A histological specimen presents the tissue that contains cells having no processes and a few tens of nuclei each. One of cell surfaces has a corrugated zone that provides secretion of hydrolytic elements. What tissue is it?
Nerve tissue
Cartilaginous tissue
Muscular tissue
@Osseous tissue
Epithelial tissue
In course of a conditional experiment the development of mesenchyma cells was completely inhibited. Development of the following muscular tissue will be disturbed:
Epidermal muscular tissue
Cardiac muscular tissue
@Smooth muscular tissue
Neural muscular tissue
Skeletal muscular tissue
Microspecimen of a child's finger skin reveals subnormal development of epidermis. What embryonic leaf was damaged in course of development?
At a vulgar pemphigus in a skin epidermis forms vesicles, which break out a wholeness of stratum spinosum and stratum granulosum. What function of an epithelium is broken first of all?
An embryon has signs of disturbed process of dorsal mesoderm segmentation and somite generation. What part of skin is most likely to have developmental abnormalities?
Sebaceous glands
Sudoriferous glands
A specimen of connective tissue of derma was stained with Sudan III and hematoxylin. There are clusters of big polygonal cells that turned orange. Their nuclei are flattened and located on periphery. What tissue is it?
Reticular connective
Lamellar osseous
Brown adipose
@White adipose
Hyaline cartilaginous
A patient is complaning of dryness of head skin, itching, fragility and loss of hair. After examination he was diagnosed with seborrhoea. Disturbed activity of which cells caued this condition?
@Cells of sebaceous glands
Cells of sudoriferous glands
Epithelial cells
During examination of a child's oral cavity a pediatrician found 8 incisors. The child's development corresponds to his age. How old is the child?
12-15 months
7-8 months
6-7 months
16-20 months
@10-12 months
A mother consulted the doctor about her one year old child, who has got six teeth come out. How many teeth should the child of such age have?
There is the change of teeth at the 6-8-year-old children: deciduous are replaced by permanent. What embrionic tissues are the sources of permanent teeth tissues formation?
I, II brachial arches
Mesodermal epithelium and mesenhime
Entodermal epithelium and mesoderm
Entodermal epithelium of a tooth plate and mesenhime
@Ectodermal epithelium of a tooth plate and mesenhime
A patient had his tooth extracted. The lingual surface of this tooth was smaller than the buccal one. Masticatoty surface has oval form. Deep transverse sulcus separates buccal and lingual tubercles. The root is strongly compressed in mesio-distal direction and has longitudinal sulci on its aproximal surfaces, it is bifurcated. What tooth was extracted?
Lower canine
@First upper premolar
First lower premolar
Second upper premolar
Upper canine
During examination a dentist revealed cervical caries of right inferior incisors as well as enlargement of a certain group of lymph nodes. What lymph nodes are enlarged?
Superficial cervical
Deep cervical
A patient applied to a doctor with complaints about noise and painful sensations in his ear. Objectively: a patient is ill with acute respiratory disease, rhinitis. The infection that caused inflammation of tympanic cavity could have penetrated into it through the following pharynx opening:
Tympanic opening of auditory tube
Aperture of larynx
@Pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
A histological specimen of an oral cavity organ demonstrates that the organ's anterior surface is lined with multilayer squamous nonkeratinous epithelium, and its posterior surface - with multiserial ciliated epithelium. What organ is it?
Hard palate
@Soft palate
There is a specimen of soft palate where both oral and nasal surfaces can be seen. It was revealed that oral cavity had damaged epithelium. What epithelium is damaged?
Multirowed ciliated epithelium
Multistratal prismatic nonkeratinizing
Multistratal squamous keratinizing
Multistratal cubical nonkeratinizing
@Multistratal squamous nonkeratinizing
While examining the oral cavity a stomatologist revealed inflammation of papillae on the border of the median and posterior third of the back of tongue. What papillae are inflamed?
Papillae filiformes
@Papillae vallatae
Papillae conicae
Papillae fungiformes
Papillae foliatae
Histological study of an extirpated pulp revealed some cylindrical cells in its peripheral layer. What are these cells called?
A microspecimen of the submandibular salivary gland shows some basket-shaped cells concentrated around the acines and excretory ducts. These cells surround bases of the serous cells and are called myoepitheliocytes. These cells relate to the following tissue:
Special connective tissue
Epithelial tissue
Loose fibrous connective tissue
Neural tissue
@Muscular tissue
What substance makes saliva viscous and mucous, has protective function, protects mucous membrane of oral cavity from mechanical damage?
In order to speed up healing of a wound of oral mucosa a patient was prescribed a drug that is a thermostable protein occuring in tears, saliva, mother's milk as well as in a new-laid hen's egg. It is known that this protein is a factor of natural resistance of an organism. What is it called?
During histological examination of the stomach it was found out that glands contain very small amount of pariental cells or they are totally absent. Mucose membrane of what part of the stomach was studied?
Fundus of stomach
Body of stomach
Cardiak part
@Pyloric part
The reason of occurrence of some diseases of an oral cavity is connected with structural peculiarities of its mucous membrane. What morphological attributes characterize these features?
Endoscopic examination of duodenum revealed a tumour of the major papilla. This pathological formation is localized in the following part of duodenum:
@Descending part
Superior part
Horizontal part
Superior flexure
Ascending part
Premature infants have syndrom of respiratory failure. Failure of what aerohematic barriere component underlies this pathology?
