C. creating a fi ctitious asset.Chapter 3
1. Which of the following is not an objective of fi nancial statements as expressed by the
International Accounting Standards Board?
A. To provide information about the performance of an entity
B. To provide information about the fi nancial position of an entity
C. To provide information about the users of an entity ’ s fi nancial statements
2. International accounting standards are currently developed by which entity?
A. Financial Services Authority
B. International Accounting Standards Board
C. International Accounting Standards Committee
3. U.S. Financial Accounting Standards are currently developed by which entity?
A. U.S. Congress
B. Financial Services Authority
C. Financial Accounting Standards Board
4. The SEC requires which of the following be issued to shareholders before a shareholder
A. Form 10 - K
B. Statement of cash fl ow
C. Proxy statement
5. According to the Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements ,
which of the following is a qualitative characteristic of information in fi nancial
A. Accuracy
B. Timeliness
C. Comparability
6. Which of the following is not a constraint on the fi nancial statements according to the
IFRS Framework?
A. Timeliness
B. Understandability
C. Benefi t versus cost
7. The assumption that an entity will continue to operate for the foreseeable future is
A. accrual basis.
B. comparability.
C. going concern.
8. The assumption that the effects of transactions and other events are recognized when
they occur, not necessarily when cash movements occur, is called
A. accrual basis.
B. going concern.
C. relevance.
9. Neutrality of information in the fi nancial statements most closely contributes to which
qualitative characteristic?
A. Relevance
B. Reliability
C. Comparability
10. Does fair presentation entail full disclosure and transparency?
Full Disclosure Transparency
A. No Yes
B. Yes No
C. Yes Yes
11. Valuing assets at the amount of cash or equivalents paid, or the fair value of the consideration
given to acquire them at the time of acquisition, most closely describes which
measurement of fi nancial statement elements?
A. Current cost
B. Realizable cost
C. Historical cost
12. The valuation technique under which assets are recorded at the amount that would be
received in an orderly disposal is
A. current cost.
B. present value.
C. realizable value.
13. Which of the following is not a required fi nancial statement according to IAS No. 1?
A. Income statement
B. Statement of changes in equity
C. Statement of changes in income
14. Which of the following elements of fi nancial statements is most closely related to measurement
of performance?
A. Assets
B. Expenses
C. Liabilities
15. Which of the following elements of fi nancial statements is most closely related to measurement
of fi nancial position?
A. Equity
B. Income
C. Expenses
16. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a coherent fi nancial reporting
A. Timeliness
B. Consistency
C. Transparency
17. In the past, the Financial Accounting Standards Board has been criticized as having
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