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Anastasia Udot

Faculty of Linguistics, NTUU “KPI”


Nowadays modality is one of the most studied phenomena in linguistics. Like most linguistic concepts it is of ambiguous nature, and modern Ukrainian and foreign scientists treat modality differently. First of all, this trend is due to the fact that the notion of modality is multidisciplinary. For example, as L.P Voinalovych noted, the notion of modality was used by Aristotle in his work “Metaphysics” regarding logic [1, p. 28]. The notion of modality is widely used in philosophy, where it is determined as the existence of any object or occurrence of a phenomenon (ontological modality) or way of understanding, opinions about the object, phenomenon or event (epistemological or logical modality) [1, p. 29].The ambiguity of modality points to the necessity of its studies in linguistics. Moreover, modality is rather peculiar to advertising texts which makes it a very topical phenomenon.

In modern linguistic encyclopaedia modality (from Lat. Modus – “measuring method”) – is a functional - semantic category, which expresses different kinds of opinions related to reality, and various kinds of subjective qualifications messages [2, p. 303]. In English glossary of linguistic terms by Eugene E. Loos, comparing the moodand modality, the linguist provides the following definition of the studied notion: “Modality is the limit illocutionary force, defined by grammatical means (e.g. mode of action), reflecting the illocutionary point or the general intention of the speaker, or expression likelihood, desire, commitment or reality of his judgment”. It is also stated that modality is synonymous to illocutionary force (illocutionary force) [3]. Illocutionary force – is a type of speech act, which the speaker intends to make at the time of the statements’ pronunciation: orders, questions, requests, statements, promise, etc. [4, p. 355].

Since there are various views on modality, there are also different approaches to its classification. Nevertheless, the most classic one is defined by V.V. Vinogradov, i.e. objective and subjective modality, which specifies the modal expression of reality and speaker.

Objective modalityis a relation of what is said by speaker to the reality [5, p. 101]. Schematically, it can be shown in the following way:



Fig. 1 – Representation of objective modality

Subjective modalitydepicts the attitude of the speaker to the content of expression [5, p. 101]. Schematically it can be represented as follows:


Fig. 2 – Representation of subjective modality

In addition to the above listed types of modality foreign scientists also distinguish degrees of modality, namely high (strong), medium, low (weak) modality. For example, Sigrid Norris argues that the degree of modality types determine modal intensity [6]. For example:

might go - could possibly go - should go - will go - will definitely go

It could be hot outside. - It is probably hot outside. - It is hot outside





Fig.3 – Classification modality in the degree of expression

The diversity of views on modality and its typology leads to different approaches to the means of its implementation. However, the following means were determined:

1) phonetic (accent, intonation)

2) lexical (words with modal value)

3) lexical and grammatical (modal verbs)

4) grammar (mood)

Phonetic means play an important role in creating an emotional component of advertising. The presence of modality in an expression is one of the ways to convey speaker's attitude to what is being said and provoke emotional reaction to the message. Phonetic means of modality representation refer subjective and logical phrase accent and intonation. It should also be noted that advertising texts often use onomatopoeia, interjections, wordplay at the phonetic level and so on. For example: “Ya, but how do you know it hurts?” “That's why we insure women”; “Stained in a dash, gone in a flash”, “A powerful acne cleanser could not possible smell delicious. Scratch that thought. Sniff it”.

The vast majority of linguists (FR Palmer, W. Frouli, F. de Haan, J. Hladki, I.V. Korunets, I.V. Sokolov, D.V. Veselovska etc.) state that words with modal meaning belong to lexical means of expressing modality. These words include adverbs, particles, verbs and nouns with modal meanings. For example: “Affective istooa word!”, “Probablythe best dog training school”, “Apple.Thinkdifferent”, “Human bodies are made of 70% water, the other 30% should beresponsibility[7].

