-External and internal – two main groups of productivity factors
Internal – are those are within controls of individual companies and are divided into «hard» and «soft»
«Hard» contain:
-the product, its quality, purpose, design, that is requirement that apply to it the consumer
-technology and equipment, more efficient use materials, increase turnover rate of materials
«Soft» factors include:
-the quality of the workforce, improving the efficient of its use by further improving motivation, improving its division and cooperation of labor. The participation of all categories of workers in the effective management of the enterprise
-Organization system and methods – dynamic and flexible company structure, improving the organizational of prod., labour.
-Design of management – their influence on organization structure, personal, policies, planning activities of enterprice.
Factors that determine productivity growth:
-organizational and economic, which characterize the level of organizational and management of social production
-socio-psychological, which are connected with the role of main in social production, and characterize the level of labour utilization.
24. Types of migration
These are the various types of migrations seen and their reasons. These factors pull people from a place they know to a new unfamiliar place. With modern transportation and communication facilities, more and more people are migrating.
a. Forced Migration b. Voluntary Migration c. Internal Migration d. International Migration e. Interregional Migration f. Intraregional Migration
a. Person obliged/forced to migrate either within his country of residence or to a foreign one. b. Person who wishes to migrate because he wants to. c. A person who migrates within his country of residence. d. Person that leaves his homeland to travel to another country. e. Person that migrates from one region to another within the same country or region. e.i. Within the country. f. Intra= within, therefore intraregional is moving within a certain region which could also mean the same as C.
Types of migration and their advantages:
1. Economic Migration: The migrant may be able to earn more money in the place where they are migrating. This is the most common cause of migration. People migrate in search of better work prospects. 2. Political migration : If the individual is escaping from a war zone, then that is for saving themselves and to have a safe life. This has been seen in the recent wars around the world. Each war causes an increased migration from the conflict zone to other areas nearby that are peaceful. 3. Social Migration: Migrants can also be moving because some of the family has already migrated. These people may be migrating to join them.
4. Migrants may also have a be
tter health care facility in the place that they are migrating to. This will help them lead a healthier life. 5. To provide better education for children could also be a reason for migration. This is the kind of migration that occurs in people of higher socio economic status. All the other causes of migrations were mainly in the lower socio economic groups. 6. Environmental migration : This is the migration that occurs after natural disasters that may include floods, droughts, earthquakes. A recent example of this kind of migration was seen in the aftermath of the tsunami.