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Book 1

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The teaching of the Master of the Trans-Himalayan Esoteric School, Djwhal Khul. The continuation of books of HP Blavatsky and AA Bailey. Synthesis of Science and Religion

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Translation from Russian by Tatiana Danina



The contact information https://authorcentral.amazon.com/gp/books?ie=UTF8&pn=irid58388648

danina.t@yandex.ru - e-mail

The books of the series “The Teaching of Djwhal Khul – Esoteric Natural Science”- “The main occult laws and concepts” -http://www.amazon.com/Main-Occult-Laws-Concepts -ebook/dp/B00GUJJR72

(paperback - http://www.amazon.com/The-Teaching-Djwhal-Khul-concepts/dp/1499625421

“Ethereal mechanics” - http://www.amazon.com/The-Doctrine-Djwhal-Khul-mechanics-ebook/dp/B00I8KSY8Y (paperback - https://www.createspace.com/4836813)

New Esoteric Astrology, 1” - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JF6RMCY (paperback - https://www.createspace.com/4827294)

“Thermodynamics” - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KGHK8EU (paperback - https://www.createspace.com/4838412)

“Astronomy and cosmology” - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MJ5YKBE (paperback - http://www.amazon.com/The-Teaching-Djwhal-Khul-Astronomy/dp/1500788163)

“The Future: Meaning of life” – http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B011LI09AA (paperback - http://www.amazon.com/Future-Meaning-life-Teaching-Djwhal/dp/1515103234 )

“The Future: End of the World” - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B016LHA5OG (paperback - https://www.createspace.com/5815116)

And here is the book of my grandpa, Michael Novikov, a military paramedic. You can read his memories about the Finnish war http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JYDITQ6

(paperback - http://www.amazon.com/Memories-Russian-Military-Paramedic-Michael/dp/1499786115)

“Back home, into the sky!” - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RFN9790

(paperback - http://www.amazon.com/Back-home-into-Tatiana-Danina/dp/1505794005)


We wish you enthralling reading!

“I do not invent hypotheses”

Isaac Newton

“Memento mori”
the famous phrase

“When we say that we live on the planet, this expresses our delusions of grandeur. Earth allegedly belongs to us, it is ours, we are its owners. But this is nonsense. Our world – is a thin layer around the globe, height about seven kilometers, deep, where the sea, five - in general, the twelve kilometer layer.”

F. Boshke, "Unknown"

“And death shall have no dominion”

Dylan Thomas, Welsh poet

“... it is the customary fate of new truths to begin as heresies and to end as superstitions”

Thomas Henry Huxley



In our lifetimes there is probably nothing more mysterious, enchanting, enticing and frightening at the same time rather than a contact with something supernatural. The Higher Mind, other worlds, mysterious places, keeping the secrets, and strange beings endowed with abilities that are unavailable to the common man. All this and much more, unknown has always been the subject to scrutiny by the people.

It's like a door entailing somewhere into the unknown, which allows to look beyond the daily routine, expanding the horizons of our imagination. This is the only area that best informs us about the issues of death, and what will be after it. And, of course, people can’t pass up the opportunity to look into the door, and even pass through it.

The Himalayan Mahatmas swung open before humanity one of these doors. They are superhuman, white mages, mentors and teachers. The word "Mahatma" is translated from Sanskrit as a "Great Soul." The Ascended Masters, they have gone on the path of evolution far from us. However, they chose to remain to guide and coordinate the formation and development of people. This is the greatest difficulty for them and the boon for us.

The Masters of the Trans-Himalayan Esoteric School take disciples into their spiritual ashrams from around the globe. A contact carried out not in person, but on the subtle plans, in the mind. In the course of such intangible teaching people are taught to all kinds of spiritual practices that lead to enlightenment and the attainment of true knowledge about the world. The best-known teachers of this school are Kuthumi, Moria and Djwhal Khul.

From the middle of the 19th century Mahatmas additionally committed themselves to telepathically transmit through the intermediaries (who was chosen from among the disciples) the texts of works, connecting science and religion. Helena Blavatsky was the first messenger-telepath. Such monumental books like “Isis Unveiled” and “Secret Doctrine” were born thanks to her cooperation with the Himalayan adepts.

In the 20th century Alice Anne Bailey continued her work. She was the owner of great syllable and style. During her contact with Djwhal Khul, she wrote more than 20 books containing valuable information about the basics of our Being, the psychology of people and the techniques of meditation. In particular, the series of works entitled "A Treatise on the Seven Rays" is simply unique in its importance.

In the books of Alice Bailey there is the prediction that it's not the latest series of works, and in the beginning of the 21st century, it will continue. These books will be also devoted to the theme of synthesis of science and esotericism. But their central focus of attention will be directed precisely on the scientific issues and problems and their decision.

And I am lucky to present to you this series of works entitled "The Teaching of Djwhal Khul - Esoteric Natural Science" (because here dealt mainly natural science issues).

Let you not be afraid of the word "discipline", that reminding rote learning and exams. We tried to use a simple and clear language, but without neglecting the laws of logic. Our aim is to reveal the deeper meaning of the known scientific laws and concepts of the natural processes and phenomena, using information gleaned from Ageless Wisdom.

