Culture modernization: from cultural policy to the power of culture
(May 23-24, 2016)
The choice of the scientific forum theme is determined by the series of the annual May conferences held by the Samara State Institute of Culture and devoted to the problems of culture modernization.
Three scientific forums “Culture modernization: ideas and paradigms of cultural changes”, “Culture modernization: ways and metamorphoses of communication” were successfully held in 2013- 2015 (they resulted in 7 conference information packages).
The aim of the conference is the broadening of our scientific and civilian understanding of modern Russian cultural policy.
The relevant subject-matter and new research language will promote the aim of the forum and determine the boundaries and content of culture modernization processes which we witness and participate in.
Current thematic fronting of culture modernization problems is impossible without considering new forms of control and management in cultural sphere which transform both the everyday life of a person (his or her life world) and the system of institutions.
The research of cultural policy theories as well as vast experience of culture reforming in the world history of the XX century make significant contribution to the formation of the entire pattern of Russian culture modernization.
The conference has been conceived as a forum of a variety of academic subject approaches.
The meeting of different academic subject area representatives serves for maintaining the thematic and methodological dialogue, provides impetus for cognition and study of the current situation in culture.
The project is designed to give rise to a culture of innovative activity of the biggest Russian region through a dialogue between academic and art communities and public authorities on the problems of culture modernization and reforming.
It is necessary and especially urgent to promote the rational formation of civic and cultural communities capable of joining innovatization process as a principle lever for humanized landscape change.
One of the major tasks of the scientific and practical forum is to create the situation of intellectual and social involvement among thinking and socially active part of the population.
The idea of modernization is global but it is necessary to act locally. So within the framework of the conference it is planned to work on the following issues:
Theoretical background of cultural policy
Philosophical reflection of policy in the cultural sphere
Modernist and Post-Modernist studies of culture and cultural policy
The power of culture: historical, institutional, anthropological aspect
Legal and institutional aspects of cultural policy
UNESCO conventions and their contribution to the globalization of culture
Culture as a basis of society sustainable modernization
National strategies of cultural policy
Global and transnational context of policy in the field of culture
Politics for culture and culture for politics
Regional practice of culture reforming
Current state of Russian institutions of culture and innovation resource base
Cultural diversity in the context of modern Russia
Culture modernization: model and political program multiplicity
Modernization in the context of management problems
Cultural revolution: projects and their implementation
Culture and the power
Art and the power
Politics and cultural heritage issues
The 4th International Scientific-Practical conference “Culture modernization: from cultural policy to the power of culture“ is called on to gather researchers specializing on the problems of culture modernization, practicians, representatives of academic and art communities, authority and all those interested in scientific analysis and integration of our efforts into reorganization of Russian province cultural life
Organizing Committee:
Elleonora Kurulenko, Doctor of culture study, Professor, Rector of the Samara Institute of Culture.
Svetlana Solovyova, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, deputy rector in research work and international communication of the Samara Institute of Culture.
Ludmila Artamonova, Doctor of historical sciences, Professor, head of History Chair (the Samara Institute of Culture).
Vladimir Ionesov, Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor, head of Culture Theory and History Chair of the Samara Institute of Culture
Natalya Mukhanova, assistant of deputy rector for research and international communication, secretary of the organizing committee
Address of the Organizing committee:
Samara State Institute of Culture
167 Frunze Street
Samara 443010 Russia
• tel: (846) 333-22-11.
• Fax: (846) 333-22-30
• e-mail:
For your participation it is necessary to send the application and abstract using this e-mail indicating the theme of the conference; dead-line May 1, 2016.