Modal verbs represent the lexical grammatical means of expressing modality. Unlike other verbs, modal verbs do not indicate an action or state, they indicate the relationship of the speaker to the action. In English modal verbs express possibility, probability or improbability, obligation, necessity, desirability, doubt, i.e. everything that has to do with the modality. In advertising texts modal verbs are used to emphasize certain characteristics of products or services, and encourage consumers to an action. For example: “A small faulty screw once crashed an airliner taking 219 lives. Your body is machine 10X more complex. Smoking can damage any single part of it”; “You can read the news. Or read Newsweek”, “Now the colours of life can last a lifetime. Valspar Paints”[7].

Grammatical means of modality are represented by mood. After analysis of about 800 advertising slogans, it was found that most of them contain a verb in an imperative form. For example: “Take control of your finances. Continental savings Bank”, “Make $ 300 the easy way”, “Love it. Hate it. Just do not forget it. Marmite”, “Take a break from the usual. KitKat”, “Buy new private apartments”,
“Keep your feet on the ground. Petlas Tires”
[7]. This is mainly due to the fact that the main task of advertising text is to encourage potential buyers to purchase the product or use the service.

All in all, it can be concluded that modality is a multidisciplinary concept that in linguistics expresses different types of statements that are related to reality. Thus, scholars distinguish subjective and objective modality. In advertising texts modality is expressed using phonetic, lexical, grammatical and lexical grammatical means. The use of such a wide range of means is explained by the necessity of advertising texts of conveying its communicative purpose in short sentences or even phrases.