Basal membrane of alveolocytes
Basal membrane of endothelium
Capillary endothelium
A child has inhaled a button. Where is it likely to be?
@In the right main bronchus
In the left main bronchus
In the trachea
In the larynx
In the esophagus
In the specimen of one of the parts of respiratory system a tubular organ was found. It has low epithelium, well developed muscular tunic, glands and cartilage are absent. Name this organ:
Median bronchs
Major bronchs
@Minor bronchs
Examination of a tubular organ revealed that its middle membrane consisted of solid hyaline rings. What epithelium lines mucous membrane of this organ?
Monolayer prismatic with a limbus
@Multinuclear prismatic ciliated
Multilayer squamous nonkeratinous
Monolayer prismatic glanduous
Monolayer cubic
In course of a small pelvis operation it became necessary to ligate an ovarian artery. What formation may be accidentally ligated together with it?
Internal iliac vein
Uterine tube
Round ligament of uterus
Examination of a newborn boy's genitalia revealed an urethral hiatus that opens on the undersite of his penis. What malformation is it?
A young man complains about urination disorder. Examination of the external genitals revealed that the urethra was split and urine could flow out of this orifice. What anomaly of the external genitals development is it?
The electronic microphoto of kidney fragment has demonstrated the afferent glomerular arteriole, which under its endothelium has giant cells, containing secretory granules. Name the type of these cells:
@ Juxtaglomerular
A histological specimen of a kidney shows a part of the distal tubule going between the afferent and efferent arteriole. The cells building the tubule wall have dense nuclei; basal membrane is absent. Such structural formation is called:
Juxtavascular cells
@Macula densa
Mesangial cells
Juxtaglomerular cells
Electron-microscope investigation of cortical substance of a kidney reveals some structures lined with prismatic epithelium that normally has brush border and deep plicae of plasmolemma in its basal part. There is a big number of mitochondrions between these plicae. These structures belong to the following part of a nephron:
Distal straight tubule
@Proximal tubule
Renal corpuscle
Distal convoluted tubule
Henle's loop
On autopsy of a still-born infant abnormalities have been revealed: ventricles are not separated, a single arterial trunk originates from the right part. For what class of vertebrates is such heart construction characteristic?
During ultrasound examination of the heart the doctor observes the leaves of the mitral valve. What happends to them during the systole?
They turn inside the cavity of the atrium
They clasp with wall of the vessel
They close up covering the lumen of the orifice
@ They turn inside the cavity of the ventricle
They clasp with the walls of the atrium
During the fetal period of the development in the vascular system of the fetus a large arterial (Botallo's) duct is functioning which converts into lig.arteriosum after birth. What anatomical formations does this duct connect?
Aorta and superior vena cava
@Pulmonary trunk and aorta
Right and left auricle
Pulmonary trunk and superior vena cava
Aorta and inferior vena cava
A histological specimen shows a blood vessel. Its inner coat is composed by endothelium, subendothelium and internal elastic membrane. The middle coat is enriched with smooth myocytes. Such morphological characteristics are typical for the following vessel:
@Muscular-type artery
Non-muscular vein
Elastic-type artery
Muscular-type vein
In the microspecimen of red bone marrow there were revealed multiple capillares through the walls of which mature blood cells penetrated. What type of capillares is it?
Intralobular capillaries of a liver specimen have wide irregular lumen. Basal membrane is absent in the major part of the capillary. What type of capillaries is it?
A 54-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with complaints of pain in the right subcostal region, vomiting with blood. Objectively: enlarged liver, varicose veins in the stomach and esophagus. Disfunction of what vessel is likely to have taken place?
Aorta abdominalis
Vena hepatica
Vena cava inferior
@Vena porta
Vena cava superior
Morphological examination revealed in histological specimen of biopsy material an irregular-shaped vessel. Its middle membrane is formed by bundles of smooth myocytes and layers of connective tissue. What type of vessel is it?
Artery uf muscular type
@Vein of muscular type
Lymphatic vessel
A histological specimen of spleen shows a vessel with a wall consisting of endothelium and subendothelial layer, median membrane is absent, exterior membrane inosculates with the layers of spleen connective tissu E. What vessel is it?
Artery of muscular type
Vein of muscular type
@Vein of non-muscular type
Where should the cathetor for evacuation of the lymph from the thoracic lymph duct be inserted?
To the inferior vena cava
To the superior vena cava
To the left inguinal vein
@To the left venous corner
To the right venous corner
When a patient with traumatic impairment of the brain was examined, it was discovered that he had stopped to distinguish displacement of an object on the skin. What part of the brain was damaged?
Parietal zone of the cortex
@Posterior central gyrus
Occipital zone of the cortex
Frontal central gyrus
Frontal zone
A 60-year-old man after cerebral hamorrhage felt asleep for a long time. Damage of what structure caused this state?
Nuclears of the cerebral nerves
@ Reticular formation
Cortex of the large hemispheres
Black substances
A patient becomes quickly tired during his work. In vertical position with closed eyes he is dizzying and loosing equilibrium. Skeletal muscle tone is reduced. Which of the below mentioned brain structures is damaged?
