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Functions of the Infinitive


-Subject: To study is difficult.

It is difficult to study.


-Part of a predicate: Our task is to study well.

I can skate.

I am glad to meet you.


-Object: He asked me to help him.


-Attributes I have no reason to trust you.

Here are the rules to remember.

…a knife to cut the bread with.



-purpose: I waited to see the end.

-result: It is cold to bathe.


§66--Infinitive attributes:

-noun+infinitive: …the best man to do the job.

-noun + for + noun/objective pronoun + the infinitive:

…the book for him to read, … a subject for us to talk about


- comlex subject: It is easy for you to say.

- complex predicate: it's for you to decide.

- complex attribute: The rule for me to explain is easy.

- complex modifier: The text was too difficult for them to learn.

§67 Objective infinitive construction (= complex object): an object in a sentence: noun/objective pronoun + the infinitive after verbs:

-let, make: I made him read the book.

-of mental activity: I know him to have read the book.

-of wish: I want him to be preparing for the test.

-of sensitive perception: I heard him have read the book. (Participle 1 used for a progressive action: I heard him singing)


-(event/repeated action):I saw him cross the street.

-(progressive action -not finished: I saw him crossing the street.


§68 Subjective infinitive construction: Subject + link + the infinitive:


-active links: happen, seem, turn out, appear, prove, is likely, is unlikely, is sure: He seems to know everything.

-passive links:

-mental activity: You are supposed to have killed him.

-sensitive perception: They were seen to be fighting.

-information: They are reported to live in Canada.

-let, make: They were made to move to Canada.




-Forms of the gerund


Active Passive

(need, want, be worth, require, demand – with active form for passive meaning: His shoes needed cleaning)



(for a present progressive action):


He denies seeing anything strange. He denies being seen by anybody.



(for the present result of a previous event):

He denies having seen anything strange. He denies having been seen.


-Gerund/noun - Features:

-verbal: no article, may have direct object

-of the noun: may be used with possessive forms


-gerund: reading the book

-noun: the reading of the book


§70 Functions of the gerund (+prepositions )

- without prepositions:

- subject

- predicate: Seeing is believing.

- objects: I don't mind your smoking.

-With prepositions:

- predicate (against, for, be far from: The problem k tar from being settled.

- object (at, of, for, in, on):I am not surprised at your having failed at the examination.

- attribute: The best way of learning to speak a language is to speak it.

- modifier -of time : on, before, after

-reason: for, owing to

-manner: by, besides, instead of, without, apart from

-purpose: for the purpose of, with the object of

-condition: without, in case of, subject to: The offer is made subject to receiving your confirmation within 10 days.)


§71 Gerund/infinitive

begin-temporal action: began smoking and continued his story

-regular action: began to smoke at the age of fifteen

Note: …is beginning to rain

Stop-purpose: stopped to speak to his friend

-quit: stopped talking to his friend after their quarrel

try -temporal action: The baby tried to run but fell.

-regular action: The man tried running to improve his health.


-positive or negative emotion: I like getting up early (=enjoy).

-consider smth reasonable: I like to get up early not to miss my bus.


-with object: …advised him to read aloud

-without an object:…advised reading aloud

remember -performed action:…remembered sending the letter

-action still to be performed:…remembered to send the letter

forget- performed action:…forgot sending the letter

- not performed action:…forgot to send the letter

go on + to-inf = finish doing smth and start doing smth else; then

After finishing the report, she went on to type some letters.

go on +-ing form = continue: She went on talking for hours.

mean + to -inf = intend to: He means to find a job abroad.

mean +-ing form = involve: Finding a job means attending many interviews.

be sorry + to -inf = regret: I'm sorry to hear they fired him.

be sorry for + -ing form = apologize: I'm sorry for being/having been unfair to you.

regret + to -inf = be sorry to: I regret to tell you that there is no money left in your account.

regret +-ing form = have second thoughts about smth one has already done: I regret buying/having bought this suit; it doesn't look nice on me.

be afraid + to -inf (the subject is too frightened to do smth): I'm afraid to climb up that tree. (I don't want to do it.)

be afraid of + -ing'form (the subject is afraid that what is described by the -ing form may happen): She won't climb up the tree; she is afraid of falling. (She is afraid because she might fall.)



Participle 1

Active Passive

Present (for a present progressive action)

…a reading boy …the book being read (by him now)


Perfect (for the present result of a previous event)

…the boy having read the book …the book having been read


Participle 2: the 3rd form (for a previous event)


After "have","want", "wish”

I have washed my hair.- (the action performed by me)

I got my car washed= I have my car washed.- (the action performed by another person)

For active actions the Infinitive is used: I had him cut my hair.

I got him to cut my hair

-Nominative construction with the Participle

-absolute: noun/nominative pronoun + Participle 1 (active/passive/present/past) The key having been lost, they couldn't open the door.(Two subjects)


-relative: Having lost the key they couldn’t open the door.(One subject)


TOEFL 13-74,14-75,15-76,36-135,47-163

§73 Words order in a simple sentence:


-subject > predicate >(attributes: characteristic-shape-age-colour-country-material)>indirect object > direct object > prepositional object > adverbial modifier

-of manner -of place -of time >

You bought me a book for a present by chance at a shop yesterday.



-there is

-negative beginnings:

never, at no time, seldom, no sooner… than…, hardly, scarcely, rarely: …nor did he come on time

-only + adverb of time, place: Only then did they understand

-so + adjective or adverb: So important was the news that

-exclamations with there, here: Here comes the sun.

-emphatic forms with adverbs: Now comes my dream true.

- some subjunctive forms: Had I known him better…

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1228

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