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Mesenchymal tumours


There was determined a solid, moveable tumour, neatly isolated from surrounding tissues. It was of white color when incised and was presented with fibrous tissue; microscopically there were seen chaotically set collagen fibres. There were little of cells. Term the tumour.







A 30-year-old man has a node on his left leg the skin. Physical investigation revealed dense, mobile tumor, circumscribed by a connective tissue capsule. Grossly it cut section was presented with dense witish fibres. Microscopically the tumor composed of mature fibroblasts and a collagenous stroma. What is the most likely diagnosis?







Examination of a patient revealed a dense, movable skin tumour that is standing out distinctly from the surrounding tissues. Its section is found to be white and composed of fibrous tissu e. Microscopic examination revealed interlacing collagen fibers and few cells. What tumour is it?







There was a tumour of skin found. The tumour is thick, movable, separated from adjacent tissues. On incision the tumour is white-coloured, and is made of reticular tissue. Microscopically: chaotically tangled colagen fibres, a few cells. Name the tumour.







In the skin macroscopically was detected a solid moveable tumour. Microscopically it is presented by chaotically set fascicles of collagen fibres with a little amount of spindle cells. What tumour was removed?





@Solid fibroma


At the young man in a skin depth the dense, mobile tumour, is defined. A microscopical research revealed chaotically located fascicles of collagen fibers with a small amount of spindle-shaped cells. What tumour is removed?

@Dense fibroma.






A 33-year-old woman presented with a tumor-like formation on a white line of her abdomen, which during pregnancy has started to increase in sizes. A histological research revealed that a tumor is constructed of the differentiated connective tissue, in which collagen fibers prevail of cells. What tumor presented in this case?

@ Desmoid

Dense fibroma


Soft fibroma



Examination of the anterior abdominal wall of a pregnant woman revealed a tumour-like formation that arose on the spot of a tumour that was removed two years ago. The neoplasm was well-defined, dense, 2õ1 cm larg e. Histological examination revealed that the tumour was composed of differentiated connective tissue with prevailing collagen fibres. What tumour might be suspected?







A 23-year-old woman presents with a 0.4-cm firm brown lesion on her upper right thigh. Histologic sections from this lesion reveal an irregular area in the upper dermis that is composed of a mixture of fibroblasts, hystiocytes, stromal cells, and capillaries. The majority of cells of cells in this mixture are fibroblasts. The overlying epidermis reveals hyperplasia of the basal layers. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?


Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans


Pyogenic granuloma

Sclerosing hemangioma


A painless new growth without neat borders appeared in soft tissues of left thigh in a young man. At the biopsy material the tissues of the formation look like fish meat, consist of embryonic fibroblast-like cells with many mitoses that grow through the muscles. What is your diagnosis?







The patient, a previously dealthy man of 25 years, presented with a painless neoplasm in a soft tissues of his left thigh. Grossly, a tumor had uneven boundaries and on cut section it looked like a fish flesh. Microscopic investigation revealed immature connective tissue cells with pleomorphism, numerous mitotic figures and lymphocyte infiltration at the edge of the tumor. What is the most likely diagnosis?







A young man incurs a stab wound to the chest. The wound is treated in the emergency room. Two months later there is a firm, 3x2 cm nodular mass with intact overlying epithelium in the region of the wound. Thescar is firm, but not tender, with no erythema. The mass is excised and microscopically is found tohe composed of fibroblasts with abundant collagen. By which of the following mechanisms has this series of events most likely occurred:

Hypertrophic scar (keloid) formation

@Development of a fibrosarcoma

Poor wound healing from diabetes mellitus

Foreign body response from suturing

Staphylocccal wound infection


A 55-year-old woman has a moveable formation (1x0,7 cm) of a pasty consistence with neat borders and slow growth under the skin of submandibular area. Histologically were detected the lipocytes, which formed lobules that differ in form and size. Thin strata of connective tissue with vessels determined the lobules. Make a diagnosis.







A 48-year-old man presented to physician with mobile 1, 0 x 0, 7 cm formation under a skin of mandible. It had precise borders, dough-like consistence and slow growth. A histologic research of formation revealed fat tissue cells (lipocytes), which created lobules of different forms and the sizes, divided by thin layers of a connective tissue with vessels. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@ Lipoma






Examination of a 55 year old woman revealed under the skin of submandibular area a movable slowly growing pasty formation with distinct borders 1,0x0,7 cm large. Histological examination revealed lipocytes that form segments of diffrent forms and sizes separated from each other by thin layers of connective tissue with vessels. What is the most probable diagnosis?