Precentral gyrus of cerebral hemispheres cortex
Basal ganglia
As a result of craniocerebral trauma a patient reveals the following symptoms: intention tremor, dysmetry, adiadochokinesis, dysarthria. What structure of the brain is injured?
Motor cortex
Pale sphere
Black substance
A 50 year-old patien was injured on the occipital region of the head. The closed skull’s trauma was diagnosed. She was taken to the hospital. The medical examination: deregulation of walking and balance, trembling of arms. What part of brain was injured?
The inter-brain
The spinal cord
The medulla oblongata
The mind-brain
@The cerebellum
A patient with brain bloodstream disorder has got difficulties with swallowing, he can choke over while eating liquid food. What part of the brain is damaged?
Cervical part of the spinal medulla
A sensory nerve ganglion consists of roundish neurocytes with one process that divides into axon and dendrite at a certain distance from perikaryon. What are such cells called?
During investigation of patient, it was found formation in the white substance of cerebral hemispheres with location in the knee and frontal part of posterior crus of internal capsule. Fibres of what conductive tract of the brain will be disrupted?
Tr. frontothalamicus
Tr. parietooccipitopontinus
@ Tr. pyramidalis
Tr. frontopontinus
Òr. thalamocorticalis
A patient was admitted to the hospital with a wound in the region of his neck. The examination revealed the damaged nerve, situated in front of the anterior ladder muscle. What nerve is damaged?
Cervical part of sympathetic trunk
A histological spacemen presents parenchymal organ, which has cortex and medulla. Cortex consists of epitheliocytes bars, between them there are blood capillaries; the bars form three zones. Medulla consists of chromaffinocytes and venous sinusoids. What organ has these morphological features?
@ Adrenal gland
Lymph node
Examination of a microspecimen made of an unknown organ revealed some acini that contained 10-15 cone cells with basophilic cytoplasm, round nucleus and well developed granular endoplasmic reticulum. An acinus is surrounded by a basal membrane with myoepithelial cells localized in its splitting. What organ is the slice made of?
Sublingual gland
@Parotid gland
A microspecimen of parotid gland presents secretory acines with serous cells that synthesize mostly enzymes. According to the chemical composition classification, the parotid gland relates to the following glands:
Examination of an ovary specimen stained by hematoxylin-eosine revealed a follicle in which follicular epithelium consisted of 1-2 layers of cubic cells. There was also a bright red membrane around the ovocyt E. What follicle is it?
In the pubertal period cells of the male sexual glands start producing the male sexual hormone testosterone that is responsible for formation of the secondary sexual characters. What cells of the male sexual glands produce this hormone?
@Leidig cells
Sertoli's cells
Sustentacular cells
During embryogenesis trophoblast develops into an organ rudiment that has endocrinal function. What rudiment is it?
@Villous chorion
Yolk sac
Umbillical cord
Inflammatory process of modified subserous layer around cervix of the uterus caused an intensive pain syndrome. In what region of genitals does the pathological process take place?
The specimens present sections of haemopoetic and immunogenetic organs. Organ has lymphoid tissue forming different structures (lymph nodes, lobules, bars). In what organ does antigen-independent proliferation and differantiation take place?
Lymphatic nodes
Hemolymph nodes
Medullary substance of a hemopoietic organ's lobule in a histological specimen is lighter coloured and contains epithelial bodies. What organ are these morphological preperties typical for?
Lymph node
A 6-month-old child is suffocating while lying on his back. The palpation on the anterior wall of trachea up to jugular notch of the sternum revealed tumor-like mass, stretching into the anterior mediastinum. What from the below mentioned can squeeze trachea?
Parathyroid lymph nodes
Parathyroid glands
Thyroid gland
@ Thymus gland
Peritracheal lymph nodes
In a histological specimen parenchyma of an organ is represented by lymphoid tissue that forms lymph nodes; the latter are arranged in a diffuse manner and enclose a central artery. What anatomic formation has such morphological structure?
Lymph node
Red bone marrow
A histological specimen presents an organ that has both cortical and medullary substance. Cortical substance consists of an external zone that contains lymph nodules as well as of a paracortical zone. Medullary substance contains medullary cords, sinuses and trabecules. What organ possesses these morphological signs?
Adrenal glands
@Lymph node
An electronic microphotograph shows a macrophagic cell with erythrocytes at different stages of differentiation located along its processes. This is the cell of the following organ:
@Red bone marrow
Lymph node
Following exposure to radiation a lot of mutant cells appeared in a patient. Some time later most of them were detected and destroyed by the following cells of the immune system:
Stem cells
Karyotyping of healthy man cells is carried out. In the karyotype there was found out a fine acrocentric odd chromosome. What chromosome is it?
Group C chromosome
Group B chromosome
Group A chromosome
Epithelium regeneration of mucous membrane of oral cavity (cell reproduction) was accompanied by semiconservative DNA replication (selfreproduction). Nucleotides of a new DNA chain are complementary to:
Sense codons
DNA-polymerase enzyme
RNA-polymerase enzyme
@Maternal chain
Life cycle of a cell includes a process of DNA autoreduplication. As a result of this process monochromatid chromosomes become bichromatid. This phenomenon is observed within the following period of the cell cycle:
An electronic micrograph presents a cell that has no nucleole and nuclear membrane. Chromosomes has free position, centrioles migrate to the poles. What phase of cell cycle is it typical for?