Bring to your attention the series of books created during the tense telepathic contact with one of the Ascended Masters (as they are often called) of the Trans-Himalayan Esoteric School - Djwhal Khul.

The purpose of this series of treatises – is to combine science and occult. To explain natural processes and phenomena, to try using the basic occult terms and concepts. To solve the problems over which scientists break their heads. Also we want to take a look at the esotericism from the scientific point of view.

A lot of what is said in this book by the different scientists at the different times has already been put forward in the form of bold hypotheses. So from it, we'll start. However, throughout the text we will inweave an esoteric terminology, seeking to put an equal sign between occultism and science.

In this series of books we tell separately about every field of science. Although it was not easy. At the core of each of them there are the same fundamental laws of Nature. Therefore, as we try, the usual separation of Sciences you will not find here. A narrow specialization is useful for the perception of the studied material. However, the aim of this book - a synthesis, so there are often times you will find the absolute "mix" of sciences.

Before we begin to make any changes in physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, we bow to the truly titanic work of the scientists of all time, who have erected along their shoulders the colossal and terrific science building.

Science pervades all areas of everyday life, facilitating our existence. In no event we are going to destroy the foundation of scientific knowledge, particularly touching the question of its practical experience. We just try to look at the known natural processes and phenomena under somewhat different from the esoteric point of view.

The humanity does not still possess a unified world outlook which would unite all people. But it is necessary to create such - for the sake of the future of ourselves.

People die everyday. Healthy person is or sick, but death is inevitable for everyone. And we want to ask ourselves and you: do we not all are tired of the endless, maddening series of losses of the loved ones and friends and of our own expectation of death?

Maybe is it time to change something? Maybe is possible for us another existence?

We want people who read these lines, shared with us this knowledge and supplemented it with their own. For humanity, in whole, process of true revelation has not started yet. Transforming from human to superhuman state, we "will stand under a waterfall" of information of absolutely new level, which by avalanche going to fall on us. We should not be afraid of it, but before that must prepare our bodies, these "new furs" for the "new wine." Next, we are waiting for the endless wonders.

We believe in the happy ending of our existence. If all goes bad, then it's not a final yet. And the "final" is not "end" in the usual sense of this word. It is a transition to another state of Existence.



As the first quote of epigraph to this book, we took Isaac Newton's famous words - "I do not invent hypotheses". Although, admittedly, it was not always possible to follow his "advice" - science is impossible without hypotheses and assumptions. It’s especially in the process of forming a new theory. However, all hypotheses must be as close to reality and based on experience and logic. We assume that by "hypotheses", which Newton did not recognize, he understood any fantastic assumptions, detached from reality.

It is the first, why do we have quoted Newton. And the second - is tribute of gratitude to his genius. Its merit is, first of all, in the accuracy of many his discoveries and assumptions. This refers to the nature of light, the Law of Gravity, the Law of Inertia, the nature of the Space and Time.

In modern physics only a separate niche is given to classical mechanics. While the tenets of the relativity theory and quantum mechanics are considered as more universal.

In what follows we will focus on the assumptions of both mechanics and you’ll see how far-sighted Newton was. And that classical mechanic is early to write off. Should rather revive it, update, and use its laws not only in relation to bodies, but also to the chemical elements and elementary particles.

As for the second quote used as an epigraph, it is also taken not by accident. Memento Mori (lat. "Remember that you die") - Latin phrase which became a catch phrase. In ancient Rome this phrase was pronounced during the triumphal march of the Roman military leaders, who were returning with a victory. Behind the back of military commander put the slave who was required to periodically remind triumphant, that in spite of his fame, he is mortal (see "Wikipedia").

If you remember about death, it will help you to acquire the correct attitude to life. Awareness of the fact that everything in this world not lasts forever, including you yourself, enable with you, first, to appreciate more every moment of life, and secondly, less tied to everything that you can have in life.

The third quote speaks for itself. This is appealing to people not to consider themselves as the crown of evolutionary creation and not to see themselves as owners of the planet.

As for the beautiful poem of Dylan Thomas, it can be regarded as a symbol of the age-old dream of mankind – the life without death.

The concluding statement - the words of Thomas Henry Huxley - tells us that, on the one hand, human thinking has inherently certain inertia and people can react to new knowledge belatedly. On the other hand, human knowledge is in the process of constant renewal, and can become obsolete and discarded.





A primary purpose of this series of books is to scientifically interpret the phenomenal achievement of Jesus Christ and other Ascended Masters. A minor, but also very important task is to bring together the knowledge about the universe structure, accumulated by human science, with the esoteric information that is anciently contained in religious scriptures and treatises, and is known as the Timeless Wisdom.

At the same time we set to ourselves another goal - to strip the soil those implausible scientific fantasies and hypothesis, divorced from reality, which are present in the scientific literature.

Another purpose – is to remove forever from the minds of people the fear associated with the incorrect interpretation of biblical prophecies. Generally, the less of all kinds of fear oppress the human, then he is freer and happier.

The series is divided into a number of works, each of which is dedicated to a specific area of science. Most of data and facts will be associated with physics. This is not surprising. It must be admitted - physics is a basis for all other sciences. Information of scientific outlook on the Bible and the faith of Jesus, Buddha and other Ascended Masters is the most important for humanity.



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