ACTIVITIES AFTER READING THE BOOK1Discussion: “Cinderella Man is a sports movie for boxing
fans.” Do students agree or disagree? What might
someone who is uninterested in boxing enjoy about the
2Use a video or DVD of a sport that your students may be
familiar with. Show the students the video/DVD with the
sound turned off. Tell them that they will need to supply
the sports commentary for the rest of the class. You will
need to show the video several times and allow plenty
of time for the students to make notes and practice.
Alternatively, you could ask students to supply their
own video/DVD and to prepare their commentary for
Word list
It will be useful for your students to know the new words
found on page 80 of the Reader. They are practiced in the
“Before you read” sections at the back of the book. (The
definitions are based on those in the Longman Active Study
© Pearson Education Limited 2006 Published and distributed by Pearson Longman
Factsheet written by Clare Gray
Factsheet series developed by Louise James
Level 4 – Intermediate Cinderella Man
Penguin Readers Factsheets
Teacher’s Notes
Penguin Readers Factsheets
Student’s Activities
Cinderella Man
By Marc Cerasini
Level 4 – Intermediate Cinderella Man Photocopiable
These activities can be done alone or with one or more other
students. Pair/group only activities are marked*.
1Cinderella Man was a successful movie in 2005. Read
about it in the Introduction (pages v–vii). Then close the
book and read these sentences. Are they true (T) or
false (F)?
(a) Cinderella Man is a true story about a famous
American boxer.
(b) Film maker Ron Howard and actor Russell Crowe
worked together for the first time in Cinderella Man.
(c) Jim Braddock’s wife, Mae, is played by Renée
Zellweger in the movie.
(d) Russell Crowe had to put on weight to play Jim
Braddock in the movie.
(e) Muhammad Ali, the famous boxing trainer, trained
Russell Crowe for the movie.
(f) Some of Braddock’s opponents are played by real
boxers in the movie.
2Look at the Contents (page iii) and read the chapter
titles. Do you think the story has a happy ending? What
happens, do you think?
Chapter 1
(a) had come to New York after winning fifty fights?
(b) organized the fights at Madison Square Garden?
(c) has no control over his mouth?
(d) had moved from Ireland to the United States for a
better life?
(e) finds it difficult to watch Jim’s fights?
2Joe Gould is Jim Braddock’s manager. What work does
he do and how does he earn money? Why does Mae
ask him questions about Jim’s prize money? From this
chapter, do you think Joe Gould is a good manager?
Give reasons for your answers.
Chapter 2 and 3
1Finish these sentences in your own words. Try not to
look at the Reader.
(a) Jim’s wedding photograph reminds him of
(b) Jim gives his meat to his daughter, Rosy, even
(c) When the United States economy failed,
(d) It’s harder and harder for Joe Gould to
(e) Ben points his gun at the foreman’s heart because
(f) Jay stole enough meat to
2Why does Jay steal the meat? What does Jim do about
it? If you were Jim, what would you do?
3Answer these questions.
(a) What does Joe Gould say about Jim’s opponent
before the fight?
(b) How has Joe Gould been affected by the Crash?
(c) Joe Gould breaks the rules of boxing for Jim’s fight
in two ways. What are they?
(d) Jim has broken his hand badly. What other damage
has he suffered in the ring?
(e) What reason does the referee give for ending the
fight early?
4Read chapter 3 carefully; then close the book. How
much can you remember about Jim’s fight with Abe
Feldman? Why did Jimmy Johnston take away Jim’s
boxing license? Was he right, do you think? Give reasons
for your answer.
Chapters 4 and 5
1Complete these sentences. Use these words.
ashamed beaten destroyed failed
useless worried worse
(a) Mae is about Jim’s hand because he
cannot work.
(b) Jim’s hand is broken, but he will not be .
(c) The doctor says that Jim’s right hand will
be for months.
(d) Without heat and electric power, Howard’s cough
became .
(e) Jim feels when he collects money from
the Newark relief office.
(f) Jim’s fight with Tommy Loughran turned him into a
boxer of “ promise.”
(g) When Mae takes the children away, Jim realises
how easily their life can be .
2Joe Jeanette “had always been a hero to Jim.” Do you
have a hero? Who is it and why do you admire him or
her? Are heroes still important in today’s world? Why/
why not?
Chapters 6 and 7
1Who says these things? What are they talking about?
(a) “It was better when we had our own cake.”
(b) “You’re always trying to fix the world.”
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