A 40-year-old woman presented with a very slowly enlarging subcutaneous mass at the right side of the chest wall. Physical examination revealed a soft lobulated fluctuant swelling, not attached to the skin or underlying muscle. Histologically a neoplasm was well-encapsulated and consisted of mature cells with clear cytoplasm that varied considerably in size. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@ Lipoma.






From the organism of the 65-year old woman tumor-like body 1,0x1,0x0,8 cm was removed from the underskin part of the hip. Macroscopically: the body is represented by lipoid tissue inside capsule. Microscopically: different in seize lobuli of lipoid tissue, separated by connective tissue. Name the body:







A a 27-year-old woman in excellent health has a routine health maintenance examination. A 2 cm firm, rounded mass is palpable beneath the skin of the left forearm. She has no difficulty using the arm and there is no associated pain with the mass, either in movement or on palpation. The overlying skin appears normal. The mass does not change in size over the next year. Which of the following neoplasms is she most likely to have?


Metastatic carcinoma





A 50-year-old man has felt vague abdominal discomfort within past 4 months. Physical examination revealed no lymphadenopathy, and no abdominal masses or organomegaly at palpation. Bowel sounds are heard. An abdominal CT scan shows a 20 cm retroperitoneal soft tissue mass obscuring the left psoas muscle. A stool specimen tested for occult blood is negative. Which of the following neoplasms is this man most likely to have?







A 35-year-old man presents with the new onset of a “bulge” in his left inguinal area. After performing a physical examination, you diagnose the bulge to be an inguinal hernia. You refer the patient to a surgeon, who repairs the hernia and sends the resected hernia sac to the pathology laboratory along with some adipose tissue, which he calls a “lipoma of the cord”. The pathology resident examines the tissue grossly and microscopically and decides that it is not a neoplastic lipoma, but instead is nonneoplastic normal adipose tissue. Which one of the following features should be present to make the diagnosis of lipoma rather than normal adipose tissue?


Fibrous capsule

Numerous mitoses

@Prominent nucleoli

Uniform population of cells


A 75-year-old patient was removed a tumour (16 x 8 x 6cm) from extraabdominal cellular tissue. Microscopically were detected the anaplastic fatty cells with the signs of cellular atypism and polymorphism. Giant deformed cells with the drops of oil in the cytoplasm could be also seen. What is the most possible diagnosis?







A 14x6x5 cm neoplasm excised from a retroperitoneum of a 66-year-old woman at surgery department. Microscopic investigation revealed atypical anaplastic cells, which contained round cytoplasmic vacuoles of lipid that scallop the nucleus. The majority of cells were pleomorphic, some of them were round with chromosomal abnormalities. What is the most likely diagnosis?







A 50-year-old man have felt vague abdominal discomfort for the past 4 months. A stool specimen tested for occult blood is negative. He has no lymphadenopathy, and no abdominal masses or organomegaly can be palpated. Bowel sounds are present. An abdominal CT scan shows a 20-cm retroperitoneal soft tissue mass obscuring the left psoas muscle. This neoplasm is most likely to be a (n):







The atypical rhabdomyoblasts illustrated in the photomicrograph below may be seen in all following lesions EXCEPT

Sarcoma botryoides

@Myositis ossificans

Mixed heterologous müllerian tumor of the uterus

Adult pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma

Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma


A 52-year-old man presents with symptoms of gastric pain after eating. During work-up a 3-cm mass is found in the wall of the stomach. This mass is resected and histologic examination reveals a tumor composed of cells having elongated, spindle-shaped nuclei. The tumor does not connect to the overlying epithelium and is found only in the wall of the stomach. Which of the following is the cell of origin of this tumor?


Endothelial cell

Glandular epithelial cell

@Smooth-muscle cell

Squamous epithelial cell


During a histological research of an uterus: under mucous membrane there are numerous round nodes, separated from adjacent tissues. Microscopically the tumour is made of bunches of non-stratified muscles with tissue atypism. What is the diagnosis?


Cancer of uterus





A physical examination of 47-year-old woman of gynecology department revealed that her uterus contained dicrete, firm, white nodules. Histological examination excised lesion demonstrated a tissue atypia of a sample. It presented well-defferentiated mature cells of smooth muscules. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Carcinoma of the uterus.