Abstract. This paper presents an idea and first results of sentence modality classifier for Czech based purely on intonational information. This is in contrast with other studies which usually use more features (including lexical features) for this type of classification. As the sentence melody (intonation) is the most important feature, all the experiments were done on an annotated sample of Czech audiobooks library recorded by Czech leading actors. A non-linear model implemented by artificial neural network (ANN) was chosen for the classification. Two types of ANN are considered in this work in terms of temporal pattern classifi- cations - classical multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network and Elman’s network, results for MLP are presented. Pre-processing of temporal intonational patterns for use as ANN inputs is discussed. Results show that questions are very often misclassified as statements and exclamation marks are not detectable in current data set. Keywords: sentence modality, intonation, temporal pattern classification, non-linear model, neural network. 1 Introduction Prosodic information is still not sufficiently used in today’s automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. One possibility how to use prosodic information is to create the punctuation detection module. This work can be viewed as a basic feasibility study of prosodic ”standalone” automatic punctuation detector for Czech language. “Standalone“ property means that the module can be almost independent on hosting ASR system, because the punctuation detector will not use any of the information provided by ASR (recognized words and its boundaries, aligned phonemes durations, etc.) and will operate directly on raw acoustic data. There are several studies dealing with punctuation detection. The first of these studies used only lexical information by building 3-gram language model [1] (and recently [2] with dynamic conditional random fields approach), others also utilized acoustic information [3], when acoustic baseforms for silence and breath were created and punctuation marks were then considered to be regular C.M. Travieso-Gonz´alez, J.B. Alonso-Hern´andez (Eds.): NOLISP 2011, LNAI 7015, pp. 162–169, 2011. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 Intonation Based Sentence Modality Classifier for Czech 163 words and added to the dictionary. [4] investigated that pitch change and pause duration is highly correlated with position of punctuation marks and that F0 is canonical for questions and used CART-style decision trees for prosodic features modelling. In [5] a detection of three basic punctuation marks was studied with combination of lexical and prosodic information. Punctuation was generated simultaneously with ASR output while the ASR hypothesis was re-scored based on prosodic features. Ends of words are considered as the best punctuation candidates. For this reason, all the prosodic features were computed near the word ends and in two time windows of length 0.2s before and after this point. The prosody model alone gives better results than the lexical one alone, but best results were achieved by their combination. Authors also mentioned complementarity of prosodic and lexical information for automatic punctuation task. Combination of prosodic and lexical features also appeared in [6] where punctuation process was seen as word based tagging task. Pitch features were extracted from a regression line over whole preceding word. Authors also mentioned evaluation metric issues and except for Precision and Recall (P&R, F-measure), they also used Slot Error Ratio (SER) as well. Language model in combination with prosody model reduces P&R and SER, especially with the pause model for fullstop detection. Maximum entropy model was presented for punctuation task as a natural way for incorporating both lexical and prosodic features in [7], but only pause durations were used as prosodic features. Lexical-based models performed much better then pause-based models which is in contrast to the other former studies. Work [8] presents approach for punctuation based only on prosody when utilizing only two most important prosodic attributes: F0 and energy. Method for interpolating and decomposing the fundamental frequency is suggested and detectors underlying Gaussian distribution classifiers were trained and tested. [9] continues in the idea and claims that interrogative sentences can be recognized by F0 (intonation) only and about 70% of declarative sentences can be recognized by F0 and energy. A closely related task to the automatic punctuation is sentence boundary detection which is discussed in [10], where a pause duration model outperforms language model alone. Again, the best results are achieved by combining them. The problem of detecting patterns in time series is also widely discussed and deals mainly with the time and amplitude variability of the observed patterns. There are studies that try to appropriately pre-process the time series in the scope of a sliding window and than run matching algorithm to compute distance from the searched patterns in defined metrics [11,12]. On the other hand, an artificial neural network (ANN) approach for finding patterns in time series was also developed in the past, especially by Elman [13] network type. [14] brings nice overview and introduction into problematic on either conversion the time domain into spatial one or utilization of memory (loopbacks) in network architectures. An example of the application of ANN approach could be [15] utilizing classical multi-layer perceptron and FIR based network or [16] dealing with financial stock time-series data. 164 J. Bartoˇsek and V. Hanˇzl In this article we use a slightly different approach than the other studies related to punctuation detection. Most of the previous works tend to benefit from knowledge of lexical information (words themselves and their time boundaries) mostly obtained from transcriptions or speech recognizer outputs. Then, even when using prosodic information, this information is word based (e.g. F0 range, slope within word). In contrast to this, we are trying to classify the modality of the sentence without knowledge of words and its boundaries as it was done in [9] and try to find out whether Czech intonation contours alone are sufficient cues. 2 Intonational Patterns Sentence melody is language dependent. The intensity of Czech intonation varies according to the region and is also