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Submissions will be accepted until March 20, 2016.


Participation in the conference and the publication are free of charge. Travel expenses and meals should be covered by the sending party. It is possible to provide accommodation in student hostel of KazNMU.

Venue of the Conference:Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, st. Tole bi, 94. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University. Official website: www.kaznmu.kz


APRIL 20, 2016 -Arrival of the participants, transfer station, airport - hotel and hostel of KazNMU .

ST DAY, APRIL 21, 2016

A summary of the first day: the day dedicated to the opening of the conference, plenary sessions, workshops and tours of the city.

Time Event Description of the event Venue
9.00-9.30 Registration Registration for the conference Conference Hall of University's Theatre «Concordia»
9.30-10.30 Opening Greetings: 1) The Rector of Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, 2) The Vice-Rector for Research and Innovations, 3) The Director of Atchabarov Research Institute, 4) The Chairman of Student’s Scientific Society of Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Conference Hall of University's Theatre «Concordia»
10.30-12.00 Plenary session ¹1 Lectures of Visiting Professors Conference Hall of University's Theatre «Concordia»
12.00-13.00 Lunch break   KazNMU Student's Cafeteria
13.00-15.00 Workshops Workshops for choice Kozhakanov Center of practical skills
15.00-17.00 City tour Tour of the main attractions in the city of Almaty Almaty city


ND DAY, APRIL 22, 2016

A summary of the second day: theday dedicated to breakout sessions on main research areas.

Time Event Description of the event Venue
9.00-10.00 Registration Registration for breakout sessions KazNMU Classrooms
10.00-13.00 Breakout sessions Breakout sessions on main research areas KazNMU Classrooms
13.00-14.00 Lunch break   KazNMU Student's Cafeteria
14.00-15.00 Plenary session ¹2 Award winners. Closing of the conference. KazNMU Hall of Fame

APRIL 23, 2014

Departure of the participants, transfer hotel and hostel of KazNMU - station, airport.

Contacts of the organizing committee:

· Group organization of scientific events, the Student’s Scientific Society and the Council of Young Scientists. The main Specialist: Nuralina Marzhan Embergenovna. Specialist: Mukhamedzhanova Zhadyra Mauletovna. Phone: +7 727 338 7090,


· Student’s Scientific Society of Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University. The Chairman: Abilkhas Asylzhan Akimkhanuly.Phone: +7 771 390 9408


· E-mail of the organizing committee: sno@kaznmu.kz

· Full information is available at: www.kaznmu.kz, nirs.kaznmu.kz,vk.com/snokaznmu.


Requirements for abstracts *

1. Abstract volume–no more than 1 page (2500 symbols (including spaces).

2. The abstract must be printed on typewritten sheets of A4 (1 copy), the font TimesNewRoman, font size - 12, interval - 1, paragraph - 5 mm. Fields: left - 20 mm, right - 20 mm, the upper - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm.

3. Structure of the thesis:the article title in capital letters (centered, bold) below - in italics - the author (co-authors) (name, course, faculty, university name, city, country); below in italics - the supervisor (degree, title, name); below in italics - Department. After an interval - the text of the abstract. After the text of the abstract in one interval - References (no more than 5 sources). Sources are arranged in alphabetical order. The structure of a bibliographic reference to the article - Author, AA, Author, BB, Author, CC (year). Title of the article. Journal title, volume, number, page structure of bibliographic references on books - Author, AA, Author, BB, Author, CC (year). The book's title. Publisher, City, Volume, p. In the text should indicate the reference number in square brackets figures.

4. The main text of the abstract should include: date (brief description of the relevance of the test questions); The purpose and objectives (solution which allows to achieve the target); Materials and methods (description of the research methodology); Results and Discussion (interpretation of results). Conclusions.

5. When using the results of the statistical analysis of the data is imperative instructed to indicate a software package and its version, the names of statistical methods to bring descriptive statistical methods and exact significance levels when testing statistical hypotheses. For the main results of the study confidence intervals are recommended.

6. The use of tables, graphs, diagrams, illustrations in the text of the abstract is not allowed.

7. The editors reserve the right to edit materials of the abstract. Minor stylistic or formal, nomenclatural corrections are included in the abstract without the consent of the author.

*Note: Abstract should be formalized in a separate document MicrosoftWord, in the file name indicate the participant's name and type of document(e.g. Ivanov – abstract.doc). Example of abstract– Appendix ¹5.



1. At the top of the poster indicating the name of the work (capital letters, without isolation, no more than three lines), authors (name, course, faculty, university name, city, country), the supervisor (name, title, degree, department, name of the university, city, country).

2. Posters (stand) should contain material of scientific research: the purpose of research, methods and methodology of the study, a brief summary of the practical part, results in the form of graphics, tables, diagrams, illustrations, charts, drawings (the amount of which shall not exceed the size of A4 paper)

3. The size of the stand: height - 90 cm, width - 130 cm.

4. The size of the font used should provide a reading at a distance of 100cm.



Participant name(in full) Ivanov Dmitry Alekseevich
Position(student / young scientist) Student
Date of birth and age(DD / MM / YY and NN years) 14.12.92-22 years old
Gender(male / female) Male
Class, faculty (for students); Position (for young scientists) Fifth class, Faculty of «General Medicine»
Title of scientific research Features of ECG index in sports
Name, academic degree and title of the supervisor A. A. Omarov Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Department Department of Normal Physiology
University(full name), city and country Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
The form of participation: 1) Oral report and publication of abstract 2) Poster presentations and publication of the thesis 3) Only publication of abstract Oral report and publication of abstract
Section: 1) Internal Diseases 2) Surgical diseases, anesthesiology and resuscitation 3) Pediatrics and Neonatology 4) Pharmacy and Pharmacology 5) Dentistry 6) Obstetrics and Gynecology 7) Neurology, Psychiatry and narcology 8) Hygiene and Ecology 9) Morphological sciences 10) Public Health 11) Research in Nursing 12) Radiological diagnosis and treatment, oncology 13) Fundamental sciences 14) Immunology, Infectious diseases and epidemiology Morphological sciences
Performance language(Kazakh / Russian / English) Russian
E-mail: Ivanov@yandex.ru
Contact phonefor rapid communication: +7 777 787 5555
The need to book a room in the dormitory of KazNMU(Yes / No) Yes



Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1304

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