A 35-year-old woman had a firm nodule palpable on the dome of the uterus six years ago recorded on routine physical examination. The nodule has slowly increased in size and is now appears to be about twice the size it was when first discovered. She remains asymptomatic. Which of the following neoplasms is she most likely to







A removed at the operation uterus was delivered for the histological examination. Multiple nodules of a round form, neatly isolated from surrounding tissue, were revealed under the mucous membrane. Microscopically the tumour consists of fascicles of nonstriated muscles with tissue atypism. What is your diagnosis?


Uterine cancer






An epidemiologic study is performed to determine risk factors for development of malignant neoplasms. A statistical analysis of pre-existing medical conditions is done. Some pre-existing conditions are observed to precede development of malignant neoplasms, while others do not. Which of the following conditions is most likely to be statistically unrelated to subsequent malignancy?

@Uterine leiomyomas

Endometrial atypical hyperplasia

Chronic alcoholism with hepatic cirrhosis

Cervical squamous dysplasia

Chronic ulcerative colitis


A macroscopical investigation of operatively removed uterus revealed a tumour with a soft consistence, hemorrhages and necroses. The tumor cut surface reminds ' the fish meat'. Histological research has found an expressed cellular and tissue atypia; there were cells with pathological mitoses figures. What is the most likely diagnosis?







Macroscopically the uterine cancer (after operation material) is of soft consistence, with hemorrhages and areas of focal necrosis. It looks like fish meat when incised. At the histological examination the signs of cell and tissue atypism are traced. The cells with pathological mitoses can be also seen. What is your diagnosis?







A 15-year-old young man presented with a tumorous formation in the central site of his wrist bone. The node grew slowly within last 3 years. A histological research of a removed neoplasm revealed mature chondrocytes without mitoses, which randomly located in chondral lacunas. Cartilages of a capsule had different form and the sizes due to variable quantity of chondral cells, between which there were basic substance with liquid layers of a connective tissue. What is the most likely diagnosis?







All the following statements about chondrosarcoma are true EXCEPT that

It is most frequent in middle age or later

The peripheral type can arise from enchondroma

It is common in the pelvic bones

Histologic analysis is of prognostic significance

@It is the second most common malignant bone tumor


The most common tumor that involves bone is

@A metastatic tumor from an extraosseous site

Osteogenic carcinoma

Multiple myeloma


A giant cell tumor


A 50-year-old patient presented to the doctor with a ball-shaped, dense, motionless neoplasm, 2 cm in diameter, under a skin in the right parietal site of his head. A histological research of a removed neoplasm revealed a chaotic osteal beams pattern with a connective tissue between. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@Cancellous osteoma (Osteoma spongiosum)

Compact osteoma (Osteoma durum)





Osteosarcoma (osteogenic sarcoma) has an increased incidence in all the following conditions EXCEPT

Paget’s disease


Fibrous dysplasia




At the young woman in'the area of her distal extremity of a femur the tumor, which quickly grew, is removed. Grossly, it had a motley pattern - from white-sulphur to brown-red color and a quaggy consistence. Microscopical investigation revealed the basic tissue component of a tumor presented with osteal and the ossiform structures covered by atypical osteoblasts, with numerous thin-walled vessels and atypical mitoses figures. Make a diagnosis.




Ewing’s sarcoma



A 28-year-old man with a history of an elbow bruise 3 years ago presented with a tumorous growth in the area of an epiphysis of a humeral bone. The formation did not have accurate borders. A histological investigation of biopsy material revealed a considerable quantity of polymorphic cells of osteoblastic type with numerous pathological mitoses. Make the presumable diagnosis.

@ Osteosarcoma




Sinovial sarcoma


Characteristics of Ewing’s sarcoma include all the following EXCEPT

Primary occurrence prior to age 20

@Primary occurrence in the epiphysis of long bones

Onion-skin pattern on x-ray

Basophilic cells resembling lymphocytes

PAS-positive intracytoplasmic glycogen


An 11-year-old boy presents with an enlarging, painful lesion that involvers medullary cavity of his left femur. X-rays reveals an irregular, destructive lesion that produced an “onion-skin” periosteal reaction. The lesion is resected surgically, and Histologic sections reveal sheets of uniform small, round, “blue” cells. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?


@Ewing’s sarcoma



Osteogenic sarcoma


A 16-year-old child presented with a painful softish node in his femur diaphysis. The formation grows quickly with destruction of a spongy layer of a bone. Microscopical investigation revealed monomorphic round cells little bit bigger than mature lymphocytes, with jejunely light cytoplasm which contains glycogen. In some zones these cells form pseudo- rosettes with few mitoses. Between cells there are fibrinous membranes. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@Ewing's sarcoma






A 49-year-old man complains of pain in his left thigh for 3 months. On physical examination his thigh is increased in size, compared to the right. A plain film radiograph reveals the presence of a 15 cm solid mass that does not appear to arise from bone, but it does have infiltrative margins. A biopsy of this mass is taken, and on microscopic examination the mass is composed of highly pleomorphic spindle cells. Name tumor?