individual, but general trends across all these nuances are obvious. There is only a slight difference in definition of terms ”melodeme” and ”cadence” [17] in connection with intonational patterns. Cadence is an abstract scheme of a melody course and is created by the sequence of intonational changes, where the count and the direction of these changes are given. Melodeme is a term used for the basic type of intonational course connected with grammatical functions. In other words, melodeme is the set of melodic schemes that are used in language in the same type of sentences. The cadence is then used for one particular melodic scheme itself. The cadence in a function of melodeme usually takes up only a part of an utterance. The place in the sentence marking the beginning of the cadence is the measure that can have sentence-type accent as the last one in the whole sentence. From this point the cadence drives the melodic course until the end of sentence is reached (for determining cadence). The length of the cadence is thus variable and a melodic course is distributed in relation to the syllable count of the cadence. According to [17] there are three basic types of melodemes in Czech: concluding descending, concluding ascending and non-concluding. Each of them has various cadences and it is beyond the scope of this paper to go into details of linguistic theory. But the conclusion is that the set of melodemes unfortunately does not uniquely match the set of punctuation marks. For example, there are two types of questions with different melodemes, but single punctuation mark (’?’). Besides, there is one melodeme (concluding descending) standing for various modality types. This fact makes the task of sentence modality classification even more difficult. Also finding the beginning of the cadence could be a problematic task for speech processing. 3 Neural Networks for Temporal Processing Artificial neural networks (ANN) are a well known tool for classification of static patterns, but could also be a good model for dealing with the time series. From theory ANN could be seen as non-linear statistical models. MLP networks can be considered as a non-linear auto-regressive (AR) model and can approximate Intonation Based Sentence Modality Classifier for Czech 165 arbitrary function with arbitrary precision depending only on the number of units in the hidden layer. By training the network we are trying to find the optimal AR-model parameters. Two basic approaches for the classification of temporal patterns are: 1) a usage of the classical MLP feedforward network or 2) usage of special type of neural network with ’memory’. In the first case we are dealing with a fixed number of inputs in the input layer of the network, where no ’memory’ is available. This means we need to map time dimension onto spatial one by putting the whole fixed-length frame of signal onto all the inputs of MLP network. The main issue is that time patterns vary not only in amplitude, but also in its duration and thus we need to choose suitable frame length. In the next step another frame (depending on the shift of frames) of signal is brought on the inputs and the network gives a new answer with no connection to the previous one. In the recurrent types of network, there are loopbacks creating the memory. This architecture allows us to have only one input and bring one sample on it in each step and get new output. 4 Training and Testing Data Although there are many databases for the training of ASRs, not many of them can be used for our task. Firstly, in most of the cases punctuation marks are missing in the transcriptions in these databases. This flaw can be removed by re-annotating the data and putting punctuation marks back in the right places. Secondly, there is often a shortage of prosody and modality rich material in these databases. And what is worse, if the material exists, the speakers in most cases do not perform the prosody naturally, because of the stress when being recorded. Special emotive databases exist too, where certain parts of it can be used, but emotions of speaker are not the object of our study. That is why alternative data sources were looked for. Finally, the online library of Czech audiobooks read by leading Czech actors was used. A compressed MP3 format of audio files did not seem to be an obstacle as the records are very clean with studio ambient. In addition, actor’s speech is a guarantee of intonation rich material. For first experiments presented in this paper a basic sample of the library including unified data from 4 different audiobooks read by 4 different actors (3 men, 1 woman) was manually annotated to roughly include a natural ratio of punctuation marks for Czech language. The counts of individual punctuation marks can be found in the table 1. As in the future we plan to increase the amount of data with use of an automatic alignment system based on available electronic versions of the books, we did not manually mark the places where beginning of the cadence occurs. This task would even need phonetic specialists assistance and it is very difficult to automate. That is why intonation pattern for corresponding following punctuation mark is taken from the beginning of the whole sentence or previous non-concluding punctuation mark (comma). Basic intonation contour was computed directly using PRAAT [18] cross-correlation PDA with default settings. 166 J. Bartoˇsek and V. Hanˇzl Table 1. Occurences of punctuation marks in the used data set Punctuation mark ? ! , . sum count 31 7 65 158 261 5 Pre-processing the Intonation Patterns Raw data pre-processing is a common first step to meet requirements of the task. When using the neural networks for pattern classification, there is also need to prepare the data to maximally fit the chosen network architecture. 1. Logarithmic scale conversion Due to the fact that a human perception of pitch occurs in roughly logarithmic scale, we need to convert frequency values (in Hz) into musical scale values (semitone cents) according to equation 1, where ideally fLOW is a low frequency border of vocal range of the speaker. This makes the signal values relative to this threshold and deletes differences of absolute voice heights (curves of same patterns should now look the same even for man or women speech). This conversion also implicitly removes the DC component of intonation signal, but it also means we need to know what the lowest frequency border of the vocal range of the speaker is. From training and testing data sets this can be computed as finding minima over all of the units spoken by the speaker. When applied online, we will gradually make the estimate of this value more and more accurate. Cents = 1200 log2( f fLOW ) (1) 2. Trimming the edges As the annotated patterns have silent passages on the beginning and at the end (zero-valued non-voiced frames), we need to remove these parts of the signal for further processing (see the next step). 