PB page 14, Vocabulary T. says Open their books at page 14.
T. holds up his/her book and points to the pictures one at a time, saying the words each time.
T. practices several times the th /θ/ on Maths and sh /∫/ in English.
Sally’s story: Snowy
Pre-reading: T. asks (in L1 where necessary) the children to look at each picture in the story and tells him/her what they can see.
T. follows the steps for presenting stories – T. can use Introduction, p. v.
T. asks some questions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) Has Joanna got English on Wednesday? Have you got English on Wednesday? What has Joanna got on Tuesday?
Optional activity
T. puts the children in pairs. They take turns reading out sentences from the story – their friend says the number of the picture for that sentence.
PB: page 14, 1. Read and answer.
Before doing the exercise, T. reviews the days of the week. T. writes on the board the first letter or two letters of each day. T. invites children to complete the words on the board.
T. does the example with the class; T. divides the class into two groups. T. asks one group to read question 1 and the other to read the answer.
T. asks the children to read and answer. T. monitors and helps where necessary.
T. checks the answers.
PB page 15, 2. Write with Karla.
T. asks the children to look at the picture and tell what they can see.
T. asks the children to read Karla’s sentences out loud.
T. asks the children to write their sentences. They can use Karla’s examples as a model, but T. must remind them to write about their own family. T. monitors and helps where necessary.
Early finishers can draw a picture to go with their sentences.
T. asks the children to complete pp.12-13 in their Activity Book.
Quiz 1
T. can now use photocopiable Quiz 1. T. can see Active Teach esources section
Title of the lesson: The Fly High Review 1
Skills to be emphasized:
- listening
- Speaking
Objectives:to review Lessons 1-4 and prepeare for Progress Review 1
Vocabulary Review:vocabulary from Lessons 1-4
Grammar Review: grammar from Lessons 1-4
Materials: Class CD, four large sheets of paper for the project
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 859