Moving of the daughter chromatids to the poles of the cell is observed in the mitotically dividing cell. On what stage of the mitotic cycle is this cell?
The study of mitotic cycle phases of onion root revealed the cell, in which the chromosomes are situated in the equatorial plane, forming a star. What stage of the cell mitosis is it?
While studying maximally spiralized chromosomes of human karyotype the process of cell division was stopped in the following phase:
Chromosomes forming figures of "Stars" located in the centre of the cell are seen in the microslide. What phase of mitosis is there in this cell?
As a result of expression of some genome components the embryo cells acquire typical morphological, biochemical and functional properties. Name this process:
Microscopic analysis of human heart cells revealed some oval oganellas, their tunic being formed by two membranes: the external one is smooth, and the internal one forms crista. Biochemical analysis determined the presence of ATP-synthetase enzyme. What organellas were analysed?
Endoplasmic reticulum
A 50-year-old woman with a history of unstable angina suffers an acute myocardial infarction. Thrombolytic therapy with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is administered to restore coronary blood flow early in the course of this myocardial infarction. In spite of this therapy, the degree of myocardial fiber injury may increase because of which of the following cellular abnormalities?
@Cytoskeletal intermediate filament loss
A decreased intracellular pH from anaerobic glycolysis
Increase in toxic oxygen radicals
Mitochondrial swelling
Nuclear chromatin clumping and decreased protein synthesis
Ultrastructural investigation of a liver biopsy revealed that between the mitochondria there were numerous flat cisterns and bubbles with secretory granules circumscribed with membrane. Name a cell structure with the hyperplasic constituents?
@Golgi apparatus
Pinocytosis bubbles
Endoplasmic reticulum
The cell synthesized its own compounds (proteins and carbohydrates) and has separated them as microdrops of a secret. What organelle was included in the work on anending stage of this process connected with separation of asecret?
@Golgi body
Rough-surfaced ER
Smooth-surfaced ER
A 3-month- old infant dies and autopsy is requested. Electron microscopic examination of liver tissue revealed a great amount of flat cisterns and vesicles with secretory granules, surrounded by membrane, scattered among numerous mitochondria. Which of the following cell ultra structures has been shown to be hyperplastic?
@Golgi complex.
Pinocytic vesicles.
Endoplasmic reticulum.
During the electron microscopic examination of liver biopsy, a great amount of flat cistern and sacs with secretory globules, surrounded by membrane were founded, among the numerous mitochondria. What ultra structure hyperplasia is meant?
Pinocytosis sacs
Endoplasmatic reticulum
@The Golgi complex
A granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus are well developed in cells. What main function do these cells perform?
@Release of protein secretion
Phagocytosis and digestion of entrapped particles
Production of energy
Transmission of nervous stimulation
Production of protein
Golgi complex exports substances from a cell due to the fusion of the membrane saccule with the cell membrane. The saccule contents flows out. What process is it?
Facilitated diffusion
Active transport
All answers are false
Ultramicroscopical examination of "dark" hepatocyte population in the cell cytoplasm detected a developed granular endoplasmic reticulum. What function has this organella in these cells?
Deintoxicative function
Calcium ion depositing
@Synthesis of blood plasma proteins
Bile production
Carbohydrate synthesis
Low level of albumins and fibrinogen was detected in the patient's blood. Decreased activity of what organelle of the liver hepatocytes can cause it?
Agranular endoplasmatic net
Golgi complex
@Granular endoplasmatic net
A tissue sample of benign tumor was studied under the electron microscope. A lot of small (15-20 nm) spherical bodies, consisting of 2 unequal subunits were detected. These are:
Golgi complex
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Labeled aminoacids alanine and tryptophane were introducted to a mouse in order to study localization of protein biosynthesis in its cells. Around what organellas the accumulation of labeled aminoacids will be observed?
Agranular endoplasmic reticulum
Cell centre
Golgi apparatus
Formation of ribosome subunits in a cell was disturbed in course of an experiment (by means of activated mutagenic factors). This will have an effect on the following metabolic process:
Carbohydrate biosynthesis
Biological oxidation
ATP synthesis
@Protein biosynthesis
In course of practical training students studied a stained blood smear of a mouse with bacteria phagocyted by leukocytes. What cell organella completes digestion of these bacteria?
Golgi apparatus
Granular endoplasmic reticulum
Electron microscopic study of a cell revealed roundish bubbles confined by a membrane and containing a lot of various hydrolytic enzymes. It is known that these organellas provide intracellular digestion and protective functions. These elements are:
Endoplasmic reticulum
The cell of the laboratory animal was overdosed with Roentgen rays. As a result albuminous fragments formed in the cytoplasm. What cell organoid will take part at their utilization?
Endoplasmic reticulum
Cells centre
Golgi complex
In a genetical laboratory in course of work with DNA molecules of white rats of Wistar's line a nucleotide was substituted for another one. At that only one amino acid was substituded in the peptide. This result is caused by the following mutation:
Displacement of reading frame
It was found out that some compounds, for instance fungi toxins and some antibiotics can inhibit activity of RNA-polymerase. What process will be disturbed in a cell in case of inhibition of this enzyme?
