1. law n (1.a rule that is supported by the power of government and that controls the behaviour of members of a society. 2. the whole set of such rules dealing with a specific area of a legal system)
the law of the landn (the law in effect in a country and applicable to its members)
public law/private law
2. statute n (a law passed by a lawmaking body, e.g. Parliament, and formally written down)
statute law (also statutory law)n (the body of written laws established by a parliament or similar body)
statute bookn (a bound collection of statutes in existence, usu. as part of a larger set of books containing a complete body of statutory law)
statutoryadj (fixed or controlled by law)statutory instruments
3.actn (a law that has been officially accepted by Parliament or Congress. an act of Congress)
public actn (an act which concerns the general public)
private act (an act that has an effect on a particular person or class, rather than the general public)
4. liberty n (1. a particular legal right 2 the freedom and the right to do whatever you want)
5. charter n (a signed statement from a ruler giving rights, freedoms etc to the people)
6. draw up v (create and sign (a draft, contract, a list of candidates etc)
7. powern (the legal right or authorization to act or not to act)
8. taxn (an amount of money which must be paid to the government according to income, property, goods bought etc…) tax v
9. levy v (on, upon) (to demand and collect officially) levy a tax on
10. relief n (1. a payment made by an heir of a feudal tenant to the feudal lord for the privilege of succeeding to the ancestor’s tenancy. 2. financial aid) levy reliefs
11. wage v (to begin and continue) (a) war
12. abuse of laws n (improper use of laws)
13. disregardv( to treat as unimportant) disregard n (neglect)
14. negotiate v (to communicate with another party for the purpose of reaching and understanding)
15. provisionn (a stipulation made beforehand)
Treaty provisions
16. assessment n (determination of the rate or amount of something, such as a tax or damages)
17. clause n (a distinct section or provision of a legal document)
18. judgment n (a court’s final determination of the rights and obligations of the parties in a case)
19. trialn (hearing and judging a person, case, or point of law in a court.)
20. outlaw v (to deprive someone of the benefit and protection of the law)
21. justice n (the fair and proper administration of law)
Do justice
Reading notes:
The Commonwealth an organization of about 50 countries that were once part of the British EMPIRE and which are now connected politically and economically.
John of England(1167-1216). Vicious, shameless , and ungrateful, King John has been called the worst king ever to rule England. John's nickname was Lackland because at first he owned no land. Later his father. King Henry II, gave him castles, lands, and revenues in both England and France. John plotted against his father, however, and the discovery of this conspiracy was a factor in the king's death. John's brother, Richard the Lion-Hearted, became king and added to John's possessions. While Richard was absent from England on the Third Crusade, John conspired against him also. When Richard died in 1199, the barons selected John to be their king.
Normandya part of NW France, on the English Channel. During the war in Normandy John lost almost all his French possessions. When John went to France seeking to regain his lands in Normandy, the barons marched against the king and demanded a charter of liberties.
Constitution the main law of the country
NW North-west
peer member of the British nobility who has the right to sit in the House of Lords.