The experimental lessonPlan of the lesson
Teacher: Nurysheva Saule
Subject: English
Grade: 2
The theme of the lesson: “Number eight”
The aims of the lesson:
Educational: Presentation of the new grammar material, introduce the shapes and new words.
Developing: Enlarge pupil’s vocabulary supply by reading, speaking, retelling. Develop their skills in writing reading, speaking and hearing by doing exercises 1 and 2
Cultural: Educate them respect parents, classmates and other friends, teach them protect the Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Mixed
The kind of the lesson: Practical
Visual aids: Figures in the form of stars, a square and a triangle
Materials: teacher’s book, pupil’s book, dictionary.
Methods: vocabulary method, informational method, question – responsible method, visual method.
The outline of the lesson
I. Organization moment
II. Checking up the home work
III. New theme
IV. New words
V. Exercises
VI. Consolidation of the lesson “Association”
VII. Home task
VIII. Giving marks
IX. The end of the lesson
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment
- Good morning, pupils! How are you?
- Good morning, teacher! We are fine , thank you! And you?
- I’m fine too. Thanks. Sit down, please! Write down today’s date.
II. Checking up the home work
- Well, pupils what was your home task?
- Our home task is….
III. New theme “Number eight”

IV. New words
Eight [eIt]
Eighth [eItƟ]
V. Exercises
Exercise – 1


Exercise – 3
7-1 * 7-5 7-1*7+1 7-2*6+2
3+1*3+2 4+3*4+1 1+6*1+7
Exercise – 4

Exercise – 5

Exercise -6
How many spots on each ladybug? Circle the correct number.

How many legs of each animal? Circle the correct number.

How many balloons of each group? Circle the correct number.

Count the pictures in each group. Circle the number.

Count the pictures in each group. Circle the number.


Let’s to draw

Let’s count

VI. Consolidation of the lesson
| N
| L
| B
| D
| S
| P
| A
| F
| T
| I
| M
| E
| O
| F
| D
| A
| Y
| A
| J
| U
| T
| L
| O
| N
| G
| H
| O
| E
| A
| G
| E
| O
| E
| L
| R
| G
| B
| E
| F
| R
| D

VII. Home task
Now, please open your diary and write down your home task. Your home task is
VIII. Giving marks
Well, listen to me please. I will put your marks. Your mark is … because you are
IX. The end of the lesson
The lesson is over and you are free. Good bye! See you soon
Date: 2016-01-14; view: 1815