It was proved that a molecule of immature mRNA (precursor mRNA) contained more triplets than amino acids found in the synthesized protein. The reason for that is that translation is normally preceded by:
Examination of a patient revealed reduced contents of magnesium ions that are necessary for attachment of ribosomes to the granular endoplasmatic reticulum. It is known that it causes disturbance of protein biosynthesis. What stage of protein biosynthesis will be disturbed?
Aminoacid activation
A woman who was sick with rubella during the pregnancy gave birth to a deaf child with hare lip and cleft palate. This congenital defect is an example of:
Down’s syndrome
Edward’s syndrome
Patau’s syndrome
In some regions of South Africa there is a spread sickle-shaped cell anemia, in which erythrocytes have shape of a sickle as a result of substitution of glutamin by valine in the hemoglobin molecule. What is the cause of this disease?
@Gene mutation
Disturbance of mechanisms of genetic information realization
Genomic mutations
46 chromosomes were revealed on karyotype examination of the 5-year-old girl. One of the 15th pair of chromosomes is longer than usual due to connected chromosome from the 21 pair. What type of mutation does this girl have?
Part of the DNA chain turned about 180 degree due to gamma radiation. What type of mutation took place in the DNA chain?
During the postsynthetic period of mitotic cycle the synthesis of tubulin proteins was disturbed. These proteins take part in construction of division spindle. It can lead to the disturbance of:
@Chromosomes' disjunction
Mitosis duration
Spiralization of chromosomes
Despiralization of chromosomes
During the postsynthetic period of mitotic cycle the synthesis of proteins - tubulines, which take part in the mitosis formation, was destroyed. It can cause the impairment of:
Chromosome despiralization
Duration of mitosis
@Chromosome separation
Chromosome spiralization
In the woman of 60 years the tumor uterus is removed. At the analyses of tumor cells multipole mitoses were found with divergence of chromosomes to many poles. What organelles were distroyed?
Secondary lisosomes
Rough-surfaced ER
Hurtnup's disease is caused by point mutation of only one gene. This results in abnormal absorption of tryptophane in the intestine as well as its abnormal reabsorption in renal tubules. This causes synchronous disorders in digestive and urinary excretion systems. What genetic phenomenon is observed in this case?
Complementary interaction
After prophylactic medical examination a 7 y.o. boy was diagnosed with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (only boys fall ill). His parents are healthy, but his grandfather by his mother's side has the same disease. What type of inheritance is it?
@Recessive, sex-linked
Autosomal and recessive
Dominant, sex-linked
Autosomal and dominant
A 32 y.o. man is tall, he has gynecomastia, adult woman pattern of hair distribution, high voice, mental deficiency, sterility. Provisional diagnosis is Klinefelter's syndrome. In order to specify diagnosis it is necessary to analize:
Blood group
An 8 month old child has non-closed palate, a number of eye defects, microcephaly, disorder of cardiovascular system. Cytogenetic analysis revealed 47 chromosomes with an additional 13th chromosome. What diagnosis can be made on the basis of clinical observations and cytogenetic examinations?
Down's syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
@Patau's syndrome
Cat cry syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome
Autopsy of a newborn boy revealed polydactylia, microcephalia, cheiloschisis and uranoschisis as well as hypertrophy of parenchimatous organs. These defects correspond with the description of Patau's syndrome. What is the most probable cause of this pathology?
@Trisomy of the 13th chromosome
Partial monosomy
Trisomy of the 21st chromosome
Nondisjunction of sex chromosomes
Trisomy of the 18th chromosome
Abnormal chromosome disjunction during meiosis resulted in formation of: an ovum with 22 autosomes and polar body with 24 chromosomes. If such an ovum would be fertilized with a normal spermatozoon (22+X) the child might have the following syndrome:
Klinefelter's syndrome
Trisomy X
@Turner's syndrome
Down's syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
A 28 year old woman consulted a doctor about sterility. Examination revealed underdeveloped ovaries and uterus, irregular menstrual cycle. Study of sex chromatin revealed 2 Barr's bodies in most somatic cells. What chromosome disease is the most probable in this case?
Turner's syndrome
Patau's syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
@Triplo-X syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome
Examination of a 12 year old boy with developmental lag revealed achondroplasia: disproportional constitution with evident shortening of upper and lower limbs as a result of growth disorder of epiphyseal cartilages of long tubal bones. This disease is:
Inherited, sex-linked
Inherited, recessive
@Inherited, dominant
In course of prophylactic medical examination a 7-year-old boy was diagnosed to have daltonism. Parents are healthy, color vision is normal. But grandfather from the mother's side has the same disorder. What is the type of inheriting of this anomaly?
@Recessive, sex-linked
Incomplete domination
Dominant, sex-linked
A healthy woman has three sons affected by color blindness who were born after her two marriages. Children both of her husbands are healthy. What is the most possible pattern of inheritance of this disease?
@X-linked recessive
Autosomal recessive
Autosomal dominant
X-linked dominant
While studing of the family tree with history of hypertrichosis (hyperhirsutism of the ear) this sign was founded only in the men and it was inherited from father to the son. Define the type of hypertrichosis inheritance?
Autosomal- recessive
@Connected with Y-chromosome
Connected with Õ-chromosome dominant
Connected with Õ-chromosome recessive
The study of the genealogy of a family with hypertrichosis (helix excessive pilosis) has demonstrated that this symptom is manifested in all generations only in men and is inherited by son from his father. What is the type of hypertrichosis inheritance?
