Procedure of the lessonWarm-up page 20
T. asks for three volunteers to read out the verses of the song in Lesson 5. The other children act out as those children read.
T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.
PB page 20, Vocabulary
T. says Open your book at page 20.
T. presents the new vocabulary with the lesson’s flashcards.
T. uses extra repetition to practice the ee /i:/ in weekend and the ea /iə/ in year.
Optional Activity
T. plays a word game: T. uses different flashcards from previous lessons. T. collects them together and places them face down on his/her desk. T. asks children to come and choose a flashcard and either act out the word or tell the class the first (and second, etc.) letter, for the children to guess the word.
Do they play basketball?
Pre-reading: T. asks the children to look at the story and asks (in L1 where necessary) What’s happening in picture 1? What’s in Sally’s parcel? Have you got a photo album?
T. follows the steps for presenting stories.
T. asks some questions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 possible) Who are the people in the photos on pictures 2 and 3? Who is in the photo in picture 4? What’s she wearing?
PB: page 20, 1. Choose and write.
T. does the example with the class; T. asks the children to look at picture 2. T. asks What’s Sally got? T. asks the children to read out the example sentence.
T. asks the children to choose words and complete the sentences. T. monitors and helps where necessary.
T. checks the answers.
PB: page 21, Learn with Tag
T. writes on the board: you play football. (a) You don’t play basketball. (r) do you play football? T. points out the extra words we use to make the negative and question (don’t, Do)
T. points out the different order of the words in questions.
T. asks two children to come to the front and read out the example dialogue for Karla and Tag.
T. asks the children to read out the grammar box, then to find examples of the grammar in the story.
T. writes on the board more gapped questions and answers (e.g. They … watch TV (r) … they read English?, etc). T. invites children to fill in the missing words.
PB page 21, 2. What about you? Circle.
T. asks the children to read and circle about themselves. T. reminds them to refer to the Learn with Tag box for help. T. monitors and helps where necessary.
T. checks the answers by asking children to read out their sentences.
T. puts the children in pairs to practice asking and answering the questions with their friend.
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 874