In an epidemiologic study, "fallout" from nuclear bomb testing and from nuclear power plant disasters is observed to have released radioactive isotopes into the environment. One of these isotopes is found to be strontium-90. It is observed that the strontium-90 in soils goes into the food chain and eventually contaminates milk products. This contamination is most likely to increase the risk for which of the following neoplasms?

Kaposi's sarcoma of skin

Small cell anaplastic carcinoma of lung


Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Endometrial carcinoma


During an examination of a 25-year-old patient: right half of mandible is spindle-shaped and enlarged, thickened, with a smooth surface. A puncture revealed a liquid of brown colour. Histologically: mononuclear cells, presumably osteoblasts, and giant multinuclear cells with nidi of lacunar resorbtion of bone girders. There are small haemorrhages and grains of haemosiderin. What is the diagnosis?

Giant-cell epulis


Fibrous osteodysplasia




4-year-old child presented with a flat red color knot on his neck skin, which turns pale at pressing by glass the knot. What is the most probable diagnosis?


Pigmented nevus





A 14-year-old healthy girl has a 0.3-cm reddish, slightly raised nodule on the skin of the upper part of her chest found on a routine physical examination. She states that this lesion has been present for years and has not appreciably changed in size or color. Which of the following neoplasms is this nodule most likely to be:



Wilms tumor




A very painful lesion found under the nail of the second finger of the hand is most likely which one of the following lesion of blood vessels or lymphatics?

Kaposi’s sarcoma

@Capillary hemangioma

Glomus tumor angiosarcoma

Cystic hydroma


Microscopically the tumour of the upper lip is built of multiple small chink-like cavities, the walls of which are covered with endothelium and filled with liquid part of blood and its clots. Make a diagnosis.


Venous hemangioma

Cavernous hemangioma


@Capillary hemangioma


Microscopically: tumour of upper lip, made of numerous slot-like cavities, walls of which is made of flatted endothelia. These cavities are filled with thin blood and clots. Name the diagnosis.

@Capillary haemangioma

Venous haemangioma

Cavernous hemangioma




A 20-year-old man has had a slowly growing reddish nodule on his upper lip. He finally decides to have a surgeon remove it. Microscopically the nodule is composed of benign varying sized tiny blood vessels. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@Capillary hemangioma.

Venous hemangioma.

Cavernous hemangioma.




A 17-year-old patient was diagnosed (at the operation) a tumour (4,5 x 5,0 x 3,5cm) on the lower surface of the liver. It has sub serous localization and murrey color. On the incision it is presented by cavities with volumes of blood and thick walls of connective tissue that are covered with one stratum of endothelium. Make a previous diagnosis.

@Cavernous haematoma

Capillary hemangioma





During surgery in a 17-year-old patient it was revealed the tumour of 4,5õ5,0õ3,5 sm in size on the lower surface of the liver with subserose localization, of dark-red color. On the section tumour has cavities with marked amount of blood. What is preliminary diagnosis?

Capillar hemangioma




@Cavernous hemangioma


A 2-year-old girl is being evaluated for progressive swelling of her neck. Physical examination finds a nontender, ill-defined, loculated mass in the left side of her neck. During the workup of this patient, a karyotype reveals that she is monosomic for the X chromosome. Which of the following is the cause of the swelling of this patient’s neck?

Bacillary angiomatosis

@Cystic hygroma

Glomus tumor

Nevus flammeus

Spider angioma


All the following are the result of melanocytic hyperplasia EXCEPT



Junctionals nevus

Blue nevus

Spitz tumor


A 35-year-old man present with 0.3-cm flat light brown lesion on his left forearm. The lesion is excised, and microscopy reveal nests of round nevus cells within the lower epidermis is the dermal-epidermal junction. There is no “fusion” present of adjacent nests of nervus cell. Cytologic atypia is not present, nor are nevus cell seen in the superficial or deep dermis. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Compound nevus

Dysplastic nevus

Halo nevus

@Junctional nevus

Spitz nevus


The woman on her face skin had a pigmental formation in the form of a nodule which quickly grew. The biopsy is made. Microscopical investigation of biopsy sample revealed fields of spindle- shaped and polymorphic cells which contain a brown pigment. In addition, there were diagnosed numerous mitoses. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@ Melanoma






A 46-year-old man gained a bulging black stain on his skin. The stain didn't heal for a long time. Afterwards, the stain became a node, bigger and painful, changed its colour to dark-brown. Histologically: spindle-shaped and polymorphous cells containing brown pigment. What kind of tumour is this?