X-linked recessive chromosome
X-linked dominant chromosome
@Y-linked chromosome
An individual is characterized by rounded face, broad forehead, a mongolian type of eyelid fold, flattened nasal bridge, permanently open mouth, projecting lower lip, protruding tongue, short neck, flat hands, and stubby fingers. What diagnosis can be put to the patient?
@Down's syndrome
Turner's syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome
Examination of a 7 year old child revealed the following symptoms: small height, broad roundish face, closely placed eyes with narrow palpebral fissures, half-open mouth. Valvular defect has been also diagnosed. These clinical presentations are most likely typical for Down's syndrome. Name the cause of such pathology:
Nondisjunction of sexual chromosomes
Partial monosomy
@Trisomy of the 21 chromosome
Trisomy of the 13 chromosome
X-chromosome trisonomy
A 3-month-old child died of pneumonia. A macroscopical investigation revealed upward slant of palpebral fissures of the eyes, a sinking down dorsum of nose, dolichouranic, a low locating of small auricles. An autopsy revealed a defect of a heart and the main vessels' development. A genetic study showed a chromosome 21 trisomy. What of the listed diagnoses is the most likely?
At the macroscopic exam of a 5-months baby, who died of pneumonia, were revealed: oblique incision of the eyes, retraction of a bridge of the nose, high palate, low location of small auricles (of ear). A defect in a heart and magistral vessels development was detected at the section. The genetic exam revealed a trisomy 21 autochromosome. What is the most possible diagnosis?
Cherechewski-Turner syndrome
Patau’s syndrome
@Down syndrome
Edwards’ syndrome
Klinfelter’s syndrome
A 40-year-old pregnant woman underwent amniocentesis. The examination of fetus karyotype revealed 47ÕÓ+21. What pathology of the fetus was found out?
Schereschevsky-Terner's disease
Patau's disease
@Down's syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome
Parenchyma dystrophies.
All following mechanisms underlie intracellular accumulation EXCEPT one:
The rate of production is increased
The rate of the breakdown is decreased
Genetic defect of metabolism
The absence of degrading or transporting enzymes
@Permanent chronic inflammation
During the examination of a newborn, some apparent skin differences are noted. The skin is dry, with an uneven surface and with the presence of grey plates which can be removed layer by layer. These changes are related to which type of dystrophy?
@Horny dystrophy
Hydropic dystrophy
Hyaline dystrophy
Fibrinoid swelling
Mucoid swelling
While examining newborn baby, there were several skin changes found: dryness, dull with rough surface. What kind of dystrophy could cause such changes?
Fibrinoid swelling
Mucoid swelling
A stillborn child was found to have thickened skin resembling of the tortoise shell, underdeveloped auricles. Histological examination of skin revealed hyperkeratosis, atrophy of the granular epidermis layer; inflammatory changes were not present. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A male patient had a prosthetic appliance on the lower jaw. The ventral surface of tongue revealed a dense, gray plaque with a clear boundary. Histology revealed the thickened of the stratified squamous epithelium due granular and to basal layers thickening, hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, lymphocyte's infiltration of connective tissue. Make a diagnosis.
Cancer in sity (intra-epithelial neoplasia)
During the preventive examination of a worker employed in the coal resins production the areas of thickening and keratinization of the nucous membrane in the oral cavity were found. This occured mainly on the cheeks areas, showing a whitish color with a rough surface. They were not painful. Which pathology is this related to?
A 77-year-old male with a dental prosthesis on his upper jaw is seen by his dentist because of a solid gray patch on his tongue. A lesion has irregular contour, uneven surface, and clear borders. Microscopic investigation of its biopsy revealed the thickening of stratified squamous epithelium, its hyperkeratosis, and acanthosis accompanied with lymphocytes and macrophages infiltration of subjacent connective tissue. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Cancer in situ.
A solid gray patch, irregularly shaped with uneven surface, but with clear borders was founded on a ventral surface of a tong of a man with prosthesis of mandible. During the histological examination of the formation there were noticed the saved structure of stratified flat epithelium, its thickening through prickle and basal cell layers, hyperkeratosis, acanthosis. Lymphomacrophagal infiltration of underlied connective tissue was detected, too. Make a right diagnosis.
Cancer in situ
While examining oral cavity, there was found a white lamella on mucous membrane, slightly bulging above its surface. Histologically: nodosity of multilayer epithelia, hyperkeratosis, acanthosis. Which diagnosis from below is the most suitable in this case?
Desquamative glossitis
Flat-cell cancer
Rhomboid glossitis
Mucous membrane of a patient's oral cavity has a greyish-white focus, the mass is dense and protrudes above the mucous membrane. Histological examination revealed hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis and acanthosis of epithelium in this are A. What pathological process was revealed in the mucous membrane?
Local tumourous amyloidosis
Focal ichthyosis
In an experiment, a series of immunohistochemical stains are employed to identify different cellular components. One particular stain identifies the presence of intermediate filaments within cells. This cytokeratin stain is most likely to be useful for which of the following diagnostic purposes?
