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An action which is supposed or anticipated in the future

e.g. I hope that during our holidays we will be skating on the ice and skiing in the woods.

an action which the speaker expects to take place in the natural course of events

The leaves will be falling off soon.

Comment on the use of the Future Continuous in the following sentences:


1. This time tomorrow I will be enjoying skating. -The verb to enjoy is used in the Future Continuous tense form to denote an action which will be going on at a definite moment in the future. The definite moment is indicated by the adverbial phrase this time tomorrow.

2. When you come to him, he will be having a wonderful time. - The verb to have is used in the Future Continuous tense form to denote an action which will be going on at a definite moment in the future. The definite moment is indicated by another future action expressed by the verb to come used in the Present Indefinite tense form.

3. I hope that during our holidays we will be skating on the ice and skiing in the woods. - The verbs to skate and to ski are used in the Future Continuous tense form to denote actions which are supposed or anticipated in the future.


A. 1. At four o’clock tomorrow we will be flying over Vienna. 2. I will be passing the post-office on my way home from work, so I’ll buy you a newspaper. 3. From 9 to 10 tomorrow I will be walking the dog. 4. Will you be using your iron in the evening? Could you lend it to me? 5. I’m sure they will be enjoying their stay at the summer camp. 6. I won’t bother to fix the time to see you, because I will be calling into the office several times next week. 7. I will be waiting for you all morning tomorrow. 8. When you see me I will be wearing my new dress. 9. Will you be using the car this afternoon? 10. I think it will be raining hard in about ten minutes. 11. What will you be doing early on Monday night? 12. At 3 o’clock tomorrow I will be attending a conference. 13. This time next month I will be sitting on a beach. 14. I will be waiting for you when you come out. 15. They are pulling down all the old houses in this street. I expect they will be pulling down mine in a few years’ time.

B. 1. You’d better go back now your mother will be wondering where you are. 2. It won’t be easy to get out of the country. The police will be watching all the ports. 3. Will you be using your camera tomorrow or can I borrow it? 4. We’ve just got to the top in time. The sun will be rising in a minute. 5. We’d better go out tomorrow because Mary will be practicing the piano all day. 6. Don’t ring her up at 6.00; she will be putting the children to bed. 7. I will be going to the shop so I can buy you some milk. 8. This time tomorrow Maria will be sunbathing on a beach in Majorca. 9. Look, I can give you a lift to the station – I will be driving that way anyway. 10. When you get to the station, I will be waiting for you outside. 11. I must phone Julia. – Well, don’t phone her now. She will be sleeping. 12. “The evenings will be getting long soon," I said to my aunt, to cheer her up. 13. Will you be working all tomorrow evening? 14. I will be working at home tomorrow. You can call me there. 15. Don't phone them now: they will be having dinner.


The Future Perfect Tense is used to denote:

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 1440

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