Total Marks: 100; Passing Marks: 50
Answer all the questions Time duration: 2 hours.
Multiple Choice Section. Please circle the correct alphabet below. Each of the 18 questions in this section carries 2 marks.
1. To illustrate completeness, Çréla Prabhupäda gives 3 examples. Which of the following is NOT one of those 3:
a) The 3 features of the Absolute Truth
b) How a family works nicely in co-operation
c) How the material world is arranged nicely
d) How the Lord gives the conditioned souls complete facility to return to Him
2. To illustrate the point that we cannot be happy separate from the Complete Whole Çréla Prabhupäda gives what example?
a) The hand being separated from the body
b) A child being separated from the mother
c) A screw being separated from a machine
d) The young man running away from home
3. Çré Éñopaniñad is part of:
a) Åg Veda
b) Sama Veda
c) Yajur Veda
d) Atharva Veda
4. The fighting of communists and capitalists illustrates:
a) How striving for something other than your quota brings suffering
b) How you should get your quota at all costs
c) Fighting is part of the quota for humans
d) Politics is a nasty business
5. If one works according to the éçavasya system one will be happy to:
a) Live indefinitely in the material world
b) Go back to Godhead immediately
c) Perform karma yoga
d) Increase one’s material necessities
6. One who does not follow the éçavasya system is called:
a) A fool
b) A mental speculator
c) A killer of the soul
d) An animal
7. What example is given in the purport of Mantra 4 to illustrate how the Lord and His energies are one?
a) A businessman with his employees
b) The sun with its sunshine
c) A fire with its heat and light
d) A father with his children
8. What scriptural example is given in Mantra 5 to show how God is everywhere?
a) Bhiñma and Yudhisthira
b) Kåñëa and Arjuna
c) Lord Caitanya and Mother Saci
d) Prahläda and Nåsingadeva
9. What does the maha-bhagavata see?
a) Everything in relation to the Lord
b) All living entities as His parts and parcels
c) The Lord everywhere
d) All of these
10. The maha-bhagavata sees oneness in the sense of:
a) The salt in a drop of sea water, and that in the whole ocean
b) Quality but not quantity
c) Fire with its heat and light
d) All of these
11. Which form of the Lord is very important to help the neophytes relate to the Lord in a personal way, according to the purport of Mantra 8?
a) The holy name
b) The Deity
c) Çrémad Bhägavatam
d) None of these
12. Veda-väda-rata people are:
a) Advanced devotees
b) Neophyte devotees
c) People who pose as being learned in the Vedas, but are not
d) Mayavadis
13. Mantra 11 tells us that to achieve immortality we should:
a) Avoid subjects connected to ignorance
b) Only focus on pure spiritual knowledge
c) Understanding both ignorance and knowledge
d) Realize Brahman
14. Which 2 classes of nondevotees are condemned in Mantra 12:
a) Mudhas and naradhamas
b) Demigod worshippers and impersonalists
c) Sensualists and speculators
d) None of these
15. In Mantra 16 the Lord is referred to as
a) Primeval Philosopher
b) Maintainer of the Universe
c) Regulating Principle
d) destination of the pure devotees.
Which does Çréla Prabhupäda say is most important in the purport?
16. The all-pervading feature of the Lord is known as:
a) Jiva-çakti
b) Paramätma
c) Brahman
d) Bhagavan
17. In Mantra 17 the speaker asks the Lord to remember:
a) All his sacrifices
b) His devotional service
c) His knowledge
d) His chanting
e) Everything he has done
18.What activity is most recommended for spiritual advancement at the end of Çré Éçopaniñad?
a) Hearing and chanting
b) Praying
c) Remembering
d) Worshipping
Comprehension Section. Answer in detail and as directed in each question. Read the full question carefully before answering. TOTAL MARKS FOR THIS SECTION: 64. TOTAL TIME ALLOCATED: 1 HOUR AND 20 MINUTES. REQUEST MORE BLANK PAGES IF REQUIRED.
1. Write out the Invocation Mantra and Mantra 1(In either- Sanskrit, Hindi or English)? 6 marks
2. What are the words spoken by the lord called? What are the 4 defects of the conditioned soul? 4 marks
3. A friend of mine who has read other Upanisads, told me that all Upanisads are indicating that God is impersonal and that He has no form. What should I tell him? 6 marks
4. What does Isopanisad mean? Who is its author? 4 marks
5. What is the basic philosophy of Isopanaisad? Please write in 3 lines. 10 marks
6. Please write 5 main directions of Isopanisad. 10 marks
7. A friend of mine wanted to come for Janmashtami to the temple. Not finding any other vehicle, he took mine without asking me. When I reached the temple and questioned him, he said he was using my vehicle for Krishna’s service, so what was the harm. How should I respond according to the teachings of Isopanisad? Please write a para of maximum 10 lines with reference to verses or purports of Srila Prabhupada in Isopanisad.
8. My name is Varun. I live in a hostel in Jaipur Engineering College. I have two roommates Saurabh and Manish. We all of us like to sleep late. Saurabh stays up late at night listening to rock music and smoking. Manish is busy studying late at night so that he can become successful so that he can serve his parents. I sometime stay up late as I like to study Isopanisad and Bhagavad Gita. Pls explain who is doing karma, vikarma and akarma? 6 marks
9. Please give the main message of Mantra 15 in 50 words. 6 marks
10. Name 8 of the elements of knowledge from Bhagavad-gétä, mentioned in the purport to Mantra 10. 4 marks