Cytoskeletal alterations are seen with impending cell death
A neoplasm can be determined to be a carcinoma
Contractile properties of the cells can be determined
@A history of chronic alcoholism can be confirmed
The degree of metaplasia or dysplasia can be assessed
During the section of a 49-year-old man, that was hospitalized with symptoms of hepatotropic intoxication and suddenly died, an enlarged liver of yellow-brown color, soft consistence was revealed. Drops of oil were noticed on the surface of incision of the liver and on the scalpel. Microscopically: peripheral hepatocytes of a classic hepatic lobule are filled with small drops that are placed in the cytoplasm and displaced the nucleus to the cell periphery. About what process in the liver do the following changes testify?
A 53 year old patient died with symptoms of liver insufficiency. A post-mortem examination revealed the enlarged, flabby, yellow-brown liver. Gross examination of the liver's section showed drops of fat. Microscopically: hepatocytes on the peripheries of the hepatic lobules contained masses of small drops within the cytoplasm. Which process most likely took place in the liver?
@Fatty dystrophy of the liver
Glucosylceramide lipidosis (Gaucher's disease)
Sphingolopidosis (Niemann-Pick disease)
Gangliosidosis (Tay-Sachs disease)
Systemic lipoidoses
An autopsy of a 49-year man, who was hospitalized with liver intoxication and suddenly died afterwards, shows: liver is enlarged, yellowish-brown coloured and of soft consistency. On section, there are lipid drops found. Microscopically: peripheral hepatocytes contain many small drops, which completely fill the cytoplasm and push aside the nucleus. Name the process.
A 38-year-old patient, suffering from chronic alcoholism and cirrhosis of the liver, developed profuse bleeding due to varicose veins of the esophagus which resulted in death. During the autopsy a liver was noted to be diminished in size with micronodular tuberosity. The organ was dense and rather yellow in color. A histological evaluation of the cryostat specimens of the liver, stained with hematoxylin and eosin, revealed hepatocytes with large, optically empty vacuoles. These vacuoles were black when stained with osmium acid. These optically empty vacuoles hepatocytes indicate:
@Fatty dystrophy •
Inclusions of hyaline.
Alcoholic hyaline (Mallory bodies)
Vacuolar dystrophy.
Carbohydrates dystrophy.
A patient died from pulmonary-cardiac insufficiency. During the dissection a significantly enlarged anemic liver, with yellow doughy consistencies was found. A liver specimen stained with hematoxylin and eosin exposed various sizes of vacuoles in the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes. Which one of the following dystrophies occurred?
@Parenchymal fatty
Parenchymal carbohydrate
Mesenchymal fatty
A 44-year-old woman died from chronic alcoholic intoxication. During the autopsy a significamtly enlarged liver of doughy consistency and rather yellowish color was found. Microscopically, after staining with hematoxylin and eosin, cytoplasm of the hepatocytes contained optically empty vacuoles. Which type of dystrophy has taken place?
@Parenchymal fatty dystrophy
Carbohydrate parenchymal dystrophy
Hyaline dystrophy
Mesenchymal fatty dystrophy
Hydropic dystrophy
An examination of a woman having diabetes mellitus showed enlarged liver. Blood analysis showed increased level of triglycerides, lipoproteins. What kind of liver dystrophy is this?
Hyalin-droppy dystrophy
@Lipid parenchymal dystrophy
Mucoid swelling
An autopsy of 45 year old woman, who died of chronic alcohol intoxication, has shown grossly enlarged liver of yellowish colour and gummy consistency. Microscopically: haematoxylin-eosin staining showed various shaped, translucent vacuoles. Name the type of dystrophy.
@Lipid parenchymal
Carbohydrate parenchymal
Lipid mesenchymal
A 36-year-old female develops liver failure followed with lethal outcome. Autopsy has shown an enlarged liver of yellow-brown color and soft consistence. Drops of fat are noticed on the liver cut surface and on the scalpel. Microscopically: hepatocytes at peripheral zone of a liver lobules contain small drops that fill cytoplasm and push the nucleus to the periphery. What process in the liver do the following changes testify to?
A 48-year-old man has a history of chronic alcoholism. He is able to perform his work at his job. He has had no major illnesses. On physical examination, there are no significant findings. Which of the following microscopic findings in his liver is most likely to be present:
@Fatty change
Hypertrophy ofsmooth endoplasmic reticulum
Coagulative necrosis
A 55-year-old male alcoholic presents with symptoms of liver disease and is found to have mildly elevated liver enzymes. A liver biopsy examined with a routine hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain reveals abnormal clear spaces in the cytoplasm of most of the hepatocytes. Which of the following materials is most likely forming these cytoplasmic spaces?
A 45-year old male is found to have a severe intoxication. A diagnosis of sepsis is made. Several days later he dies. At autopsy, his myocardium grossly had a 'tiger heart' pattern. Microscopically, lipids were detected in the cytoplasm of cardiac myocytes. What morphogenetic mechanism prevails in the development of this dystrophy?
Abnormal synthesis.
A man died of chronic cardiac failure. Autopsy revealed a tiger heart. There is yellowish stripy endocardium, myocardium is dull and of clay-yellow colour. What process caused this pathology?
@Lipid parenchymal dystrophy
Carbohydrate dystrophy
Lipid mesenchymal dystrophy
A 42-year-old female became ill with diphtheria and died from acute cardiac insufficiency. During dissection it was noted that the heart cavities were extended and that the muscle of the heart was dim, motley and on a cut surface had yellow areas. Which process was exposed in the myocardial cells?