3. Interpolating missing values The speech signal consists not only of voiced frames when the glottis do pulse with certain period, but also of unvoiced frames when the glottis do not move (unvoiced consonants). Good pitch detection algorithm can distinguish between these two cases. This leads to situation of having zero values as a part of the intonation curve. Such a curve does not seem to be continuous even for very fine time resolution. Because these ”zero moments” depend on certain word order and not on supra-segmental level of sentence, we need to get rid of them and thus maintain that same intonation pattern with another words in it leads to the same final continuous intonation pattern. 4. Removing micro-segmental differences of intonation As we are following intonation as supra-segmental feature of speech, we are not interested in intonation changes that occur on intra-syllable level. That is why we want to erase these fine nuances and maintain only the main Intonation Based Sentence Modality Classifier for Czech 167 character of the curve. This can be accomplished by applying an averaging filter on the signal. We could also achieve similar result by choosing longer signal window and its shift in pitch detection algorithm setting. 5. Reconstructing the levels of extremes Previous smoothing unfortunately also smoothed out the intonation extremes, changing their original pitch. Because these extremes are very important for pattern character, we want to ’repair’ them. In current implementation only two global extremes are gained to their former values by adding (subtracting) appropriately transformed Gaussian curves with height of differences between original and smoothed values and with width of previously used smoothing filter. 6. Signal down-sampling High time resolution of time patterns leads to a need of a high number of inputs for classical MLP or long ’memory’ for recurrent ANN. Both facts imply a higher unit count in both types of network, which is then more difficult to train with limited amount of training data. That is why down-sampling of pattern is needed. Down-sampling is done several times according to the type and architecture of ANN used for follow-up classification: (a) ’Normalizing’ down-sampling - MLP type of network with temporal into spatial domain conversion needs fixed length vector on its input. Each pattern is thus normalized in its length to satisfy the 64 or 32 input vector length condition. (b) Classical down-sampling - recurrent networks do not require fixed-length patterns, but to perform reasonably, too precise time resolution of the series implies high count of hidden units . That is why a classical downsampling from 1000Hz sampling rate to 40Hz and 25Hz is done. 6 Results and Discussion The experiments were made on the data set, where 70% of it were training data, 15% validation set and 15% test data. Trained network was then evaluated on the whole data set. Results for intonational patterns with fixed length of 32 samples on MLP with 15 units in hidden layer can be seen from the confusion matrix (table 2) evaluated over the whole data set. The classifier tends to prefer classes with higher occurrence in training data set (commas) due to their statistically higher occurrence in validation set. That is why an another experiment was done using a limited equal distribution of the patterns in the classes (all the classes contain 31 patterns except the exclamation mark class). Representative confusion matrix for the reduced data set is in the table 3 for 32 samples per pattern and 20 hidden units. From the results it is obvious that the MLP network is capable to give near a 50% success classification rate for classes of question marks, commas and full stops. The impossibility of classifying exclamation marks could be based on the fact that these intonation patterns are not stable in intonation and that this type of modality rather lies in another prosodic feature (energy), or the data set for this class was too small in our corpus. The last experiment was 168 J. Bartoˇsek and V. Hanˇzl Table 2. MLP Confusion matrix in %, full data set, full pattern length Actual class → ? ! , . Predicted class ↓ ? 10 0 2 1 ! 0 0 0 0 , 20 29 18 6 . 70 71 80 93 Table 3. MLP Confusion matrix in %, reduced data set, full pattern length Actual class → ? ! , . Predicted class ↓ ? 40 32 32 24 ! 1 4 1 1 , 33 41 48 23 . 26 23 19 52 Table 4. MLP Confusion matrix in %, reduced data set, last 1200ms of pattern Actual class → ? ! , . Predicted class ↓ ? 46 30 26 28 ! 1 7 1 1 , 28 40 57 22 . 25 23 16 49 done on cut-length patterns, where only last N={1500,1200,800,500}ms were left, then down-sampled to 32 and 64 samples for MLP input. 64-sample patterns were more successfully recognized. Best results for the reduced data set were obtained for 1200ms patterns and 10 hidden neurons (table 4). 7 Conclusion and Future Work We discussed two approaches for the classification of sentence modality based purely on the intonation. MLP based approach gives classification success rate around 50% on question mark, comma and full stop classes. As expected, questions are often misclassified as statements. Results show that there is need to think about possible improvements. This could be probably done in various ways: larger set of training data, better pre-processing of intonation contour, different ANN architecture (step-by-step Elman network approach) or joining another prosodic features besides intonation alone (energy, pause duration). After getting more satisfying results we would also like to include the model to the block for online punctuation detection working next to speech recogniser. Acknowledgments. Research described in the paper was supported by the Czech Grant Agency under grant No. 102/08/0707 Speech Recognition under Real-World Conditions and grant No. 102/08/H008 Analysis and modelling of biomedical and speech signals.


Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1672

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