An eye of 53-year-old patient, excised at surgery due to neoplasm, presented in pathology department. Gross investigation reveled a 1 x0,4 cm black lesion in the retina. Microscopic appearance of a tumor was characterized by nests of immature cell with eccentric nuclei, prominent macronucleoli and cytoplasm brown pigment. What is the most likely diagnosis?







A physical investigation of a 60-year-old woman with one year history of a formation on a face revealed a brown skin plaque with irregular form and black impregnations. A histological research of a skin biopsy showed in epidermis and through all derma polymorphic big cells with pathological mitoses, large nucleoli and yellowy-brown pigment in a cytoplasm of many cells. The specified cells grow in a kind of fine groups and also alone. Make a diagnosis.







A 75 year old male patient consulted a surgeon about a brown nonhealing ulcer of shin. Examination of biopsy material revealed diffuse growth of polymorphic atypic cells with brown pigment in their cytoplasm. Pearls reaction was negative. There were also a lot of pathological mitoses and foci of tissue necrosis. What is the most probable diagnosis?

Skin cancer

Local hemosiderosis

Trophic ulcer

Intradermal nevus



A patient complains on a brown ulcer of leg, that doesn't heal for a long time. During a biopsy: diffuse growth of polymorphous atypic cells. In cytoplasm of those there is a brown pigment. Pearls' reaction is negative. There are a lot of pathological mitoses and nidi of necrosis of the tissue. Name the diagnosis.

Skin cancer

Local haemosiderosis

Intradermal nevus

Trophic ulcer



A dark convex macula appeared on the skin of a 46-year-old patient but didn’t disturb him. In course of time it began to enlarge, the pain appeared, the color changed into light brown and a nodule could be palpated. At the histological examination of the removed tissue, spindle and polymorphous cells were revealed, cytoplasm of which had a fulvous pigment. What tumour is meant?







A 50-year-old woman presented with a pigmented painful skin lesion above the ankle. It had been present for many years but in recent months it had enlarged quite rapidly, its outline got irregularity. Microscopic investigation of a lesion biopsy revealed nests of atypical cells and single cells with eccentric nuclei, prominent macronucleoli and cytoplasmic brown pigment. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Basal cell carcinoma





A previously healthy 42-year-old man has a skin nodule on his right hand that has become larger and darker with more irregular outlines over the past three months. On physical examination there is a 1.2 cm diameter darkly pigmented and slightly raised nodule on the dorsum of his right hand. No other skin lesions are noted. Several nontender enlarged lymph nodes are palpable in the right axilla. The lesion is excised and microscopic examination shows a neoplasm composed of darkly pigmented polygonal and spindle cells. Which of the following neoplasm’s kind is this one?




Metastatic carcinoma

Basal-cell carcinoma


The incidence of malignant melanoma of the skin appears to be increasing in the United States. Which of the following is most significant in predicting the clinical behavior following diagnosis?

The degree of pigmentation

@The level and depth

The amount of inflammation

The degree of pleomorphism

The state of nutrition


An eyeball with tumour like formation was delivered for the histological examination. The formation is located in the vascular tract of the eye with the size 1 x 0,4cm and of black color. Multiple pathological mitoses can be seen in cells. A fulvous pigment is also revealed in the cytoplasm of many cells. What is your diagnosis?







A 66-year-old woman present with right eye bad vision, ophtalmoscopy revealed a neoplasm of retina which was soon excised, at surgery together with an eye ball. Grossly, a neoplasm was soft, irregular in contour lxl cm in size and had a brown coloring. Under microscope a lesion demonstrated nodular aggregates of infiltrating cells. There cells contained large brown pigment nuclei with chromatin clumped at the periphery of nuclear membrane and prominent nucleoli. Atypical mitoses figures were also revealed. What is most likely diagnosis?



Glomus tumor




The most common primary tumor of the heart in adult is the



Papillary fibroelastoma




A 35-year-old man presents with weight loss, fever, and fatigue. Physical examination finds signs and symptoms of mitral valve disease. Further work-up finds a pedunculated mass in the left atrium. The tumor is resected and histologic sections reveal stellate cells in a loose myxoid background. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?









Date: 2016-03-03; view: 2852

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