@Fatty dystrophy
Carbohydrate dystrophy
Ballooning dystrophy
Hyaline dystrophy
Hydropic dystrophy
Autopsy of a menopausal woman with a ling history of a chronic ischemic heart disease revealed soft and enlarged heart. Its chambers were extended; the myocardium sectional view was lack-luster with grey- yellowish coloring. An endocardium presented with yellow-white banding, most evident in papillary muscles. What is the most likely pathological process in woman's heart?
@Fatty degeneration of myocardium.
Fatty heart
Dilated cardiomyopathy.
Autopsy of a man who died from chronic cardiacvascular collapse revealed "tiger heart". Sidewards of endocardium a yellowish-white banding can be seen; myocardium is dull, dark-yellow. What process caused this pathology?
@Fatty parenchymatous degeneration
Carbohydrate degeneration
Fatty vascular-stromal degeneration
Hyaline degeneration
A patient with leukemia died from severe chronic anemia. An autopsy revealed an enlarged heart, with flabby myocardium. It had a dim pale-grey color, yellow spots and bars. Which pathological process was found in the heart at post-mortem?
@Parenchymal fatty dystrophy
Vacuolar dystrophy.
Hydropic dystrophy.
Mesenchymal fatty dystrophy.
Mixed dystrophy.
A patient died from chronic cardiovascular insufficiency. At the post-mortem a 'tabby cat' heart was found. From the side of the endocardium, a yellow-white striped pattern was noticeable. The myocardium was a dim with gray-yellow color. Which process is most likely diagnosed?
@Fatty parenchymal dystrophy.
Carbohydrate dystrophy
Hydropic dystrophy.
Fatty mesenchymal dystrophy.
An autopsy of 62-year old man, who died of increasing cardiac failure, showed enlarged heart, dilated cameras. Section of myocardium shows dull, clay-yellow tissue. Endocard is stripy, especially on papillary muscles. What pathological process is the most suitable in this case?
@Myocardial lipid dystrophy
Cardial adiposis
Dilatational cardiomyopathy
A 66-year-old male died from cardiac insufficiency. During the dissection an increase volume heart was found. Observation of the heart revealed a flabby consistency with stretched chambers. The myocardium section had a dim, clay-yellowish color. From the side of the endocardium a yellow-white striped pattern was present, which was especially noted in the papillary muscles. Which pathological process is the most credible?
@Fatty dystrophy of the myocardium
Obesity of the heart
Dilatation cardiomyopathy
A man died due to cardiac insufficiency. At autopsy revealed the heart increased volume and flabby. A myocardium was a clay-yellow color and dim. From the side of the endocardium a yellow-white striped pattern was visible ('tabby cat'). Under the microscope the groups of myocardial cells lost their normal structure, their cytoplasm contained shallow drops which were black when stained with Sudan-IV. Which one of the following is the correct diagnosis?
@Fatty dystrophy of myocardium
Rheumatic myocarditis
Obesity of the heart
During the section of a 62-year-old man, who died at the background of facts of progressive heart insufficiency, an enlarged heart of soft consistence was revealed. Its chambers are dilated; on incision the myocardium is dim, of clayish-yellow color. Yellow-white strips can be seen from the endocardium side that is especially manifested in papillary muscles. What pathological process can be diagnosed?
Fat heart
@Cor adiposa dystrophia
Dilated cardiomyopathy
During an autopsy a parenchymal fatty dystrophy of the myocardium was diagnosed. What is the common or descriptive name of the heart due to this dystrophy?
@Tabby cat' heart ('Tiger's' heart)
Bovine heart
'Hairy' heart
Solder plaque (bony heart)
Cor pulmonale
A seven-year-old child presented with diphtheria of the pharynx. He subsequently died from acute cardiac insufficiency. Post-mortem examination of the heart revealed that the cavities of the heart were extended horizontally. Muscles of the heart were dim and flabby. Gross section showed motley appearance, with yellow areas. Microscopically in the cytoplasm of some myocardial cells small vacuoles were determined. The frozen sections showed vacuoles within cells stained with sudan-III in orange color. Which type of dystrophy was found in myocardial cells?
@Fatty dystrophy
Carbohydrate dystrophy
Vacuolar dystrophy
Hyaline dystrophy
Hydropic dystrophy
A 62-year-old male who has been ill with diabetes mellitus for 15 years died from a cerebral hemorrhage. Post-mortem revealed kidneys diminished in size with a fine-grained surface. The epithelium of the canaliculi of distal nephron's segment was high, with a light foamy cytoplasm. The Best's carmine staining demonstrated a bright red coloring of the cytoplasm's accumulations. These changes in the epithelium resulted from the accumulation of:
@ Glycogen
Mother of 5-year old boy complaints that his ears and tip of nose became darker, urine is to darken upon standing. Color of feces is as usual. The cause of such state can be:
In a year old child urine is to darken upon standing. In the blood and urine homohentisine acid is found. Metabolism of what substance is disordered?
Purine nucleotides
A 2-years-old boy was admitted to the hospital with malabsorption syndrome. Deficiencies of disaccharidases and dipeptidases have been found in this patient. What from the following types of ep