's, or God's, position is always transcendental. Therefore those who are impersonalists, they are not attracted with the variegatedness of this material life. They want to make it void, because they have no information of the spiritual variegatedness. But this Çukadeva Gosvämé, he became attracted with the pastimes of Kåñëa because Kåñëa's pastimes are not variegatedness of this material world. It is completely spiritual. And to discuss about Kåñëa or to hear about Kåñëa, to chant about Kåñëa, to glorify about Kåñëa—everything spiritual. So if you are engaged twenty-four hours in this business you are not in this material world. You are in the spiritual world.
Thank you very much.
Devotees: Jaya. [break]
Prabhupäda: Formerly the spiritual master, the disciplic succession, there are two ways. One is called çaukra and another is called sautra. Çaukra means succession from the seminal. Just like son. Son is born by the semina, and the disciple is born by Vedic knowledge. So the one familywise is called çaukra. Çukra means semina, coming from the çukra, and the other is sautra, by hearing. So spiritual master... In India still there are gotras. Gotras means coming from that great sage. Just like our family belongs to the Gautama gotra. Gautama Åñi, from him the familywise gotra, and similarly disciplic succession is also gotra. There is no difference between putra and chatra. Putra means son, and chatra means disciple. Cäëakya Paëòita said, puträàç ca çiñyäàç ca; they are equally treated. Both of them equally eligible for hereditary rites from the person, either he is son or disciple. So Brahmä distributed knowledge to some... Practically everyone was his son because he was the first living creature. So later on, disciples also, son's son. So in this way Brahmä distributed this Vedic knowledge, some to the sons, some to the... Vyäsadeva also, he distributed knowledge, some to his sons, some to his disciples. That is explained in the Çrémad-Bhägavatam. So that is the process of disseminating Vedic knowledge. Then?
Karandhara: (reading:)"The Lord being pürëam, or all-perfect, there is no chance of His being subjected to the laws of material nature, while the living entities and the inanimate objects are all controlled by the laws of nature and thus ultimately by the potency of the Lord. The Éçopaniñad is a part of the Yajur Veda."
Prabhupäda: There are four Vedas—Säma Veda, Yajur Veda, Åg Veda, and Atharva Veda. Originally there was one Veda, but later on, Vyäsadeva divided them into four. So Yajur Veda is one of the Vedas, and the Éçopaniñad is stated there. All the Upaniñads are stated in the different kinds of Vedas. Therefore Upaniñad is accepted as Vedic study. Go on.
Karandhara: "The Éçopaniñad is a part of the Yajur Veda, and as such, it contains information as to the proprietorship of all things that exist within the universe."
Prabhupäda: Just like evidence. Evidence... (aside:) Now you can sit down. Evidence, whenever we want to give evidence... Just like in law court, the evidence, you have to cite the section or the preamble of the laws. Similarly, in our human civilization this evidence is Vedas. If you find something stated in the Vedas, that you have to accept. That's all. Axiomatic truth. And because the Vedas were particularly studied by the brähmaëas, high-class qualified brähmaëas, therefore they are also accepted as authority. Just like Caitanya Mahäprabhu, when He was at Puré, the king of that place, Mahäräja Pratäparudra, he inquired from Särvabhauma Bhaööäcärya, "Oh, what is your opinion about this Caitanya who has come here?" He said that "He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead." So the king immediately accepted it. King said, "Oh, He is Supreme Personality of Godhead?" So he accepted immediately, just like... There is no question of experimenting. Because an authority like Särvabhauma Bhaööäcärya is stating, a brähmaëa and... He was very learned scholar. You know Särvabhauma Bhaööäcärya's name. So because he said that "He is Supreme Personality..." He did not ask any storekeeper, but he asked a learned brähmaëa who knows things. So similarly, we have to accept in that way. In each and every case, if we want to research, it is not possible, because our senses are blunt senses. What you can do? Acintyäù khalu ye bhävä na täàs tarkeëa yojayet. The çästra says that "Things which are beyond your conception, beyond your mental speculation"—aväì-manasä gocaraù—"neither you can express by words, neither you can think of." Aväì-manasä gocaraù.
So such things it is useless, try to understand by arguments. That is simply nonsense. You can, of course, inquire, but that inquiry is not challenge. If you inquire from your spiritual master by challenge, then it is your misfortune. You have to inquire from the spiritual master—that is indicated-sevayä, by service, by making him satisfied. Tad viddhi praëipätena paripraçnena sevayä [Bg. 4.34]. First of all you have to surrender, and then you have to please him by service. Yasya prasädäd bhagavat-prasädaù **. If you can please him, then naturally Kåñëa is pleased upon you. That is the injunction. So this praçna... First of all you should find out somebody where you can surrender. If there is duplicity in surrender, that is useless. First of all see whether you can surrender there; then accept him spiritual master and then please him by your service and inquiry. That is Vedic principle.