1. Principle of performing division in the binary number system and DL representation.
2. An algorithm of the DL-division subroutine.
3. Examples of calculations using the subroutine.
Questions for the Self-Testing
1. What is the difference between division in the binary system and that in DL representation?
2. What are the causes of ending the operation of division?
Laboratory work 4.3
Aim of the work: The aim of the work is to learn to process experimental data of physical quantity measurements.
Basic Principles
A physical quantity is a characteristic of one of the properties of a physical object (system, phenomenon, or process). The value of a physical magnitude is its estimate in terms of a certain number of units accepted for this quantity and expressed by the product of its numerical value and the chosen unit.
There is a true value of a physical quantity which ideally represents the object’s properties and its measured which is found experimentally.
Measurement is a set of operations performed with the help of technical aids which allow relating the quantity being measured to its unit and getting a value of this quantity.
There are two basic types of measurements: direct and indirect.
Direct measurement is measurement of a physical quantity when its value is found directly from experimental data.
Indirect measurement is measurement of a physical quantity when its value is found on the basis of a known relationship between this quantity and quantities whose values are found by direct measurements.
In measuring a quantity it is impossible to find its true value due to imperfections of measuring devices and methods of measurement, the influence that measuring conditions may have on measurements, and some random causes. To find out how close the being measured is to the true value, it is necessary to take into account the measurement error.
Numerically, the measurement error of a quantity x is characterized by its absolute Δx and relative value εx:
or ,
where Δx is an absolute error, εx is a relative error, x is a measured value, and x0 is a true value.
In the general case the error of direct measurement is found from the formula:
where Δxsys is a systematic error and Δxran is a random error.
where Δxi is an instrumental error, Δxm is a method error, and Δxo is an error due to variability of the object properties.
For a measuring device of a given accuracy class, the instrumental error is calculated by the following formula:
Δxi = (εc.a.∙Xr)/100%,
where εc.a. is the accuracy class index and Xr is the upper limit of the instrument range.
If the instrumental error is unknown, the absolute error of measurement is defined either by the scale-division value of an analog device or by the unit of the least significant digit of a digital device.
Methodical errors are defined individually for each method.
Errors due to variability of the object properties are reduced to random ones by multiple measurements.
To calculate a random error, we must know its distribution law. Most often it is the Gaussian distribution law whose curve is shown in Fig. 4.3. Since it is symmetrical about Xmax, errors equal in absolute values but opposite in sign are equiprobable.
The probability of the measured results being in the interval from x to x+Δx is:
The measured result is defined as the most probable value xprob which is calculated as the mean arithmetic value:
where xi is the result of i-th measurement, n is the number of measurements.
If the number of measurements tends to infinity, the confidence interval is defined as a root-mean-square error:
If the number of measurements is limited, the confidence interval is extended to Δxlim = tαSn, where tα is the Student factor which depends on the number of measurements and the confidence probability α.
For 10 measurements tα=0.9 =1.83, tα=0.95 =2.26, and tα=0.99 =3.25.